Uid?, cctcbcr 22, 1970 pc;3 10 want ads Dstsun 2-&Z.orsnge, stereo, low mUazt, 477-2323. 1SS7 TRIUIPH GT-6 33JQQ3 miles, good condition., best offer, 432-6177. 1972 Camaro 3, air, power steering. Drakes, one owner, 474-2230 evenings. SPORTSCARS, ' Corvettes, Camaros, f irebirds, Chevetles FOR LESS. WHEEL CITY AUTO SALES, INC 43th & Van Dorn 433-3543 71 VW, excellent condition. runs great, calf 475-7253 after 6 pjn. 71 Volvo 144 y Automatic, disc brakes, new C rtires, mounted snows, town Lmifes, $2109. Cail Bid, 472-11 C97S1. - 2 1S32 Black Chevy II, $253 or best offer. CaS! after 5:30 pjn. weekdays, 432-0737. 72 TRIU&3PH SPITFIRE, great shape, new steel belted radios. 45JDQ3 miles, AMFM, $1S35; after 4 pjn.. 435-3333. STEREO SPECIALS Check with me for the lowest prices in town. Call Tim 475353. Complete Stereo. Allegro 2GC0 speakers. $175. Interested ca3 475-S153; must sell, am moving. Dynaco Integrated Stereo Amplifier, SCAQQ, B0 watts. 475-3332. $125. JOUST SELL MEDIATELY: ISaiantz receiver and speakers. Garrard turntable with Shure cartridge. Koss headphones. Akai reel-to-reel with 4 speak ers. Cororsado 8 track with 2 speakers - Will sacrifice! 472-8337. For Sate: Sansui RA-5C0. reberp amp. Lucky G3 enlarger. Like new. 475-1457. 'C!sCesss!5T ' Dsn's rtl 0 T3 V:7 Irs T2Vitrs "72 ttSa rzzxzt 71 Tr i V roWCe33s!e aC7K33cssn3CL!s 5 -.SOlVeftr f 475-C321 vVk a - -- Pioneer C33 (CO wstts). Pioneer P1-A50 turned!, 2 EPI ISO rtrs, $373 with warranty, cs3 eftsr 5 p.mask for Sieve, 472 CC1 7. Sunn &udio Lexd guitar amplifier, 2 years old. CcU 475 21 77 eftar 6X3 pjn. Effective toddy Prices re duced 20 to tC'S. Just pur chased 1373 Cnrupt stock -PA', amps, guitars, banjos. West nw for Incomfeij 1377 models, Zsi continues until a3 1373 stock is gone. HOGAfJIL-JJICCO. B33 West P 432-8423 liarantz 2325, 123 (rms), 6 months old, MUST SACRI F ICE. 4324777. 19 x C3, new sir conditkm icvj end furnace, excellent condi tton.Peaas 6433330. 74 Toyota Corona) - good condition, A&f-FU Radio, soed miles. Priced to self. Csil 475-47C3. JEEP . Renegade, yellow wAport rims and snows, 75, low mileage. Cs.1 433-5373 after 2 pjn. Always 23 nans in stock. CHARLEY'S AUTO CITY 2301 Comhusker Hwy. 4354773 For safe: Sony model 259 ReeKo-Reef, $30 (regular value $17S),433-33C3. 1 Bozak GUA-2-65 AMP, 1 TEAC -330. AieO, SONY TC 121A, Cassette decks, 1 fcfre cord 759 MKUI, 1 DUAL 1215 Turntables. 454-8534. STEREO COMPONENTS Lowest prices anywhere on 150 brands, many high end lines, small refrigerators. Call Dan 4353375 or 4324431 for free quote. . Peavey Classic Amp. New, 59 watts R&3S. $213 or best offer, 475-C233. , Johnson C3 for sate. Tele phone type. Excellent condi tion. Only used 6 months. MUST SELL. $140 or best offer. CaU Joe 472-CS76. For sale: New drafting table with drafting machine and tamp. $200. Call evenings 454-5189. STUDENTS SEE US FIRST Large selection, new and differ ent inventory at Lincoln's unique Used Furniture Head quarters. Shop in A.C. comfort, weekdays 9 ajn. to 8 pjn.. Saturday 9-6. UNI AUCTION CENTER 2431 N.4Sth 4S4-S612 For Sate: 6 ft. x 4 ft. Land ft Sky Water Bed fcSattress, $25. 432-5637. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS: Up to 53- discount to students, faculty. & staff full or part time). J ct. $75. ct. $250. X ct. $435. 1 ct. $335. Vast array of ring settings in gold or platinum. SAVE by buying direct from leading diamond im porter. Purchase by mail, phone or from showroom For color catalog send $1 to STJA Dia mond Importers Inc.. Box 42. Fanwood. N J. 07023 (indicate name of school) or csR (231) 34-7375. (212) C32-3333. (21 (215) 103-1343 or (333) 733 1350 for location of showroom nearest you. Scuba gear, complete outfit. For information c&2 477-S472 after 4 pjn. Ask for Brit. Lovcb&e msie Irish Setter A.ICC needs a home away from Lincoln. 4332S37. RessiSsred purebred Saint Barnard pups. 7 wetks Ud. CsH 432-223-1244. t lOTTEKS,' 5 weeks. 475-C237. . For s9Z 1 farw tkfeEt for .isouri gsrae. Price ega?;,--.T. CHI 477-C334or472410srKi K for Card. For sde:' 2 tfekcts to Ls3txi crte. I2 & fssnde teah8r. 35. Ce3 43524. For Ss: 2 tickets "to Lessor! 3fne. t$4mtza to ECtJser. First $33 sts the pair. Cs3 432-3733. ""I i J CAKDLETEEE APAfTTUENTS South 43th end Hwy. 2. 33 day tesae. 1. 2 and 3 bedroom spts. 423-C723. r Of IE CrDHOCI Apartments near Cipol. Csr peted, drc?d, air condltioniri,' ranss, refrfesrsjor, dhwssher, end disposal, $1 3. Lyle Cisfey 4C3-C343 AUJTI'J REALTY CO, .... 4331331 Avc&Sle: 1, 2, or 3 bed room certments, bus eervfce, RUCKirj PLACE APTS. 423-S243. Apt, for rent, 1-2-3 bed rooms, 3 & 4 bedroom house, unfumsed, resioncye, after 73 pjn 473-w34. . 23zh end G. JCriES APTS, Brand new 2 bedroom, poof, unfurnished $233 up, f umished $245 up. 434C331. Evening and weekends, 4C3X3C0, 475-1107. One Bedroom furnished apartment, 31st 6 Hokfrege. available Nov. 1st, no pets, $133 plus deposit, 432-3333. 2 bedroom apt& $1C9. Block from East Campus. Call 434-C517 or 434733. Taking! applications for day time kitchen and counter help, and night time dishwasher, full or part time, apply in person BRANNIGAWS, 1223 P St. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE: If you can work 20 to 33 hours per week, are interested in the food service field as a career, we are interested in you. For inter view appointment, calf Mr. Schroeder at ALICESS REST AURANT, 437-2330. HORSEFEATHERS - Cock tail waitresses wanted. Apply to Store or Rob. 1223 P. NURSES AIDES: Full and part time positions, aB shifts. Call or apply .in person. AMERICANA NURSING CENTER, 4405 Normal Blvd. 4232355. WAITERWAITRESS BUS HELP DISH HELP DENNY'S 24 HOUR RESTAURANT 900 -R Street Now accepting applications for the 3-11 and 11-7 an. shift. Full or part time, week-ends. Cat! for interview. 435-7194. VILLAGER MOTEL Part time waitresses AM and PM -will work around your schedule. Apply 111 No.56th,8am-4pm 464-91 11. Ext. 35S. Auditor needed, 3 nights a week. Also need desk clerk, 3-11 Saturday and Sunday. Apply in person before 5. CLAYTON HOUSE MOTEL. ICth ft O. Wholesalers needed for Lincoln and University Area. Must be willing to work. Send for free information - BT. PjO. Box 352. Kansas City. ISO 64141. Excellent opportunity for University student with car. Able to work afternoons and Saturdays in newspeper circula tion department. Approximate ly 33 hours each weak. Appli cant should be mature, re to communicate with 11-15 ycar . old youngsters. Gasd psy vpSs R&kst expanses for yosy car. end a fsesa- opportunity t3gsi -precticsi expsrieiice. rsse apply betwesn 0 tm timt 5 pa or cs3 Jotv Gzndk. 473 73C3 for an intenssse iycst ' mem. J3Ur,AL-STAfl pfiKTrrisco. S23PSL. - Donut caster, esfy ancrn hours 3 to 4 hours. Asfy ITtit ft O bsfvtre noon. SALES PEHSOfitSL Do you Eke pecpSa? Inter estlnj and cftdSenng positions open for persons with ptartaTj person&ties for our Uke-out counter. Flexible schedulins. evening hours, and ncot'e wtgs. Also have some other cpeninss. If interested apply at VALENTINOS NORTH. 34S7 Hokfrege on Tuesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday from. 1-3:33 pm or call for appoint-, merit. 437-331 1 . Ask for Lillian. . Ytdtmm end wleters nsssd, evenly hours. COUrjTRY KETTLE, 4347 HoWrejf. 433-1 Wanted : Resident bl instruct or to provtt tn'mtog in living skins for tmndksppmi adults. FsrMime evenings end week ends, hours very; pry $2X0 per hour plus meals. Contact fc&ke Vaushn SCO&JER C44-7S57. CKhierettendant, male or female, evening hours, $2X0 to $340 per hour. Golden Cue. 1S37"D"St. Live-in housekeeper for para lyzed veteran; room, board, ssfary. Phone 4344333, Sjsnistt specking person needsd to assist in J&ntesaori cfssaroom. Cs3 433-B113 or 475-S1 3 evenlnjs. IVO.I.'CCnG IVAf JTED Earnings after a short tnininj period. FULLTCLSto -' ' . : 2L'j a tsstk . . - Distrbuting company now hiring men and women .Tust have valid drivers license Must be neat and dependable For information call for Mr, Stebbins. 437-3333. -.- -. - . - - - - One male and one female ticket to the Oklahoma game (Nov. 20th). Will take BEST offer. Call 47254C3. Wanted: 2 tickets for Iowa State. Brice negotiable. Call 477-5334 or 472-17G3 and ask for Carol. - Wanted: Four K.U.-N.U. football tickets. CaU 434-5323 after 6m One male and one female ticket wanted to Missouri game. East Stadium) preferred. Call 475CS53. ... Need 1 female f ootbslf ticket, south satdium preferred, 435-4181 Wanted: 2 General Admis sion tickets for the Missouri game.472-C335 Wanted: K.U. Football Tickets for Oct. 33. Calf 472-0273 or 472-0177. ) w Two general admission tickets to Missouri game. To gether if possible. Call Mark, 457-1743. 3 or 4 Kansas or Iowa State tickets wanted. CaB 423-1614 or 433-3314. Need four male tickets to Missouri game. CaU 435-3327. Tickets need not be together. 1 Female roommate needed. room. utilities paid. 433-2134. House at 745 Qiarieston. $33month. utilities paid, own bedroom. Gre31. (Wanted: 2 roornmetes. own room. firepSace. $54month utigties.433-C233. Roommete needed. 3333 S".Csa47SC237. . slanted: 2 roommates, own room in 4-bedrooot houa,I month, utliriss inckdad. 2X3 Evemt.432-3t3. 12-pjtk.er esk far Sasi at Zoo Bar even injs. HsSsir S LSk. C S Ey. CssSs sisre 33 NL 12i 432-14 DCrrcsrri airliss ncxETir:3 a fiEdnvA TKsr;s at AirKjnT r?::3E3. VAfl C. DULf?:3 TRAVEL. 1223 TS- ST. IN THE RADiSSCtl - ccnssnsxER HOTEL BUILD "iG. Thousneds on f Zi. Send $13 for your 132-ps. msJ ordsr cetrj. 11322 lho A, No. 23SH, Los AR--!es. Calif. E332S.(213)477-S474. s To hdp wonscn ts!ce a "dsddoiHz&b.z toU Li tbir health are," ths Iiixcli-Uncsster Ctemkica 03 the Slztvt of Women U tpcmsottez Vornea Itezlih Con ference. The Oct. 30 confexence will cover nutrfcba, clilliL-th, breastfeeig, menopause, mental health and bow to iunire a horpiJ ttay. Z'.ididr.s teems to have gotten out of control of peo ple fci generd," irJ Chrii FurJc, chrwesnsa cf the ccmrdsoa'f hedth corrsn2te. Te hepe by Cunzj cur experiences we w3 fce away tome of the fesrs wornea tare. . Tor Instate, the worsen w0 be Uv&t that ft'f okay to quelcn what a doctor tell them zzi that they dent hare to tae everything they are tcU Teshatfa," Fz Kid. . AH fessr wi3 be led by worsen who axe profeej iocals in their Cells, Fcsk rsJ. Harry of the speakers are local norses and also serre on the commzrbn's Health Committee. The cornrr&rion, h&bXed by Efayor II:!en Cocedis in January, is an advisory commission on the careers, edu cation and personal growth of women. Women and men of all ages are encouraged to attend the conference at the Ilrabck -United IfellbsdM Oirrch, 4140 N. 60th St. The committee expects ICO persons to attend. Child care will be provided by professionals. The registration fee is $2. nRE BROKE Need a band? Its a good bet tat the rock group CHOKE is what you're looking for. For bookings, contact Wes, 477-S331. Tutoring . in Russian or German language, reasonable rates, 435-5181. . L.E., Couldn't pass up the opportunity to say Happy 23rd Birthday -And don forget to call your mother. The Advanced Beginner Turkey Bun, Stares and smiles led to jelly, bananas. Afternoon Delight, and my favorite drink. What? Happy one with much love. Sport Dear Andy, Bob or Jack: Since you have shown NO interest. 111 go down to Lkicle Sam's alone. It's $3JQ0 for a single and FREE DRINKS! Ill find someone new who will appreciate whst I have to offer! BJ5. LIFE PLANNING WORKSHOP Satur tay .October 33 Are you currently dissatis fied with your major or what you are doing? Feet like searching for some new direct sorts or interests in your life? The Life Planning Workshop is designed to help students establish meaning ful personal and career goals. It assists them m becoming more aware of themselves and their general interests and goals. To register come to the CQUSySSLIfiG CENTER. THIRD FLOC.1 OF SEATON HALL. tTa cssd CKsrfsssRr cast I f" fc- Birthright offers a choice, we understand the needs of you and your bsby. 477-C321 . Small Art: Happy 12th Birthday (on Sunday from Gregg. Bruce, Carol, Rogene, Andy, Dick, Gina, Sheri, Greg, Greg, Denise, Sue, Doug, O Jim. OVERSEAS JOSS - summer year-round. Europe, S. Amer ica, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $3C3-$1233 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free informatton-VVrite: Inter national Job Center, Dept. NA, Box 4433, Berkeley, CA 94704. Inside parking, close to campus, idesf for suSxompact or mini-cars.- Also space for larger cars. 432 31 3. DRl&TSTtCX KI3T&UnA?T now open . Completely remodeled & ready for businessl 547No.4Str CC3 HQtCS RFnESOTATt3' kteke money NOW before Christmas. Free information. BKS. ICO IV. Pocahontas. Kansas City, ISO 641 14. LOST: Gold ring, inscribed in Arabic on inside. Hassan. 475-4433. Offering reward. LOST: Glasses at or in vicinity of stadium, black case, 433-2333. FQU?:0: Tens Instruments ST1-1 1 slide rule cstcuJator. 472-472-2415. r?fi trn fcr psQ I 5 , 1 ' 1