The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1976, Image 1

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    inside today
The UNL Grounds Dept.
prepares for snow and
cold temperatures . .p. 9
7 xS
v j.
mcndr, cctcbcr 25, 1070 vol. 1C3 no. 23 linccln, ncbrca
s (J r-r rs
Dy Psuk DIttrict
U.S- Acting Secretary of Agriculture
John Knebel Friday told UNL students and
Nebraa livestock industry leaders that he
will work toward promoting more grain
and beef exports.
Dur?2 Knebel's visit to Lincoln, he
briefly toured the Nebraska tractor testing
station and spbke on the UNL East Cam
pus after watching a meat processing
Knebel and others present were sur
Jjrised when Roger Mandigo, head of UNL
Loeffel Meat Lab, concluded his explana
tion of the meat processing technique by
pressing some meat into the shape of
Knebel described the beef and wheat
industries as "down, but not out."
He said the UJS. Agriculture Dept.
would soon stop the flow of beef imports
from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
' Foreign meat had been getting around
the import quota and into this country
through this port.
Knebel predicted quotas on beef im
ports will be continued next year unless
beef prices sharply increase in the UJS-
"The essence of what the President
wants in agriculture is the continuance of
policies he and (former Agriculture Secre
tary) Earl Butz developed," Knebel siii.
Knebel moved .from under secretary of
the US. Agriculture Dept. after the re
signation of Eutz.
He said Congress must face new farm
legation next year and wCl meet pressure
to improve crop disaster programs and
target price guarantees.
. Agreeing that current farm legislation
needs adjustment, Knebel said he thinks
there would be "a proper upward advance
in the target price" of farm products.
A guaranteed target price would insure
the farmer a price calculated to pay ex
penses amd provide profit. No guaranteed
target price now exists.
During a downtown press conference
Knebel said his trip was for campaign
purposes and paid for by the Ford election
Knebel called Jimmy Carter's agricul
ture program "just a bunch of peanuts."
When asked about a secret memo passed
around federal departments advising
against ethnic jokes, Knebel said it might
exist although he had no knowledge of it.
He said that because of Blitz's travels
he had been acting secretary before his for
mal appointment.
Knebel was escorted by retiring UJS.
Sen.. Roman Hmska and bis Lincoln visit
was hosted by UJ5. Rep. Charles Thone.
Photo by TJ Kirk
Jcha Kncbsi, VS. satg sacietny cf a&sStee.
J3y Eetss-Amsacss :,
A motion to recall some student fees
allocated last year to the Women's Re
source Center was tabled at Sunday's Fees
A ft I TJTV ji- L
the board lacked a quorum by one
member. '
. The motion was made after, Jamie
Moore, Women's Resource Center repre
sentative, appeared at the meeting to re
quest that $158 left over from its 1976-77
allocation be applied to its 1977-78
Moore said the extra money was needed
because it is "barely making it" on the
SI, OCX) allocated to it by FAQ Lat year.
The Women's Resource Center crifn
aSy asked for $3,127 in studsnt fees for
the 1976-77 school year.
Moore also said the additional money
would allow the center to develop
programs and activities they haven't spon
sored in recent years.
FAB member Skip Walter make a
motion tbi Moore's request be, darned be
cause the center -had cdsaHy estsnated
it would have a $54 carryover. ,
However, Walter said that $54 plus an
additional $45 needed to buy magazine :
subscriptions could be kept by the center.
Also, they asked Moore about $200
allocated for a women's theatre presenta
tion, which Moore said is not being
scheduled because it is too costly.
FAB member ffip Walter mads a.
fules do not allow student organizations to
re-glocate student fee money. ' - '
Mocxs told the group the money would
fee spent to brirg women artist to Lincoln.
- FAB chsinnan Sherry Cols said the
center wcald'hare to submit money usage .
charges to FAB for approvd.
Fund recaSs also are bekg kvtatigated '
for other student organizations, Ccle said.
She asdned four subcommittees to deter- -mine
which organizations are abusing sta-
dent fee aHocations cr w21 hare surplus at
the end cf 1976-77 budget year.
Ccle also formed three subcommittees
to- review the budgets and spending pro- :
ccdures cf major, stsdmt fee users.' The . tiens spend student fees, the FAB will
majority of stsdzzt fees are deviated to fcegsi receiifeg its requests for student fees
the UiuVersity Health Center, the Center for the 1977-73 year, she said,
for Students and Organizations, the Rec
reation Dept. and the Nebraska and Ne
braska East Unions.
After revfcwing how student organsza-
The board w3 meet again Wednesday at
7:30 pjn. to discuss a proposed increase m
student fees for the Nebraska East Union.
senate &
m m
to. remove
Tl University cf Nebraa at Omaha
(UNO) student senate took another shot at
removing Steven Shavers, UNO student
body presiient and student regent, from
, office during its Oct. 21 meeting;.
The first attempt to convict Shavers on
two impeachment counts was thrown out
cf the UNO student court Oct. 21 on a
w. '
AECs 'zz'-z feus, L!cj.wi'Ji the Uzhz-ty cf faun's fCAA tTstment of bcdl, tzZzd h3 ts"-n hzt
left, Iincch filt cty. See pktra cf the ALCIRIU trlii cn f-;ts six zzi sr,-a.
k.V.1;n tl3
The court ruled that five student sena
tors who voted on Shover's first impeach-
senate during the ineachment vote. . .
The UNO constitution states that any
senator with three or more absences shall
be removed from the senate by a vote,
and then must be notified of the removal.
The five senators in question had been
notified of their removal, but no formal
action to remove them had been taken by
the senate.
been appointed to replace them, so it was
poLhh both senators had voted on im-
Shavers sail that at the senate's regular .
Thursday rihi meeting last week, the pro- "
secutor pushed for a total revampment
of the senate. The five senators were for
may voted out of office and the senate
voted again on the impeachment counts.
The matter will now go back to the
UNO student court, Shavers said.
One count charts ShoYcrs with wrong
dog in office for opening an adnra
tire file without pennirson hst July.
- . The-'- second artidb charges thn with
makbg two student appointments with
out senate approval to a committee ap
pointed by UNO Chancellor Ronakl Ros-kens.-
A time has not been set for the court to
again hear Shovers case.
Shovers complained Saturday that the
senate was "making a circus out cf the
whole student government and was "faam
strfcging" his job as student body presi-
"Fu tired of theii (the ssnators) efforts
here to make a mockery out cf stident
government, Shovers sail. -
Siovers soil he was thinking "incrs and
more about running for re-elctn.
Shovers tern expires at th? end of ths