The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1976, Image 1

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    Inside today
and lots of love
keeps pfcnts healthy p. 6
. . ' . daily fiebraskao
fridsy, octcber 8, 1073 vol. 1C0 no. 22 lincdn, ncbrcca
Mosidele: Corfer mim
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Gaei7ay : :Sahf controversy
Tai'3 moro wsm
Cy Erysnt Ekk&s
1$ eroiyfeody h27 with the banking
situation at UNL?
Gateway Cook is happy. The Nebraska
Union management is happy. Even the
National Bank of Commerce is happy.
The students? Well, they seem to have
mellowed on the subject since last winter.
Gateway Bank, which has a branch in
the Union, initiated an activity charge last
February, causing a few heated debates
about whether the bank should or could
be expelled from the Union space it
Dennis Applebee, vice president for
Gateway's depositor services, said Thurs
day the bank's account and financial losses
were lower than expected.
The lower financial losses could be due
partly because Gateway is paying the
Union $11,772.12 less in rent this year.
This is because when the bank's option to
renew the lease came up in July, it passed,
forcing the Union to open the lease to
Gateway was the only bidder, as it was
originally. However, rather than paying
last year's fee of $1625 per square foot,
Gateway won the bid for $4 per square
foot per year.
Last yyzz e bank began charging
customers 25 cents to cash a check unless
that person had a minimum balance of
$50 in a Gateway account.
"We didn't open as many accounts on
the campus bank this year as we did a
year ago, Applebee said. "Cut we feel the
total overall effect has been good. Yes,
we're pleased."
The bank reported last year that it was
forced to be the only bank in Lincoln to
adopt the check cashing policy because,
of a 22 per cent drop in net returns in
"Our earnings are better at this point
than last year," Applebee said. "We have
lost accounts, but it has not -been near
what we thought it would be."
The National Cask of Commerce has
picked up several accounts since the charge
was added.
"If you knew how many, you would
put it in a headline, said Mike Hins
NEC vice president of marketing,
But Higgins could not say what effect
Gateway's charge has had on the influx of
There is really no legitimate way of
telling," he said. "We had a substantial
number of student accounts come at the
time free checking was removed from the
campus." But he added- 1 access!
this fall are a result partly from the banks
dose location to campus.
"Free checking wasn't an issue this
fall," he said. The people who were
really upset made the change last year."
AI Bennett, Union director, sail he was
not aware of continuing student concern
about the bank's charge. It continues to be
the only Lincoln bank to have one.
It's my opinion that the service is
staisfactory to the bank's clientele," he
said. "It continues to be the only viable
way of keeping a check cashing service
available to students."
vo conduce
By Gecrgs IIZLzt
Democratic vice presidential candidate
Walter Honda!; told a crowd of cheering
Jimmy Carter fans Wednesday night that
Carter proved that he should conduct
America's foreign polky by his per
formance in the second round of debates
with President Gerald Ford.
Mondale addressed 'approximately 500
persons in the ballroom of the Omaha I Id
ton just after the crowd viewed the debate
on a giant television screen.
The Minnesota senator told the audi
ence that Carter seeks a foreign policy that
"represents the values of the American
people," that "draws strength from the
American people through a fully employed
economy," sr . speaks of the values
of the American people.
- Mondale expressed disbelief that Ford
referred to Eastern European nations as
being independent of Soviet control.
"Any student in a Nebraska sixth grade
who gave that answer would be passed over
until the next year," he say.
ShosXd hare met Sclzhenitsyn -
Mondale said this demonstrates why
Ford should have met with exiled Russian
author Alexander Solzhenitsyn "instead
of turning his back on him" when Sol
zhenitsyn was in Washington D.C., last
year. -
Mondale was introduced to the crowd
by Gov. J. James Exon. Exon watched the
debate with Mondale in the Minnesota
senator's hotel room, along with Iowa
Sens. Dick Clark and John Culver.
