V 1 u r- ; ... ... .: .. . ,. - I .... . . . .......- . IS'" jf Anti-Jimmy. Career organization doesn't know DBmctrat Dlatorm- .... '" letters ii -i i y L. Kent Wclmctt Knee jerk conservatism is alive and thriving at UNL We are privileged to have on this very campus an organi zation which by its own definition is reactionary and dedicated to resisting the changes planned by President elect Jimmy Carter's administration. This illustrious group is pledged to oppose socialism and to educate the populus about the honors of the Democratic platform. It becomes very evident when reading it's charges that this group has rot listened to what Carter has been saying nor has it studied the Democratic platform. They state they are against the proposed increase in the welfare system in the platform. What they fail to realize is that if taken in total the proposed changes in the system will in 5 game L -3. fact cut the welfare rolls and increase the tax base. This will be realized through full employment, the objective, of the "socialistic" I lurnphiey-llawkins bill. Again, in criti cizing this bill people fail to realize that the bill provides for incentives for business as the primary incentive for employment and provides government jobs only as a last resort. - Perhaps this example illustrates the blind attitude of many conservatives reactions based not or, fact but on an emotional reaction to a concept which challenges the status quo, something intolerable to a conservative. The conservative philosophy is fine if you are satisfied with things as they are and in most cases are benefiting from them. ' , Hasting voted for Carter . Statistics from the election show that the people who voted for Carter were those people who are bing hurt by the current situation, the blacks, the lower income per sons, the less educated. These are the people who need help and who the government will help, which has not happened in the last eight years. The people who needed to benefit from the services of the government were being virtually ignored and vetoed to death while the champions of conservatism, big business, basked in their glory. This is going to change. , Conservatives tout the US. as the world's greatest nation, a statement which we all would like to agree with, but cannot. A nation cannot be great when may of its people cannot afford proper health care," when 5 to 10 per cent of its people are without jobs and when its child ren are not given an equal opportunity for an education. This can and will be charged. National health insurance terrorizes he conservative element as it reduces profiteering in the medical profess ion, but it will allow our people to get proper health care. The Humphrey-Hawkins bill has been called the first step -toward Communism, but it is not. It will hand put Ameri cans back to work and help to clean up the squalor of our cities. There will be no more vetoes of school lunch bills, no more conscious effort by the executive to impede desegregation under Carter's administration. The conser vative outcry against this action is predictable. - - Fine in McCarthy era - ' Anti -communism was fine for Joe McCarthy in his time but resistance to any social change based on mat dubious premise today is ridiculous. A government program which assists people to again become effective citizens again can not be discarded just because it resembles -something in the "socialist"" nations. The basic tenents of our society will not be destroyed by social welfare programs, they will be strengthened; Abstract principles, such as freedom, individual liberties and equality cannot mean much to people who cannot get jobs, cannot afford medical care or are not educated. It fc not the goal of these social programs to bring all aspects of American life under gov ernment control. Rather, they are intended allow all Americans to participate in what this country has to offer. To "my conservative friends, I say examine .the basis for your conservatism. I ask you to honestly look at the situation in the U.S. today. If jour politics is based on fear of the infiltration cf communism and its evil cousin socialism, I ask you to consider the basic tenants of our government and their strength before you condemn social programs as beginning of the end. If you still bliad ly oppose social change that is fine, I only ask that you give these programs a chance before you condemn them. : It is my opinion that these programs are necessary and needed in America today, but I am a progressive by rhy own choosing. I do feel that some opposition is nec essary to evaluate the worth of programs, but I hope it is positive resistance and not just resistance to change it self. ,. orionwsr S3J tli 1 MP 1 III II GOOD I rmi ' V 1 I J lU i J UQi - ir fx Fens' get earned sway I have always been extremely proud of the way Nebraska football fans conduct themselves. As a Missouri football player put it, "Nebraska fans would be great to play for. They cheer for their team when things are going well, and know enough to keep quiet when they aren't." I am thankful that fra not a Colorado fan whose peers throw snowballs at opposing teams. 