The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1976, Image 1

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    Inside today
i i t j t i ii ii it if r i t t Avi i I i j i r i v - . r i v
i i L P. 1 II k I. 1 1-1 I 1 I 1 I f 1 V. A I '
The vcsther should be
fine, but tickets sn:
hard to get p. 13
tburrdr, cctebcr 7, 1973 vol. 1C3 no. 22 llnce'n, Rdtacsj
XfEfaxa Coleman, Jr., UJ5. secretary of transportation,
said he found Earl Butz's racial annmentj no worse than
Democratic rcsfdentlal candidate Jimmy Cartel's com
ments about ethnic purity.
During a question and answer session flowing his
speech Wednesday ia the Nebraska Union Ballroom, Cole
man asked UNL students if they also hadn't tcIJ ethnic
jokes. ;
CoIemaa'ssiJ President Gerald Ford has indicated that
he doesn't tolerate racism. Four days passed from the
time of Ford's knowledge of Butzs remarks until Butt's
Calling this a Very short time" in the federal estabnsh
- meet, Coleman said Ford ought to get high marks. He
added that 21 per cent of the federal establishment con
sists of minority members.
Coleman has been active in the civil rights movement,
working with the legal defense fund of the National As
sociation for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) and helping write the brief in the Supreme
Court decision that overthrew the separate-but-equal
-segregation ruling.
. TrLJ period approved
Apointed transportation secretary in 1975, Coleman
decided the UJS. would allow the Franco-British super
sonic jet (SST Concorde) to land in Vashhigton, D.C., and
New York City for a trial period.
Coleman said SST production was stopped in the US.
because some persons thought money should not be in
vested in something they said would only serve the rich.
"Now the British and French are investing the dollars
. while we're learning the technology. What I did was con
sistent with the legislature's ruling," said Coleman.
Saying he felt it was important to restore confidence in
the federal government, Coleman added that the Ford
administration hasn't dictated to federal departments.
. "Since the time of Franklin Roosevelt, there is more
independence and more freedom among Cabinet officials
than there has ever been in W ashingtoa," Coleman said.
; Research, careers diacegsed " .. -
Coleman met with about 12 UNL faculty members and
said his department wanted to see more of what he called
""unbiased research work corning from universities, secord
fcg to UNL Chancellor Roy Young. ; ' ; ST"S"
Young said Coleman expressed an interest ia student
awareness cf career opportunities within the government.
The federal government is spreading cut, and more
government employes are coming to campuses, Young
said. lie added that students also benefit from research di
rected for federal governments.
Instructors qualified to advise the federal government
have to be expert in their fields and this expertise is
helpful to the student, Young added.
Coleman's Lincoln vrit was sponsored by the Lincoln
Chamber cf Commerce and the UNL Ccl!ege c Easiness
Administration's Execctive-in-Residence program.
Ccleman also speke at a luncheon at the liaccb
I IH ton Ibtel sponsored by the Lincoln Transportation
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U(S. &ctetasy of Tisiarportztsan. VtlZIasa Cclamsa.
GmdL3aie senatonnJcill!(S out of ASUM meeting
ASUN adopted two rescJutioss and confirmed three
senate nominations Tedsesday nfit ia a rneefeg marred
by procedural squabblas. v
The procedural squabble: began when three new
senators were confirmed asd sora in before roll vji
called. As roll was be caHsd, graduate senator Frank
Thompson objected.
"How can yon vote to confirm these people without a
quorum? Thompson said. "I want it stated in last week's
and this week's minutes that I didn't participate ia the
election, he said. "IH probably take this to student
First Vice-President Tony YIiams responded, "The
first thing we did was to count to see if there was a
quorum. That's the first thing a government body does,
he said.
Thompson picked up his coat and walked out. The roll
continued, 24 senators were present, enough for a
Two weeks ago, ASUN minutes show, Ted McConneQ
was nominated and confirmed as a business senator and
Steve WEey was confirmed as an engineering senator. Doth
actions were taken before roll was called.
The new senators confirmed last night were Colleen
Shanahan, business, Scott Cook, Arts and Scks&es, sM
Lyie George, agriculture.
One resolution acted ca by ASUN was to grant a
lEOday operating permit to any group wishlsg to
campaign on campus fox a political candidate. The ASUN
, constitution requires a student group file a constitution
with ASUN before operating' on campus. The resolution
was designed to get around this constitutional clause.
