The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1976, Page page 12, Image 12
thurcky, octcbcr 21, 1976 pc:2 12 dly ncbrc;kcn If; . I 'I . 4 'vfc 4 want ads 10 x 55, new air condition-, ing and furnace, excellent condi tion. Details 643-3CCO. 74 Toyota Corona - good condition, AMFM Radio, road miles. Priced to sell. Call 475 4763. JEEP Renegade, yellow w sport rims and snows, 75, low mileage. Call 435-5376 after' 2 p.m. Always 20 vans in stock. CHARLEY'S AUTO CITY 2301 Cornhusfcer Hwy. 435-4776 Oatsun 2402, orange, stereo, low mileage, 477-2323. . 1SS7 TRIUMPH GT-6. 33 33 mSes, good condition, best offer, 432-6177. 1372 Camaro SS. air, power steering, brakes, one owner. 474-2230 evenings. SPORTSCARS, Corvettes, Camaros. Firebirds, Chevelles FOR LESS. WHEEL CITY AUTO SALES. IC. 42lh & Van Dorn 439-3643 71 VW. excellent condi tion, runs great, call 475-7253 after 6 pjn. 71 Volvo 144 II wAiitranatit riise hrslcps. nMS i tires, mounted snows, low rnies. $2100. Call Bill, 472- Sunn Stuido Lead guitar amifier, 2 years old. Call 475 21 77 after 6:00 p jn. Effective today Prices reduced 20 to 50. Just pur chased 1976 Bankrupt stock -PA's. amps, guitars, banjos. Must move for. incoming 1S7? models. Sale continues until alt 137S stock is gone. ISOSAN MUSIC CO. 830 West P 4324429 IOTRQDUQNG ciDcsa'sFcid 0 6 71 Ts::rl2 cjcsssrCI: 6 o 6 131 West tT r .. . J 1032 Black Chevy II, $253 or best offer. Cell after 5:30 pjn. weekdays, 432-0737. 72 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, greet shape, new steel belted radi&ls, 43JDC3 mSes, AMFU, $1235; after 4 pjn 4333X3. STEREO SPECIALS Check with me for the lowest prices in town. Call Tim, 475 053. Complete Stereo. Allegro 2CC3 speskers. $175.' Interested call 47SS1S3; must sell, am moving. For Sale: Sansui RA-C30, reverb amp. Lucky CO entargsr. Uke new. 475-1457. Pioneer 833 (50 watts). Pioneer F1-A45D turntable, 2 EPI ISO speakers, $575 with warranty, call after 5 pjn ask for Steve, 472-6317, Marantz 2325, 125 (rrra), 6 months old, MUST SACRIFICE. 432777. : . For sale: Sony model 250. Reel-to -Reel, SCO (regular value $179). 439-3363. , .. 1 Bozak CMA-2-65 AMP. 1 TEAC 350. A160. 1 SONY TC 121 A, cassette decks, 1 Mi record 750 MKIII, 1 DUAL 1215 Turntables, 454-6564. 21 -inch RCA console color TV, sofa (converts to double bed) with matching rocker, walnut bunk beds. Call 433 4629 after 3. STUDENTS - SEE US FIRST Large selection, new and different inventory at Lincoln's unique Used Fun it ure Head quarters. Shop in A.C comfort, weekdays 9 ajn. to 8 pjn, Saturday 9-6. UTil AUCTISH CENTER 2431 N. 42th 454-6312 For Sale: 6 ft. x 4 ft. Land & Sky Water Bed Ma tress. $25.432-5537. Typewriter, office size. $30 or best off er. 477-3059. DIA&C&D E&3AGEMENT & WEDDING RS1XGS: Up to 50 discount to students, faculty. & staff (full- or part time). ct. $75. 54 ct. $250. ct. $435. a ct. $535. Vast array of ring settings in gold or platinum. SAVE by buying direct from leading diamond importer. Purchase by mail, phone or from showroom. For color catalog send $1 to SMA Diamond Importers. Inc.. Box 42. Fanwood. N J. 07023 (indicate name of school) or call (201) 964-7975. (212) 632 3330. (215) 103-1843 or (603) 779-1050 for location of showroom nearest you. Duck Downe coat, light blue, extra large, price negoti able. John Liston. 454-0223. Scuba gear, complete outfit. For information call 477-6472 after 4 pjn. Ask for Brit. Lovable male Irish Setter A.K.C needs a home away from Lincoln. 423-2097. Registered pure-bred Saint Bernard pups. 7 weeks old. Cell 432-223-1244. KITTENS. 5 weeks. 475 C237. , 1 12 LP r.ArirED - Fcr Cce Ucrtlsrj I As CpporteSKlty fear J CGGIt. WAITEilAVAITKISCZS. DU3 U21P i Kcsf for & VAT cz:i. I Ccwtfw3 Cwr cur ftv Vsssaa First Ycsr f-rm tee - cterco ccrcrif;TS Lowest prices anywhert on 153 brands, many high end lines, small refrigerators. Csll Dan 435-3375 or 432-4451 for nee quote. Peavey Oanic Amp. New, 50 watts R.V3. $213 or best offer. 470233. JVC receiver and turntable plus 2 smaller advents. Call 4C3-3310. Johnson C3 for sale. Tele phone type. Excellent condi tion. Only used 6 months. MUST SELL. $140 or best offer. Cttl Joe, 472C57S. For sale: 2 tickets" to Missouri game. Msle-female together. First $35 gets the pair.CsS1432-37C3. Apartments near Capitol. Carpeted, draped, air condition ing, range, refrigerator, dish washer, and disposal. $165. Lyle Bigley, 465-6643. AUSTIN REALTY CO. 433361 CAKOLETREE APARTMENTS South 43th and Hwy. 2 33-day lease, 1, 2. and 3 bed room apts. 423-8723. Available: 1. 2, or 3 bed room apartments, bus service. RUGSSfJ PLACE APTS. . 4236243. Apts. for rent. 1-2-3 bed rooms. 3 ft 4 bedroom house, unfurnished, reasonable, after 7:30 pjn.. 4754X554. ZCiandG. JONES APTS. Brand new 2 bedroom, pool, unfurnished $200 up. furnished $245 up. 434-0631. Evenings and weekends, 4SS-CCG0. 475 1107. 2 bedroom apt.. $180. Block from East Campus. Call 434 631 7 or 464-0739. J Part-time help needed, after noons Monday-Friday. Dark room experience necessary. Call KSarilyn for appointment. 477 9512. MAX MILLER CAMERAS. 1434 -Q-. Wanted: Musicians to donate time and talent for a "Jam for Gene". Contact Dave: 472-8679 or Paul 477-1 532. Taking applications for daytime kitchen and counter help; and nighttime dishwasher, full- or part-time, apply in person. BRANNIGANS.;1223 PSt. stTf f car nr Issstica siiitt3 0ssdl , , . -m.jf , . - -.""Si r Vs wrm aminriM ram wwriw -ifw-Min-nnuB-i-li KAfIAC&!!Xr TRAINEE: If you can work 20 to 30 hours per week, are Interested in the food service field as a career, we are interested in you. For interview appointment, call 1V. Schroeder at ALICE'S RESTAURANT. 437-2S03. HCnriFEATIirnS - Cock tail waitresses wanted. Apply to Store or Rob. 1223 P. KUnCTS AIDES: Full- and part-time positions, all shifts. Call or apply in person. AISERtSAfM K'JTltlTZS CE'TEH 44S5 Normal Pvd. 433-2355 VILLAGER LCOTEL Part-time waitresses AM and PM, will work around your schedule. Apply 111 No. 5C;h, 8 BJitA pjnv 4348111, Ext. 333. Auditor needed. 3 nights a week. Also need desk clerk, 3-11 Saturday and Sunday. Apply in person before 5. CLAYTON HOUSE HOTEL ioth a o Wholesalers needed for Lincoln and University Area. Must be willing to work. Send for free information - BT, P.O. Box 352, Kansas Gty, ISO 64141. Bus help and dishwashers needed. Hiring now, call 423 8502 after 12 for eppt. . Excellent opportunity for University student with car. Able to work afternoons and Saturdays in newspaper circula tion department. Approximate ly 33 hours each week. Applicant should be mature, able to communicate with 11 15 year old youngsters. Good pay with mileage expenses for your car and a fine opportunity to gain practical experience. Please apply between 8 a jn. and 5 pjn. or call Jerry. Genrich, 473-7343 for ad interview appointment. JOURNAL-STAR PRtNTtNSCO. 925 PSt. SHIFTWORK 1 pjn.-5 pjn. or 5 pjn .-10 pjn. $430 per month. Call Thursday for interview. 474-1 244. Campus Reps wanted for Hi Fi sale. Make easy money, no investment needed. Sell stereo equipment on your campus for one of the midwest's largest Hi-fi distributors. Call Dave Grundman toll free. 1-CC3-247-2430. Genoa. Des Moines. Iowa. Donut. cutter, early morn ing hours - 3 to 4 hours. Apply 27th ft O before noon. SALES PERSONNEL Do you like people? Interesting and challenging positions open for persons with pleasing personalities for our take-out counter. Feixibte scheduling, evening hours, and negotiable wages. Also have some other openings. If interested apply at VALENTINOS NORTH. 3457 Hokirege on Tuesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday from 1 3:30 pjn. or call for appointment. 4S7-3S1 1 . Ask for Lillian. Waitresses and waiters need ed, evening hours. COUNTRY KETTLE. 4347 Holdrege. 433-1653. - r' 1 50.000.00 THURSDAY -At 8:C3 pa !n, crps, 25 cff. Ptkcs drsp 5 par hcr. a tZL Ultzi p V. 2641 Wanted: . Residential instructor to provfcf training in ! living skUfi for handicapped adults. Part-time evenings and weekends, hours very; PV $2.53 per hour plus mesls. Contact Mike Vaughn, SC0Mn.e44-7S57. m Earn $30 weekly working 4 evenings weekly in combined public relations, advertising and tzles. No door canvassing. Car required. 4C3 9770. Needed: Dependable part time evening andor weekend help. Apply to Taco Inn, 13th ft R St. (The old Campus Book store). Cashier-ettendant, male or female, evening hours, $2X0 to $3X0 per hour. Golden tCue.lSOT-O-St. Live-in housekeeper for paralyzed veteran; room, board, salary. Phone 434-0333. Spanish speaking person needed to assist in Montessori classroom. Call 433-8110 days or 475-8153 evenings. WORKERS WANTED Earnings after a short training period. PART THIS t3 FULL T!.V to $25 a rcsck Distributing company now hiring men and women Must have valid drivers license Must be neat and dependable For information cell .for Mr. Stebbins. 437-3333. " 1 2 general admission tickets to Missouri game. 474-1331 after 5 pjn. Wanted: Four K.U.-N.U. football tickets. CaU 434-SC23 after 6:09. One male and one female ticket wanted to Missouri game. East Stadium preferred. CaH 475-6353. Wanted: 2 General Admission tickets for the Missouri game. 472-C3C3. Wanted: K.U. Football Tickets for Oct. 30. Call 472 0273 or 472-01 77. Two general admission tickets to Missouri game. Together if poss&le. CaH Mark. 437-1743.. 3 or 4 Kansas or Iowa State tickets wanted. Call 423-1614 or 433-3314. Need four male tickets to Missouri game. Call 435-3327. Tickets need not be together. Wanted: 2 roommates, own room, fireplace. $54month utilities. 433-6233 Roommate needed. 3335 '"ST". Call 475-8207. Roommate needed, own room. $32J50. utilities paid. 433-2134. Wanted: 1 roommates, own room in 4-bedroom house. $50 month, utilities included. 2335 Everett. 432-6319. 12-6 pjn or ask for Shaun at Zoo Bar evenings. - Cpm Midnight N. 4Qlh St. DtCK"S WATCH tZHVlCt WiSi Catterbs tS. . of t:Jbr. Cock Slare 3ifJ.12:Ji 432-3414 Tutors in Russian or German lanjcge, reason! rates. 435-51 SI. E-SP extra sensory percep tion? ttol Expert School of Parachuting. For information c3 Claude Wilson, 47777 after 5 pjn. ' ACASSTISRESEARXtl - fATERS Thousnads on file. Send $1C3 for your 132-pege. mail order catalog. 11322 Idsbo Ave., Ho. 2CCH. Los Angsfes, Calif. 80325.(213)477-6474. WE'RE CHOSE Need a band? It's a good bet tat the rock group CHOE is whet you're looking for. For bookings, contact Wes, 477-C331. GAYc:r.TiA:5 Fellowship, dlscusion, counsel ing. Confkfantty Assured Thurs. 6-8 pjn. (432) 475 5710 EVAfJGELICALS CCr4CERWED, PS). Box SI 645, Lincoln 63331. Birthrfejht offers free preg nancy tests, confidential under standing help. 477-6321 . OVERSEAS JOSS -summeryear-round. Europe, S. America. Australia, Asia, etc All fields. $3301230 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free infarmation-Wrtte: International Job Center, Dept. NA. Box 4430. Berkeley, CA S4734. Dear Andy, Bob or Jack: It's your chance to take me out you cheap bums. Uncle Sam's Friday nite. $5JC0 a coup!a. and FREE DHLXSl You had better call me. BJS. Inside parking, close to campus, ideal for sub-compact or mini-cars.. Also space for larger cars. 432-631 3. ' IjCW'EIERS DRL&tSTtC&RESTAURAflT now open Completely remodeled & -ready for business! 547 No. 43th s s i i t CFCI HOUSE REPRESETiTATIVES Make money NOW before Christmas. Free information. BKS, 100 W. Pocahontas. Kansas City. MO 641 14. J LOST: Glasses at or in vicinity of stadium, black case. 435-2633. Tcdr3:23-G:C3 Tcr.'t2 7:Z3-C:w3 n Sttay tfal vftttMfef 4haf i 9 Went At "pr