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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1976)
mondsy, novcrr.bcr 0, 107G pcs 12 d-ily ncbrsskcn A want ads 1.5 Chrysler Newport, 42,000 miies, overhauled, auto matic, cruise control, 432-51 77. 1SC3 Renault R16. 58,00) miles, air conditioning, very flood. 4C3-42G4. 1974 Datsun B-210. AC radials, good condition, best over $2CC0. 435-3125 after 1 , p.m. weekdays, anytime twee 9c8ods 1972 fclazda RX-2, good condition, best over $13D0. Call 425-3123 after 1 p.m. week days, anytime weekends. 1374 DATSUN 2S0Z 23,000 miles - fclSCITY TOYOTA ,12th & Q 72 MG Widget. Best offer. Call after 5 p.m 4S3-2S52. 1973 NiGB, real good condi tion, call Bob aft. 6 p.m. at 432-7192. BEST OFFER: 1973 24QZ. Air, automatic, radials, 38,000 mite. MUST SELL. 477-2632. , For sale, by owner: 1975 Chevrolet Monza town coupe. Red color, inside and outside; 4-speed; air; radials; 5700 miles, like new. $2900. Call 423-5050. Extra dean, double sharp, low mitesge, sporty cars. MIRACLE MILE MOTORS 21st &"0 475-1008 .For sale: Raleigh Grand Prix 10-speed. $125. Phone 475 7751. ' y r For sale: 2 14" studded snow tires, mounted 'on Fcrd wheels. Best offer. Call after 5:30 p.m. 435-0442. With Student or Faculty 10 at time of sale, 10Jiseount on ail Goodyear tires, radios, TV's and stereos except promotional models. GOODYEAR STORE. 19th & -T5". 4 Electrophonic 3-way speakers, mint condition, one year old. Call 477-S7S1. ask for Chuck. ' Acoustic 371 Bass Amp 4 months old, end Fender Jazz Cmt 1 ysr old. Must seil. Sue, 435-CSS3 after 5 p jm. Brand New: Harmony Banjo indrsdss elvet case, books, pics. 47-3731, 623 Harper Hall. 71 UAHTIN C12-23 guitar with lowered action and . excellent case. $375. 423-9577. (3 x 12, 11 x 12), large else. . range, and refg. Call evenings for appointment: ft!ark,4S7-1003,orTerry,475-2334. A NATURAL cnnism&s gift A mtund sheepskin rug (nsturaf white only). Now only $25 Istudsm per?) . Approximate size 3x4. Cell for your order -wi3l deliver. Call after "4: 30 pjn. a 423-1233. For Sale: Eagle concert tickets, cell Tony at 475-G741 with best offer. KOCTi TILL 9 Garsgs ssSss emporium Monday thru Friday Moon until nine and w51 garsga sale Hams t 1 A V A "I V A . en my pizza A ordered tedny y r, - '?... 2 w - Km - ft ar ar w w X2 r-r s jti V M 111 FALL CLEARANCE SALE Picr.ts end THOUSANDS rf 1 ITEf.tSfrcni c!d T.'EXICO. 25 to 75 OFF Ccntruy Heu:3 Imports 17310 st. 10-7 ftBitif Granite stairway mountain eering parka nylon shell and lining, 12 oz. average down fill, Oelrin no. 5 zipper with snap ever draft flap. Down insulated hand warmer pockets, 2 cargo packets plus 2 inside pockets. Draw cord at bottom. Com plete with down insulated snap off hood and stuff sack. Manu factured by Snowlion. Regular $49J95-Special $33.35. Surplus Center ' 1000 West "O" St. 435-4368 ' BnAND NEW : Two bedroom 4-piex, north of city campus, fireplace, dish washer, tub and shower. $220. 432-0315. - HOUSES for rent, various locations. LINDA JAMES 4M-2746 Gateway Realty 4S9-6531 I Ext. 54 One and Two bedroom apartments, close to campus, $135-$210month. 477-4102 or' 474-1438. 4 bed House, 3 bed Apart ment, 1 bed House. Reasonable rates. Literal management. 474 8449 or 475354. Unfurnished one bedroom -apartment, aii utilities paid except electricity, $155month, 2532 Vine St. Call 432-6498. 3 bedroom townhouse, north of city campus, 1 baths, 30-day lease, $250. Tenant peys only the lights. 432-0315 Monday-Friday, Saturday 8-noon. FREE HEM4 2222-44 Vine, latge 2 Led room apartmet, 2 baths, base rate $215. Manager, 435-C3S3 or 487-4531. ONE EOROO?J Apartments msr Capital. Carpeted, draped, air cnnditlon- ing, Tsrfj9, rsfrjgerator, dish washer, and disposal. $165. Lyle Bigley 423-6548 ' AUSTSSS HALTY CO. 2823 H., furnished, nice, large efficiency, $105. Avail able. 4S4-ES43. Funw:sED A?Afrn.ts?4T 1313 Prospect, 2 bedroom, car pet, utilities paid, $155. Csit 463-2341 or 40423. Almost new, one bedroom asrtment, 22nd St D, rane, refrigerator, dishwasher, dis posal, double closet, $165. 423 6157. 2 bedroom House, dose to campus,- living end dining rooms, nice carpeting, off -street parking, shower, $175 plus utilities. Also, a large 3-bedroom house, freshly painted, fireplace, nttt carpeting, fceth and , tZZO. CUSTOM REALTY. 432 or DsJiss. 474-1 1 S3. 1 d, dy m$ wsnhyi hours. COUfUHY SETTLE, 427 i; F;i-ira cawntir hdp rcs-J-d, 7:-3 t3 ftfl, 12 til 4 cn tissiy ciroi frtey; C-12 9 Jit. s -1 1-0 pjrt. m Sunday. C&il tor en ?pct- Ci." 7 Y C'Q'"JT 1227 "H" WE ARE expa?;di::g Distributing company now hir ing people 19 years or older. Must have valid drivers license. Must be neat and dependable. Delivery and demonstration of Engineering Company's corn pace appliances. Earnings after a short training period: PAnT-Tl"S tZ0v:czk Plus bonuses for taSes. Start immediately. For inter view, call Mr. Stebbins, Friday 10a.m.-6p.m. Wanted: Full or Part-time oven men, pizza makers, dish washers, waiters, waitresses, and other positions. Apply in person to VALENTINOS NORTH at 3457 Holdrege on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday from 1:00-3:30 p.m. Ask for Lillian. Hello! Part-time help needed at JASON'S. Apply at 134S P Street. Resident Manager needed for 5 units. Married couples pre ferred. Rent and utilties paid. Reply by mail only to Joe 1 Wilson, 4207 S. 33rd. Lincoln 63506. Excellent opportunity for University student with car. Able to work afternoons and Saturday in newraper circula tion department. Approximate ly 30 hours each week. Applicant should be mature, able to communicate wHh 11-15 year old youngsters." Good pay with mileage expenses for your car and a fine opportunity to. pin practical experience. Please apply between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or call Jerry G enrich, 473-7343 for an interview appointment? JOUHNAL-STAR PRSNTirJS CO. SSSPSt. Babysitter for large family, male or female, good pay, special child , in family. Call 4C3-0224 for details. career crrcrrnoTY m sales Opportunity knocks for qualified individual wish on of the most essreasha company in Nebraska. FuH-tima employment benefits Salary plus bonus (not a draw) Company Expenses Paid Excellent fringe benefits Daytime market All prospects furnished Outstanding training program CALL f.!AHViN SSH3LL (42)432-1314 Thurs. Fri, Man-Wads. (Nov. 4, 5, 8. 9, 10) 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday (Nov. 7). 5-7:33 p.m. Union Insurance has part time opening for transcription typist Must be sble to type 50 VSPiA. Hours are 4 pjn.-8 psn. Monday throtigh Friday. .Call 432-6133 for appointment. Hostess nesdd, see people, be responi&le for cash register, 5 days 10:30-2:30, and nights 5-9:30. LlnJCCLfi ELKS LCDZZ 15th & P 477-C341 Greenhouse worker, full time or part time. Seasonal work. Apply in person. DSTWESSS FLC3?ER HOF 14th St High 475-2S23 flaTwAtl'i iT AT i Individual to work psrt-tima for rfjional health esency. WiU assist in acquisition snd analysis of Cata. Rsqakes bstic tSfiuia of ststM'm tistM processing. Compsnsat'ion tvynk&la end comifcsnt upon education and expf ncs. E -ual Opportunity Enslssvsr. ZmA rmme to Loipsn Tmh, 215 Ce?rtnnial fcfrtl Ssuth, Hno-m ' 417, Lincoln, U&mk CZZC3. Ttking pp!lartk? fer mplayment in chiiJ care. Mast btve expsrienee or training in r!y ch5!tfhood dsve'oprnmrt. Cslt fsr tppointmnt,477-225. Part-time fry CKiks end fcus fccys ndd, Aorv n norton, Tcr:;jacayTiiY fifTAUI!Af.,T 3Jfd & CorrJt,i9r Imrnafjitts positions nn for sw!ttfJ23:trd. hmtmi, tek 4sf, kiteh?i h'3, and tS.h wtjher. Uooa tirrm nd evt?i "3 hoyrt. Psrt-11?TTS. A?pfy bzf??n 1M1:CD tnd 2 V) 4, 2IC3HHy?y 2. Young man for part-time work. Will work around your schedule. Prefer' afternoons and some evenings. MARTENS TEXACO 401 So. 10th If you are interested in the , restaurant business as a career opportunity and can work 20 to 33 hours per v&ek while going to school, we would like to talk to you. Call Mr. Schroeder at 457-2200 for interview appoint ment. Alice's Restaurant, 211 N. 70th. NUnSESAISCS Fun-time, 6:45 a.m.-3:15 p.m, 2:45 pjn.-11:15 p.m, 11 p.m. 7 a.m. shifts. Part-time, 6:45 a.m.-11:23 a.m., 4 pjn.-9:30 p.m. Also part-time full shifts and week-end help. Orientation provided. Call MADONNA CARE CENTER, 4C3-71C2 ext. 251.' ' miTERHAnr.ESS BUS HELP DISH HELP DENNY'S 24 HOUR RESTAURANT 900 R" Street Now accepting applications for the 3-11 and 11-7 a.m. shifts. Full- or part-time, weekends. Call for interview, 435-7194. Donut cutter, early morning hours - 3 to 4 hours. Apply 27th & O before noon. VALENTINOS SOUTH 2701 So. 70th We're looking for a few mature people for part-time or full-time help. Positions are open for counter help, - telephone operators, oven men, & salad department. Felxible scheduling and hours. Apply between 1 and 4. Ask for Desn, 483-2811. Own room in 4-bed house. $50month, utilities included. 2605 Everett, 39 p.m. or ask for Shaun evenings at Zoo Bar. Female, December 1st, $132.EQmonth, 2 bedroom townhouse. Call Cindy, 464 2239 after 10 p.m. Your Qualifications Excellent work history Outstanding personality and appearance Two years college or sales experience Married and Cge 25 and up Desire to be successful and to increase earnings through Sales VFour Yocxrs Too V ft Long? A V You do havo y . an Op'ion. V THE 0 I LINCOLN a v -SCHOOL v ft Or A ccmniEncE J (JM02iicst y 432-5315 V Chrdi cur y a 9, 12, and 13 a ij mcni.coufts. y A ncccunt'ng. A V jM st t . Vcr d A ert Lt ij A Jor;uafti 1377 A Roommate to share house. Own Bedroom. $75 per mo. share of utilities. Call 432-34S3 evenings. r Wanted: 5 tickets to Iowa State game Nov. 13. Call 475-6120 or 475-2375. WE'RE CHOKES Need a band? It's a good bet that the rock group C3CXE is what you're looking for. For bookings, contact- Was, 477 S331. ' - D5CKS WATCH SERVICE Watch Repair T.'stch Csnds Watch Catteries. 14 bSc. S. of Ksbr. Book store SSN.12:h 432-3414 ACALiumsC RESEARCH PAPERS ' Thousands on file. Send $1.00 for your 192-page, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 20SH, Los Angeles, Calif. S0Q25. 13) 477-8474. life PLAfrj:r.eG WOHKSHOP Sstwrday, November 13 12 noon to 5 p.m. Are you currently dissatisfi ed with your major or what you are doing? Feel like searching for some new directions or interests in your life? The Life Planning Workshop is designed to help students establish meaning ful personal and career goals. It assists them in becoming more aware of themrslves and their general Interests and goals. To register corns, to the COUNSELING CENTER. THIRD FLOOR OF SEATON HALL. Those interested in an anti CarterMondale organization, contact JJ at 477-2544. a time for exploring. time for learning. . .ON ASK ING FOR WHAT YOU WANT AND FEELING GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF. 3-session work shop exploring personal rights, increasing awareness of what you and others are "really" communicating, and developing seff-essertive communication skills. November' 14. 21 and December - 5, S3 ." p.m. COMMONPLACE 4JMHE, 333 N. 14th; $3.00. For further information and registration, call Marybeth 432-C581. Parti cipation limited - call soon. Birthright offers a choice, we understand the needs of you and your baby. 477-3021. Pn ahead for your trip abroad. We have all kinds of travel info in our travel resource center to help. OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES. 345 NEBRASKA UNION. Learn to let the Son shine -A new approach to Christian rry. Cissies et 7:30 pjm. on Tuesdays, 2343 Q St. rr MOW Oar r.m Lte'a Arpty fe PS-jot I-fI f""1 t"rf 201 Sunvdley r S to i LOVE Hurry up and use the LUM'S coupons "in the Wednesday, October 27 issue of the Daily Nebraskan. They expire November IS! OVERSEAS JOES summer year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1 200 monthly i Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information Write: Interna tional Job Center, Dept. N A, Box 4420, Berkeley, CA 4704. r Limited number of turquoise jewelry franchises available. I deal direct with best manu facturers in Southwest and direct to you. Hundreds of designs available in rings, bracelets, chokers, earrings, pendants. All sterling silver. Prices from $4. All pieces life time guarantee for manufactur er defects. $209 minimum brings basic kit 7 day inspec tion w money back guarantee. Serious inquiries only. The Silver Sun Turquoise Trades. P.O. Box 403, Dayton, Ohio 45415, or call 1-513-275-1052. LOICSE1ERS DRU:.?STCK RESTAURANT now open , Completely remodeled & ready for business! 547 No.3th r L University Flying Club Meeting tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the United Airline boarding area, Terminal CWg., Municipal Airport. Everybody welcome! LOST: Cpsl ring on campus, reward. Call -475-4353 after 6 p-m. FREE 'DIABEl DETECTION TESTOfl November 9,10,11 - 9-10 asa. end 2-3 pjruv Hcc!h Center (472-2102) Seraar.i. bloed test Wmemptis&Ll with . results ptmldstA - f;t a Anlm t tits tUsZtit Csnttr t hours after sating a heavy meal incktdto orars juios. Ksreadwith butter and preserves, potatoes, and rkh tssssn. ft - . - rtnt is nssnsg a 9 8Xi.trJ3 p.n. r;"- .'l.L(, Dcu!evrrd i ? 3 -