The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1976, Page page 3, Image 3
monday, October 25, 1070 daily ncbrzzkzn pc3 3 w ernes ww meDeiQ DmsDOGtm m m m m we we Almost every student eventually will hare ta inttr. vwr for a jcb, ar.i they can get help preparing for inter views through a new dasj next semester in the Speech and Dramatic Arts Dept. Acochte Prof. Viiani SeHer w21 teach the dais, which is designed to look zt question and answer techniques. The class wa have one section open to 16 to 18 students. Se2er said a survey of graduates showed interviewins is one of the most wanted skills. It is offered at other schools, and it's been quite successful, particularly for students in the business college," Seiler said. Seller said the class would deal with giving and getting interviews, employment interviews, and other specialized interview situations. Te know the employment interview is essential for anyone that wants to get a job and wants to know how to handle himself in terms of what is going to happen in that interview situation," Seller said. He said they have found most of the communication done by people in business and industry is in the form of some kind of interview. " He said the course would help people learn how to handle complaint situations and how to ask appropriate questions. Se3er said the course probably will have some options depending on student interest. He said all students would do some employment interviewing in the class. "There has been no course really dealing with the inter view situation or interview event," he said. The course, to be offered every semester, has no prerequisites. The course, which has passed the College Curriculum Committee, is being considered by the NU Curriculum Committee, Seder said. calendar Ford Co. execs sponsoring seminar Students invited from six Nebraska campuses will istration Assistant Dean Greg Romans, attend seminars led by 19 Ford Motor Co. executives in The students are from all departments Romans said the Nebraska Union Vednesday afternoon. The seminars wCl include informal group discussions The Ford Motor Co. sponsors the . Ford College about international business, government regulation and Roundtable Program and is expecting about 160 students " management changes. from UNL, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Doane, The executives are arriving in Lincoln Tuesday evenir. Union College, Creighton University and Nebraska Ves- They will hold a faculty luncheon Vednesday and talk leyan University, according to College of Business Admin- to students in the afternoon and evening, Romans said. 3 pan. Center for Stu dents and Organizations, Harriet Naylor, Nebraska Union 243. 3:30 pjn.-Panhellenic, Union 232. 5:30 pjn.-Towne Club pledges, Union 343. . 6 pjn. Towne Club. room. Union Harvest Rooms A 7:30 pan.-Math Coun- andB. selors, Union 225 RC. 6:30 pjn.-Kappa Alpha 9 pjn. Concerned Psi Kittens, Union 232. Citizens of Inquiry, Union 7 pm,-Bahal Assoda- 222. tion, Union 202A. , 9 pjn.-Kappa Alpha Psi, 7 pjn.-UNL Wildlife Union 232. Club, "Hunter Safety", Union Auditorium. 7 pjn.-Table Tennis Cfeib, Union Conference Rooms. . 7 pjn.-Delta Sigma Pi pledges, Union 216. 7:30 pan. - College Career Christian Fellowship, Union 202. 7:30 pjn.-Delta Sigma Pi, Union 242. 7:30 pjn.-UNL Boxing Club, smoker, Union Ball- r i ' ,?7 n n-.rn fv fn fw ' orrr" --r. ' kwmmmm V-y XafetfbJ W.v7 - Fee?, Frco. .Dc-IIvcnj Gn most Lincoln areas) ' 475-7635 611 N. 2F& : iSEaafi a sewis, " T? T! T7 i YTftsT? 7"n TT fH7 -- j 7 j! if 'mmA aki fm (I rj I Th original purchaser of this pair of conut tenses if ao F complKMty atisfitd widiin 30 days of purchase, k tntitiod to a refund of ths coat of the knm only. Refund w31 bs mads usxn ittum ftf the lanaaa wish this eartifScat to tti fimantm Viaoa Center whwe purchasML Thk pian don not cover soft I V Imm r hafaed bnaaa and toa no inrtiub liamvi em u mIi Il 4 I ins; loss or theft of contact lenses. This certificate is not f transieraele. lamed to , . : Date- . Expiration Date. I RN& - StoieKo.. i Manager. r I tbiA faf 1l(1f tirSett Sibs-MsM-TniiUI' WS left fcsi' djj ft'si Sisj'sjel "emiwi "Bs'ii4' j II you TOCsr eyeIsacas. ysa'Ta prob- - l&sssx This plcra dses net totsf call ; cbly tls- cbsut fjstij ccnlsct cr ti!scc! lasses. second taouhta about whtthsr ecsS fcd i CcsSsi j ycll L!a Un cr not. hes c way far ycu to da tbet S Th'st'a tjtp Pcsrrfa Vislssr Ces!j? Raw riTjfcsf errsvf Ma? ta i"v 3 I! EpwM-riiiEd! Hyps. Ask' fm m MtCzmet CdDM m L -- - - - ' L Iisffgre yon risk f of 1 1 esw.sebjIs car for Osfst nr -j u u i 1 "rT r1! rTTr r if n rsr""! pr-P5it WtWMH.. SdiMt fcaf n.. at e sm cira cur isTa era cr icCSTa era rirx Try ccsiiscls. Wccar tlsza. Lira 3 d73 j d purcLara. il ya dadia llay'ra cct J- far yox tyall reload tia caal el a Linacln, 1132 "O" S:rc;l-Tc!. S2-75Cc Thafs when the ArtCarved representative will be here to he!p you select your college jewelry. It's also the day you can charge your ArtCarved college jewelry on Master Charge or BankAmericard. ww. i aMW'a X&aM SbJ Cc!!c2 levfeclry by .i a 3 when you pay in fu!L World-famous for diamond and wedding rins t - V !: ( . i t t. i 5' ' i S if 1 1 i V r- 4 f-i v - I . ". M I .. . I'-. .' i, : : . '.V I A -