-.: - State Democratic ' 'party officials 'and "
htor leaders joined Mondale greeting, ,
supporters.- Also present .were- Demccrst
t ic ccngreoGal candidates Pauline Aadcr-
son and John Cavanaugh. ;
Predictably enough, most persons ia
the ballroom after the debate thought
Carter had outsccred the President.
However, not everyone in the ballroom
was a Carter-Mosdale fan. Several persons
sittmg ia the middle of the crowd carried
signs reading "Stop Abortion-Give LIFE
a Chance' and "Abortion Separates
Mothers." When Ford appeared on the
screen or appeared to have scored a point
on Carter, they cheered.
. . : SmZizg peanuts " -.
But these people were far outnumbered
by persons carrying posters depicting a
foreign, policy
niversity operators work
to solve the u
By Deb Pslnssr
You need to talk to your professor but
you don't know his office telephone
number. Or you see a cute girl or guy that
you would really like to get to know, but
you don't know the name, much less the
telephone number. Or the cold you've had
for the last three weeks suddenly makes
you feel faint and you need help, fast. In
each case, who do you caQ?
472-7211, the university operator, of
Ruth Mkhalecki, director of UNL's
Telephone and Radio Communications
Center, said operators often handle calls
like these.
Twenty-three operators, five per shift,
handle the electronic switchboards around
the clock to provide UNL students, faculty
and staff with answers to their questions.
The five electronic switchboards, called
consoles, and their operators, are huddled
ia & small, rectangular room in Nebraska
I Ml 211. When a question comes in thai
one operator can't asnwer, she puts the
caller on hold and asks her co-workers fcr
"Between the five of us, we get it an
swered," said Joanne Sturgeon.
University operators try to be helpful,
Mkhalecki said, although this year they are
working under Srery trying circumstances.'
";- - -Nc Centsex sys&sa
"They (university operators) bear the
brunt of complaints" against the new
Centrex system, she said, although it is
not their fault "not all the bugs are worked
out." V
With conversion to this system, univer
sity operators also have become the
student information center. They have the
telephone numbers and addresses of all
UNL students, although if operators are
giving out wrong cumbers, it isn't their
fault, Michalecki said.
Students should report an incorrect
number or address to the office of aca
demic affairs, she said, because that is the
input source to their computers. An up
date sheet is received by the center about
every two weeks, she added.
University operators are also watchdogs
of the UNL security system, Mkhalecki
s?d. A control panel at the front of the
room slsh vdsen an emergency hzppcns
anywhere ca campus. Operators then call
the appropriate cumber, such as the fire
statica, LuccLa Fcike Dept. (LFD) or a
peanut with a wide grin or those who
cheered when Carter called Henry Kcsir.ger
president of the United Stztes as far as
foreign polky was concerned.
At a press conference after his appear
ance in the ballroom, Mondale said a Car
ter administration would open up the decision-making
process in foreign polky by
submitting treaties to the Senate for ap
proval instead of making executive agree
ments, which need no Senate approval.
He also said new safeguards to pre
vent misuses of power by the CIA would
be started by a Carter administration.
Mondale accused the Ford Ammistra
tion of not working with Congress or Am
erican allies in shaping foreign polky.
Mondale again referred to Ford V state
ment on East European countries, saying
the President made a "major error" in say
ing they were autonomous of the Soviet
"People with origins" in these nations
will be very clear in expressing their
notions of what Ford said " Mondale
He accused Ford of preparing the de
fense budget, not on the basis of national
security, but to undermine the primary
challenge of Ronald Reagan. He said he did
not know of anyone who has cot studied
the defense budget "and not found fat
Mondale was questioned about a report
by the General Accounting Office that said
American pilots reported that most of the
crew of the captured ship Mayaguez were
cot on the clnd American troops later
attacked to save the crew.
the report, but that based on news stories
about the report, he thought the analyst
and evaluation of intelligence was very
. weak. .
polky on Angola, which he said might have
sucked the U.S. into another Vietnam.
"Congress terminated (American) in
volvement over the objections of the Ford '
administration who wanted to continue
their covert onerations."
Mondale will debate bis Republican
counterpart, Sen. R--rt Dole of Kansas,
Oct. 15 in Houston, Tex.
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