The resolution as originally passed two weeks ago would
.have granted a 90-day operating permit, but was vetoed
last week by ASUN President Bill Mueller because it
was determined that 90 days would not be enough time.
The Senate felt that ISO days was not enough time
either, and through a friendly amendment the length was
extended to 240 days.
The new resolution also would have enabled groups
granted a permit to use "all the financial services available
to fully recognized groups. .
"Would this mean that these groups could request
student fees like other student organizations? Cook, the
newly-appointed senator asked.
"No, they would just be eligible to use student banking
Viewers persist" despite yawns over vi
services, said senator Lihby Swansea. It was noted that it
iS'.HSegsl: to sta-T fees for an outside-election
sr 4i, sr - - rl Ty amendment was tacked
onto - fie ijLjiMik ungi g "financM to "banking.
. "But if it ssps that, tlc the groups won't be able to
sell buttons and teuoper stickers, said senator Ken
Christoffersen. "Banking was changed back to
"financial, and the resolution was adopted.
Ken Mareinau, ASlrN-Residence HaH Association
liaison, presented a resolution calling for a parking lot
south of the Coliseum. The resolution also asks that the
number of Area 1 to 5 parking permits sold be equal to
the number of spaces available. The resolution was passed
by Residence flail Association (RilA) last week.
Ifsreiaaa said new lots scheduled to be constructed
along 19th street wO add 120-130 parking places, but said
there wiHstSl be m,-"M,prchlera. x,
Ef areinaiE said most Erring units have passed variations
of the R1IA resolution, and all seem to agree that the
Campos Police should not be overselling the lots.
"We want to have the right rather than the privilege to
park, he said. Te want to limit the number of parking
permits to the number of spaces available. '
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ifl ff V
By JsnsiFix .
Despite what some called the boredom cf the first pres
idential candidates debate, several students questioned ia
an informal survey Wednesday afternoon said they
planned to watch V.'ednesday night's debate. .
In the debate, candidates Jimmy Carter and Gerald t
Ford discussed foreign and defense policy. Both candi
dates had claimed victory after the first debate over do
rnestic and economic issues. '
Analysis cf the second debate was unavailable at publi
cation time.
Most students said they watched the first and would
watch the second because they were undecided abest who
they would vote for and wanted to see what each candi
date would say. -
Jim Karris, a senior engineering major, sail he was in
terested ia what each candidate had to say and ho they
would present their positions.
"I thoit the last debate was interesting, especially
the last 27 minutes, he said. Audio during the first
dsbate was fcterrupted for 27 minutes.
Senior Doug Kristensen, Intertratemity Council presi
dent and political science major, said he watched because,"
"rm highly feierested Ei the outcome. "
Tom Dkhm, a Union Program Council (UFC) member,
'sail he planned to watch the second forum because he
missed the first. .
The resignation Monday of Earl Eutz as VS. Secretary
of Agriculture encouraged additional interest ia the
second debate, according to seme students.
Joe Staves, a senior and ASUN second vice president,
said, "ta interested to hear how .Carter incorporates his
slur on Earl Butz and his invchement ia the Russiaa grain
Mark IJarringtcn, a junior majoring ia business, also
said he was interested ia the second debate because cf
Beta's resignaticei.
"It promises to be intrrestrg, Ilarrbgtca said. Tn
sure Carter w3 have somethsg to say about Butx.
Amy Triable, a junr psychclogy rasjor, said she
would watch Ford whea he ccarnanted ca Ertx during
the forum. "
Bes?y L-fc-.-ii .
1 believe yea caa tell as much ahcut a man by his
body language as by what he says, Trimble said. "I think
I wO probably vote for Carter because anyone who thinks
that he (Ford) is losing cue of his grratest men, and is
losing a man who loves America (RutzX doesn't have it
Clint Thute, a sophomore criminal justice major who
said he supported Ford, wanted to hear what Ford had to
say.-.. ; -
"And more importantly, Cuter doesn't have to
say, Thute said. "I dca't think Carter ever has anything
to say. . y .
Only one student questioned admitted that he did cot
plaa to watch the debate, v
Jcha Vslinch, a U2C member and cohamaa cf the
upcoming Poorer and Conspiracy ia America rspcsna,
I sarw the first debate and fcund it du3, said Valiaah,
locked kbd cf ccmiaal and rid. Ttey locked Lie man
nequins and it made me wonder if they really tad ks
behind the pcdiina.
Vttinch sail he prciah!? would vote far Lsdardr:!