frfc!cy,re;;j-0,1373 PC-5 I ilii 3 L'i n "1 V u fcj - C;::z3 a Ecr;? CrL:? I Www . Cv-,J Lwwwi UJ cdwT f to Sa cp for in tmiws 2t the phcKnent office. The Officer Lifcrrnatlcm Team wO fee hitsnrh&hi st the S&sdeat flacsnsest Grfice (Stedesi Ifc&n) on 12, 13, end 14 Oct. -cr- Gs3 for mere isfsrmslssn caw: Women fe MieboijtfBfoslyfes 1 Y'orrn In Fcrzecttre, a day-Ion seminar exlr-in women fci the 197C, wi3 fce Saturday at Ntbraa Wes fcyan Ifolversity (I r,VU). The nzr.ti2T is tpor.zctcJ by the N7U Convocations CcnrnJitec, according to chairwoman Nan Crzff, The seminar will preset 1;n:td women doinj their own thin," she tzll. Th?yVe nest part of a Ir,t5nt.,' Spiers are freni the Lincoln conrrn;y or contact' eJ throih rT"U personnel, accordirs to student body president, Randy Urbom, w3 deliver the welcoming address. Speakers and their topics incline Cetty Stevens, house mother of a N'7U fraternity and co!unnet for the Lin coin Jfocrna!, Celebration of Life; Siirfcy Cayou of the Indian Alcohol and Drug Program, Native Americans; Dr. fat Stivrins, h'omen in Medicine; and ECen Dewey, a political scientist and national Orrnizstion of Tonarn acthrt, KesponzZle Choices. Afternoon session speakers and topics are State Sen. Shirley l!arsh of Lincoln, h'omen tt PolUla; Adnee Eradford, former Er-!iih and education professor at fAVU, The Click Experience; Cecky V.hcdon, Nehrada chairwoman of the International Women's Year, Vohn tecrtr.: Hhea Hler, theoloyaa and py activist, Alter nztive lifestyles; and O! Stepanek, a retired UTiL Enj lish professor, Self-ActusHzstion After 70. Tere trying to give a rounded picture of what women are doing in 1976," Graff said. The seminar will be from 8:30 ajn. to 4:30 pin. at the Shirk Teaching Center and the Olin Hall of Science on the N7U campus. Sessions are free, Graff said. Cr3 21-C"j 1 U -ftps ' with ij-f Ezvey BtM Nr ke Md tmu tm tie i Neat! Super wick cafe TUP. TSrsre's maZLing man isEdoms tlsn SaUlanCiois"a4iiQdes! . 0 W fi n 14 l! f. i vl R? M IFAR3SLY MM 03 - B 03 INCLUDES: 1 TACO 2 ENCHILADAS, CHIPS & BEAMS AVAILABLE FOR CARRY-OUT 17fh & VAN D0FN : J sl3 off J n i i z41 0 a i J. -.J r It it "2 ) ) ) 3JB3 3 Li Si L43 L w b mrmimtidm mum m C 1. -...J Bssaf. OKI f - saC3 L"lfci.