if-" 4 Tk .... Wrf. '4' Tht fisdoz Room in Lcvs library cuntzzns cssy cf the fcecla, kttss and isaps ccccsubisi by ths Kcbsssha esict. ' Photo by Kavm H&3ay n UVliOTS ViTi M - t!1 Cy ..cr!t Ycu??3 ... To prsrrvs the her itass f Nebraska authors, two rooms have teen set asde ia Lincoln libraries. In Bcnnet Martin library, Iks McKelvie Room contains the work of Nebraska authors great snd small. Love library's recent ly opened Mari Sandoz Room hooss ths written records ..of her career. . When the world-famous Sandoz died in 1966, she -willed ths boclcs, lsttsrs snd maps she had accumulated through a lifetime to the UNL libraries. These documents provide not only a treasure trove for scholars researching the author liersslf, but also a wealth of material for arry one interested in the Old Boy Boyce, UNL special collections librarian, said, Sandoz wanted her collection to be used." So, research ers and other interested parties may use ths material lo cr?fcd on the third floor of Love. Scott Grennwell, a UNL graduate student, has catalogued the notes and interviews with Ncbraa historical figures. The coEection contains 25 JOCK) pages of her personal .correspondence and 359 nrps, msny of which were hssd drawn by Sandoz. A dispky traces the development of her most famous bock CUjtdes, a protrayal of her pioneer father. Also included Is Sandoz's working library cf ap proximately 1 JDCO books. It was from these books that much of the accurate historical body of her works was drawn. Even to the casual observer, the collection provides insight into the author's multi-faceted personality. The large notebooks which contain the research for CldJtdes are filled with scrawled notes made from her reading of panhandle newspapers of the period. The rough drafts of her works show the care with which she approached the materials. v In hsr .collection cf b ccks are many volumes familiar lo all writers 2?d-efi Quotations, JBuZJlnch i Mylhoh cgy and a dog-eared copy of Writer's Guide. In addition to books used for research, the library shows Sandoz diverse tastes. The Buffalo hunters and Indians shared hsr attention with ILL. Mencken's The American Langusge and Phibsophy. The volumes are filed with marginal notations in Saxidozls handwriting. Caustic comments are directed at portions with which Sandoz disagreed. On a somewhat whimsical note a United Airlines flight map was found among the old hand drawn maps of the Great Plains. ' - In contrast to the Sandoz room, the McKelvie room houses a wide array of Nebraska authors. First editions, manuscripts and memorabilia are &U included in the ucUion. The collection was started by Martha McKeMe, wife of Gov. Sammuel McKelvie (1919-1 922), who wfched to con tribute to the new library. Kirs. McKelvie donated her own collection of book: and a set of rich, ivcry inlaid fumiluxa. This d cation comprises 90 per cent of the car-' . Tent cells ction. Ths Library's own Ndbrsika authors col lection enhances ths city library rele in preservation cf Nebraska luthors'' works. " ; .: Apart irorn the antiques and Sam Mc&ervie's boots (he had very .small feet) the collection's chief attractions are its books end manuscripts by littls-known authors. Not only are the books of some interest, but the authors often provide added color all trjen own. Former curator Ethel Mower has compiled brief biographies of the famous and near-famous authors, which may be published in the Take, for example, Veldon Kees, a poet from Beatrice. After graduation from UNL he hit the artistic trail writing poems, producing fUms and dabbling in painting. In July, 1955, the same day that an article by Kees entitled ""How to be Happy Installment 1 053"appeared in the New Republic his car was found parked near the Golden Gate Bridge, fie hssn't been seen sines. If Bcnnet Martin builds their planned addition a larsr rare book room will be addsd. This new room, probably to be called the Nebraska Heritage room, will encompass the present collection and other items. Among the rare books is a copy of MachisvsHi's The Prince printed in London in 1 636. The larger room also will allow the furniture and glassware donated by McKelvie to be displayed better. PUTYGUA EESTFCOT FCAWATD ( ' T li " " ' , HI A f 1 i 'f J --a. I fflf-jj J-l f' 'j ... 4 . 1 ; Ti'j lot f KKJ that go fcsai I - yaar pm&tss&tr. Tfc wy yon treat jspt, i tit msf fm hssti prckimm, fh wsy isr2CJi cy or eut. Scy Pff t'jstor hsM dlssovsrcd thst whM Asa fes3 gsNKf it wtest S g ffBt. fejfrtgt. Cons &y rk fiawr tar a hc2r rwrr rt A rr tests tiaa Ksa yr rraw?, C-i ij XVlliil Llznar S-a JkA Sas4, sJ fesl S3t. 5ift ICf IS? J irrfr tr.'aisatissrziiienstl