The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1976, Page page 3, Image 3
s ... mond3y, novsmber 0, 1976 daily ncbrssken pep 3 The Baha'i Association will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Nebraska Union. Room number will be posted. The Concerned Citizens of Inquiry will meet tonight at 9 in the Union. - Phi Epsilon Kappa, a professional fraternity for physical education majors and minors, is accepting applications from sopho mores with a 2.75 CPA. Apply at Coliseum 140 by Nov. 12. Should Die, a multi media screen presentation, will be shown in the Union Centennial Room at 7 and 9 pjn. Nov. 8, 9 and 10. h FREE"-, h V Sausage v J on any pizza k ordered today V A Fast fno A in mast Uacoto areas) fl 475-7636 0 ft' 3 I 611 N. 27th U WjFish & Chips Special If t?fi in All you can eat Mi ,v f lTO J T f Monday- mi j ARBOR INN LINCOLN HILTON ,yZl THE AU. NEW 1376 MERLE HAGGARD SHOW MERLE HAGGA110 HIE STUANOHIS v RONNIE RENO & TIGA3 CELL SPECIAL GUEST-DOUG KIR SHAW 0O23YSMITH SATURDAY, NOV. 20th 8 P.M. PERSHING AUDITORIUM TICKET LOCATIONS Dirt Cheap Records Student Union Ben Simon (2 Location) Miller & Paine (2 Location) $4.30 (General Admission) S5.50 & 6.50 (Reserved Seating) short stuff Admission is free. The pro gram is sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ." The American Society for Personnel Administra tion will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Guest speakers will be Rex King, president of Com munications Workers Local 7470; Lloyd Mueller, mem ber of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of America Asso ciation; and Gilbert Laws,, president of the United Rubber Workers Local 286. The Ag Econ Business Club will meet at 7:30 pjn. Tuesday at Filley Hall 215. The College Career Christian Fellowship organ ization will meet at 7:30 pjn. Tuesday in the Union. Dr. Garland Bare will speak about The Body ami Its Reaction to Drugs end Alcohol - The organization also will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Union. Room number will be posted. The ASUN Government Liaison Committee will meet at 7 pjn. Tuesday in the Union. The committee lobbies for student interests in local state and national government. The UNL Gay Action Group wl meet from 8 to $1.99 Tuesday nights - Report of Faculiy Senate commit iee advises appointment of budget officer By Shsron Armstrong A UNL Faculty Senate ad hoc committee report suggests the senate appoint a budget officer to keep the senate informed of budget developments and install an official to represent the senate at the Legislature, accord ing to Henry Baumgarten, senate president. . Baumgarten said the ad hoc faculty participation in university governance . committee's report will spark discussion at the Faculty Senate meeting Tuesday. The report says a budget officer is needed to give faculty input and to provide an independent opinion on budget issues. The ad hoc committee also 'recommends the senate hire an attorney to inform it on legal issues. There were no suggestions as to how to pay for it. Other xecommendations Other recommendations include faculty evaluations of administrative personnel, greater faculty control over selections of search committees and a faculty senate representative at the NU , Board of Regents meetings, The committee report says faculty should serve in administrative positions on a rotational basis. The report says these positions should be at all levels, including assistant to the university president. . The ad hoc committee was set up in the spring of 10 pjn. Tuesday in the living room of UMHE Commonplace, 333 N. 14th St. . - The UNL Pre-Vet Club will meet at 1 pjn. Wednesday in the Veterin ary Science Bldg. Guest speakers will be Dr. R.G. Baxa and Fr. C. J. Schwarz. The UNL Star Trek Association will meet at 5:30 pjn. Wednesday in the Union. , The University Health Center will be conducting free diabetes detection testing Nov. 9, 10 and 11 from 9 to 10 ajn. and 2 to 3 pjn. ' , . .. . .. - . The ' newrf Financial Aid Form now is available at the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids, Administra tion Bldg. 113. This is the. first year for this form,, which replaces last year's Parent's Confidential State ment or Student Financial Statement. Deadline for the form to be submitted to the College Scholarship Service for processing is Feb. 1, 1977. (r n It 1-J si 27th 1975 by then Faculty Senate President Franklin Eldridge. The report was delayed until now because of a collective bargaining campaign and to wait for the new senate to be structured, Baumgarten said. Jim Lake, an NU Law College professor, will make a motion at the meeting to designate the Faculty Senate Executive Committee as the proper committee to confer with the chancellor before financial exigency can be. declared. ; Financial exigency Baumgarten said financial exigency is recognized in academic circles as a legitimate reason to fire classified employes. If there is no money, he said, then employes can't be kept on the payroll. The motion by Lake would assure that some faculty body be consulted before exigency can be declared, Baumgarten said. Hep said this would avoid an artificial crisis from occurring when, the administration wants to cut employment Baumgarten said he was not suggesting that this had ever happened. He said the motion would simply be a safeguard against such a possibility. The meeting will be at 3 p m. in the Omaha Room of the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, 33rd and Holdrege streets. calendar 7:30 a jn. Music Area of. Excellence breakfast, Neb raska Union 203. 1 pjn. Student Affairs, ' "Assertiveness,? Union 242. 3:30 p.m. Speech Communication, Prof. Brock, Union 202. 3:30 pjn. - Volunteer Bureau, Union 202A. 3:30 pjn. - Student Affairs "Life Stress," Union 243. - 3:30 pjn. Panhellenic Association, Union 232. 5:30 pjn.-Towne Club i J Center O n o and Cbrnhusker pledges, Union 343. 6 pjn.-Towne Club, Union Harvest Room B-C. 6:30 pjn .-Kappa Alpha Psi Kittens, Union 232. 7 pjn.-Table Tennis Club, Union Conference Rooms. 7 pjn.-Baha'i Associa tion, Union 337. 7 p.m.-Delta Sigma Pi pledges, Union 216. 7:30 pjn. College Career Christian Fellowship, Union 202. -7:30 - Delta Sigma PL Union 242. 7:30 pjn.-Math Coun selors, Union 225 B-C. 9 pjn. Kappa Alpha Psi, . Union 232. " 7 and 9 p jn.-Campus Crusade" for Christ film. Union Centennial Room. " ri " & n r L ; , J L n i If 1 h J t - j. 't i. 1,T 4 ? 4 r. "t e t f t i L