1 would hate to be one of those rude Missouri fans who swipes Dig-Red hats and shouts obscenities at opponents. " "" However, have become increasingly concerned about just what kind of fan I am considered to be as a Big Red Booster. The biggest reason to doubt car superiority as fans is the orange throwing. This is no longer a dgaal of victory or of the Orange Bowl. It bas become a contest to see who can delay a game the longest or who can bit an opposing player. Last week, the Oklahoma State players were bombarded not only with oranges, but with full cans of pop! . - ... I, for one, am not about to see this continue and have the good name of Nebraska football fans ruined by a few people who happen to be wearing red. . Tp start things off, 1 would like everyone in section 12 and 13 to know that the members of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity are going to be on patrol during the Oklahoma University game. We will make sure that if things are thrown, a fairly accurate report will be given to the men in blue when we haul you out of your seat. I hope that every other group or individual will take it upon himself to follow suit and restore the good name of Nebraska football fans. DavePederson Member, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Zone the fats It is indeed disheartening to find that if there is one common demoninator among the -students of this uni versity, it is apathy. I too was stricken by the same disease until I found myself the victim of exploitation by the paikmgtkket racket. ' ! l wc -i? . It is really quite simple: if 1 take money from you and seB you the Statue of Liberty in return, I probably be guilty of a felony, but if the university, sells me some-, thing which does not exist a parking space is the fanciful tag attacked to a nothing that costs $25 every thing is fine and dandy. Further, J have been told (and my parking ticket and negative appeal were my sources) that it is illegal for me to try to get what is my fair share in that 1 have paid good money for it. It is, of course, extremely amusing that the privileged parking lots the red sticker ones which are sold to the faculty and the administration, and which are not over sold in that one can always find a space sail fi the szme S25 that the students pay for permission to hunt a parking space during the season. lots. The more desirable lots cah either be sold to the highest bidders (or some such) or else merely sold for more money. When those responsible for getting things moving in this place go through the same hardships (or pay more!), they will get things moving; the problem is that students need to get this done. Sincerely Kasi & Ehaskar V (Graduate Student) m - a J MP- f. By Ariliirr llcrs , Good news! The magazine Psychology Today reports that ccsnmercial psrsst-traising courses are "growing by leaps and bounds" these da'. It's about time. For millions of years entrained parents have been railing their children witho&'buwing how to do it. All they knew how to Ho was yell and scream and belt them one occassionally. No wonder things are in such a mess. But now, says the magazine, hundredscf thousands of untrained parents have already learned how to raise their children. The article, entitled "It Changed My Life " examines four new programs in this burgeoning field. And innocent bystander thzy sure changed the life of MUten Habtrdash. Tm setiirrg fire to the school, sell L h. "J icn't a-k yea why becsuse thst woiud intite you to tlcse others, offer excuses and dwul en fedirgs, rather tha bhsvior, tdd Ikterdh. "L-sttsJ, I 3 mersly be W-d MB layrs2MIj'm.tairjatch? - "But in a friendly, nor judgmental way, let me suggest that you evaluate your behavior yourself, said liiberdash. Is what you are doing helpful to you?" Yeah,' said Inyja. ItU help keep me from fhisliing today's quiz in laterpersonal Rdationsbips.'' ' mlxi me assist you in constructing more refpossible behavior," sail Iiaberdssh. Yiout my experienced counsel, your plan will be too ambitious You need smaller, more realistic gods so you cm make progress and -enjoy success. Okay, lid Irw in. " won't set fire to the school, m . just burn down tlx Interpersonal Relationships class room l laberdaA used to be one of your ordinary, nm-cf-the-EiHl, yelling, shouting, belting parents until he underwent Parmt Effrctivcnfa TriLifcg, Pares: fcproejssnt rrcgram, the Kztdvs Parent Trsinirg Pregnni and a Zy rcp in Chilrca; The Gi-Henge. ULt any wdl-teised parsst, the aH-cew Iiaberdada " -exhiBjied delight cn fcustpisg into Ms tesyeir-cld sqn," Ir.vin, outtiie ir.vin's tchozL Good tscrsizz, Lnfe-in, said, extmdit? his hand and t rrZ his hst. "i tzy this as all my izz'jclc-n tslcrra me ! must step trsatirg you tks a tppv bei"g house brcken and stjxl trtbg yea witit the rejpsct and CSurtrry I accord ether adults. -. n2V sslS Iraia.Iisycu. t .1 i "Let us talk about topics of mutual interest in order to establiir and maintain a helping rektionshrp,' said IIabeTdash,w1iat are you doing?" "AIow me to reward your good thinking with high praise " said Haberdash. "And should your plan fail, Test assured 1 won't punish you as punishment causes loneli ness, isolation and hostility." ' "Swell, said Irwin. -Where's the match? "First, in order to strengthen your motivation and in crease your involvement with me as your parent, I'd like you to make a solemn cornrnitment to your plan," said Ilaherdash. VVhich would yj prefer, a handshake, a verbal agreement or this written contract? "Where do I sign?" said Irwin. "New, do 1 get the match? document, "111 oa. OHlctrs, do aJitlt," said lltz. see you get cne-to-ten for your duty V . m tcttsn fiak? ycll.ed Irin, talking a wild swirs at t tiuer as he was enrfssd awsv Jdckirts and thcatiri. . m-y iWkWi.' KUMUU, ILberii m-itched him go with toms arrrdiemia. T Jt?J. ...... i ra tsugi.wa ujy te traraed us parents to treat P'ir i-rea wsh the rertci and ccurtetv we zz-r-A ct!?r iul," he uli with a frown. "2at new who's cciri to si. z train crCZi ren not to treat us Lke ryr?as heir ' L: