thurrdr, cetcbcr 14, 1073 tun p f?N v"" fKt ; f if coy A Unccb Aliases study trds ptts t!ii rcri art s thzt torns O.rj, Li-cLi zrJ Dorics (OJL&D) 3 rosd FOptrty is endsrsrej and pvrn farther tax I W2J UrrJ by ths LinccLi as a tt:fT rrsrehsr to stidy property ta prctkmj in Lanccr Cbttrty. i The irsKilt of rny rerssrdi was a prclni-ry rrpcrt which thowsd that tons OJL & D property Li Lincoln was unierasscd and fcnpropl clarified as termed . wi t watch u mso.n Ud J ; Revenue they K&zzd to believe tfcit Tcnrind Reports were prLrnly. the rrrponilty of the county zzzztztf Fritz llzytt, Or.t source ia the revenue LVpt. cid they accepted as fair and accurate any Termhd Report which was not . centered by a cocnty zzzzzzct. (Raih'oais pre pare Terminal Ajcessncnts Reports for each county fci which they operate. These reports 113 properties and their vsbes which the RaH'oad confers Terminal Fro perty.) Are Railroads totaSy lelteasjing? What is or isi't Terminal Property? If nothing eke the Alliance's study has shed some light on a some forgotten or ignored property in Ncbraca. The Lincoln Alliance also has urged Ueyer not to in crease residential property values in Lincoln without reasre$:5 cornmercbl and indurtrid property filues, ab?. Cefcre the AZhr.cs started to act, it appeared that only reiential properties were going to be iczzzzzzzd and given fexreased ruations. liryex repeatedly chimed that commtrcLJ and Indus trial properties were already zzzzzzzd fairly and it was residential properties which were receiving tax breaks because of under assessment. The IincoLi Alliance study on the 04- & D Railroad identifies spedfkaSy the error of that position. It is one example, but indications are it would not stand abne if LJeyer made a comprehensive reassessment. My hope is that the O, L& D Railroad study wO serve ss a catalyst for review of property assessment, tax pay ments and properly ownership in Lancaster County.' property (tangible property used in the operation of the railroad) thus affording 0,L & B significant tax savings as terminal property is assessed a lower mill levy than other classifications of property. LSore research was added to the report, presented to the Lancaster County Doard Tuesday. I was surprised by the confusion and neglect I found . concerning railroad property assessment-and taxation. OJL & B Railroad's Terminal Report (which must be sub mitted yearly by each railroad to the State Department of Revenue and the county assessor) included parcels of pro perty which had been sold by 04. & B Railroad or which they apparently have neyer owned. I had the impression that the 04- & B Railroad simply turned in the same list of properties from year to year, never bothering to make changes if property was sold or purchased or if the value of a property increased or de creased. - Persons in the county assessors office showed little concern for or even awareness of Railroad Terminal Re ports. They seemed to believe that Terminal Reports were primarily the responsibility of the State Department of Revenue. .. , When I spoke with persons in the State Department of H . M M GEve your life See your dentist regun larly. It may save your Rife. Cancer of the moutlJ kills about 8,000 Amer leans each year who might have been saved through early detection and treatment. So seq your dentist for a conw plete oral checkup reg idarly. I A turn Cancer Ssdsfyf 1? k:x-- Looldng for uniqua M i's has somsihing , difiarent for yoaYoul did a special - collection of casual faslran for the original and traditbnal 0 the look is expensive. fei Plssisnen Center Weekdays 933 - 6 4711 Hir.tiicn Avcnus Thtnday ta 9 u u !21 oil ti I u1 D E Shlpmant of French .. ' d Onsnts! rugs... -, d 4' 6' Tp33tri33 D to a discount of )) 0 D G G G Also India Shiris End Blousso. i 11 JLjm.C3 iii 5aE2 Lay Ms y Carey Bed has per formed and recorded with Howlio' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Wilfy Dixon and has several albums of his own.. Sam Lay has recorded with Paul Butterfiefd, Bob Oytan, Mike Btoomfieid and several other Chicago blues artists. 136 N. 14th AT IMS . , ... ... .,, JJ m I ill ii iiinimwmiiii i milium i in inn himmijj..i. imi i in i i i m'm' nni i m muu mmi. . ......... .. .. . n wjiiwT irninL '. i ' 'ZD V !-! j S 1 : 1 J II I t II i A I I-"' II V t J ' ft i l I i 1 i I 1 " LJ V -i ,. J --i-.- i .. '. i ;liiloJilJ- - i i C nan nrirr vu www ww Szi&yyiXf BO ibast oocooco h1 Lju n no n U U OUULi 170 C07Ea hb . jfS. V w Little Bo West c n ""N 'saBj? "i,, s n uuuLj uuLjti GC3E3 G8E& Games, Fun and Glisap Drinldn' Op:a at 3, ITcon oa Sat of conr:3, to covor cicig3