The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1976, Page page 9, Image 9
vvcdncir, novr-bcr 3, 1070 29m yoSuTOCu'S kiiative Dy Tcbin Ccci Shirby Ir;h h the 27th District ar.i C:;ve Fowler ia the 29th District wl1 ia lle Nebraska Legis lature, election resists indicated carry Wednesday niorning. . Marsh said she was pleased wiih the outcome and has been picking up her campaign yard sins. 7e don't know what to expect, Marsh said. I know ray opponent was out working dady. She win introduce legation in the next session to make the requirements for an absentee and disabled ballot the same, she said. . A change in the law would enable a second person to oUain a ballot to send to a person called out of town suddenly, as in the case of an illness or death in the family, she said. "I hope people in the 29th district wO keep in contact with me and let me know what they want done, she added. Marsh, 52, campaigned on her record of supporting additional state aid to educa tion in the past four sessions of the Uni cameral, r She also has said she is in favor of the lice-item veto, clarification of child abuse legislation and continuous monitoring of state government spending. . Roy Wyiie szli his 47 per cent of the vote and Mirth's 53 per cent told the whole story. There's ccihL-g more to add, he sild. We tried to put together a textbook American kind of case. "I tried to convince people of virtues of our csse-47 per cent bought it, 53 per cent didn't. Wy lie said he expected a closer race and was bewildered by what he said was a small voter turnout in the 29th District Of some 16JQQ3 voters in the district, he said, 14,CC0 can usually be expected to vote. About 12,503 district voters turned out for this election, he said. The 750 vote margin makes me grimraace a little bit," he said. T wonder what would have happened if those 1,500 " voters had voted. Cut I am not offering an excuse." Wylie said he has no future political aspirations and will continue to operate a Lincoln-based news service. 29th legislative District winner Steve Fowler said, Tm pleased. lie is 26 years old and a UNL graduate. " Fowler's opponent, Don Steriberg, 28, conceded the race at 12:15 un. Wed - nesday. Stenberg said he would continue to practice law and would remain active in tho5i;.ht the race would be closer, politics. T he said. Ba'h csr-didstes supported energy conservation and preservation of older homes. Doth candidates, citing the move of the Cellos of Pharmacy from Lincoln to Omsha, hid said they opposed the moving of university programs from Lincoln to Fowler had said he opposed moving prcgrsrns to Omaha and the construction of "unnecessary facilities like the downtown education complex." He also sail he voted to override the governor's vetoes of the university badgtt this year. Challenger.. . Cctid frca p. 7 Anderson said she forsees legislative Carters presi- predominantly- progress witn icnmy) dential victory and a Democratic Congress. "Presumably with a Democratic Con gress and administration, they will make some progress that hasn't been possible in the last eight years," she said. Future political plans for Anderson are undecided. "Well have to evaluate and see where we stand and make a- decision from there," Anderson said of the considera tions she and her husband will make after the election. In the Third District, Republican incumbent Virginia Smith of Chappell has been reelected to her second term as congresswoman. t "It certainly is gratifying to see fee results," Smith said of her sweep over Democratic rival John Hansen of Gering. T am especially grateful for the tremendous job the Young Republicans down there (at .UNL) have done for me," -she said, explaining their statewide campaign efforts. Personal visits to nearly all areas in the Third District helped Anderson win her congressional bid. "It is the largest district with some 61 counties .and 1 have visited nearly every one of them," she said. "I feel my philosophy is in tune with this district," Anderson said, adding that she thinks her views on federal spending and a . strong defense appealed to her constituents. Read th3 Vfent Ads r . - K I glaring Sharon Thorpe, LaaUa Bovaa. Candida Rof aH FA 1 - v 1 .y.i,n:J'. Flat -2nd X Ratad Fas&mt: ""Low On a LUuntain continuous shorn From HamUMStCatt 1733trS. 433-6342, FREE 14 loaf GARUC BREAD v&fo every brgs pizza Offer good ths.Wed. cnty lu rn?7 1 TK2 cx:cc::ux3 )! A V 1 J 1 Sheldon Art Gallery, 12th&RSts. - qj::cv;5C3 I - . 1 ... . .1 . HfNmmiaiMMuwininHi A tar Kmm enwii Eli and 2,3,4,u5 The CH-indi JLT .Cnfl N Uaowt it jm -- r . - JL own teok ex thasgb you izzper hse to tfiMfzsr" o 11 i i o a o o i o i o ii o it (I fl 1 1 it l 1 1 O l o l II ' I I ( 1 1 1 I c:; ii::cciiJ jazz soc:rrv C-J3 4) o ti . i -o o o ft 4) ( O o o t l l l I 0 0 (I $ J 41 If I " 1 1 i 1 I f I : 1 t t I .r ! V7 2!S3 Cerrt.TfFcx Ttmer&s TIE FSCXXY I OH1CR nCTUHESi- I3W r br 12 A 2 L nd FX! LTO OTTZIi -Associate Producer O Hi GGUIJKJ 2 .