The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1976, FIRST DOWN, Image 23

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Vfs J sew
bus Ufc
3-uuuuldsk.i ik tyiOiii-ioi-
Any dw'ia i:to minds cf Dig Red fens ebcut to po
tency cf to Hirers' cfrertca nir hava been ersced after
lestSeturdjy'scieainst to Unfcrersity of Indiana (!U).
In a 0-0 tis with Lcutna Ctets University (LSU) t&"0
wrecks lkkcr enser q-jerterteclc Vines Fcrrsao
fcd to effenea ccrces to Crnil jpel ls j-jet enca.
ncrvrr, leet Citordry's ctn.r.;i hdieno ives dif
ferant. The Hueker effort rc".J up 413 tctd yrrds, 253
cn to ground,cnd sccred 43 pchtj to Ill's 1 X -
"It wes fped to cs to cf.'enes score tot meny
points." Ikcker heed ccech Tcm Corna .tdd. Va
didn't p!cy a,wfx!a let becr ton vr2 did at LSU; wa jucf
got beEx field position c::rat Indiana."
Texas Christisn Uriiv&iity (TCI?) ms-it bs in for a
Ior3 afternoon today if past meetings ere srr irsdicetbn.
r.'ibrsj has won to tot four meetings with TCU.
yeer's E3-14 stopping.
Cut Qets Pf Kan. senior linebacker end cc-czpiain, said
he cfoesn't think" "gettfng up" for TCU wCI ba difficult.
. V."a cent L"p zrsJ don teem if we're going to be
a good teen," FSZan scsi. "V'a're going to c3 throrrto
same preparation and workouts wa do for any other
team." -
FsIIen said to Frogs aerial attack s!so may surprise
the Husker defense. Lsrt week, in a 31-0 loss to the Uni
versity of Tennessee, TCU quarterbacks threw 45 passes.
. ' TCU thm 13 pssbs in a rcvy tsssnst Ttmzssssr
TiZza eld. "fisrf tssn tot ccn tVow tot many tfecs
. ssnJ hss cscd recshrsrs csn test cnyorta, cny&ns. A pd
tm just Can't let down zpjnst trim Kke TCU."
Lsst week spinet Indiana, RSen suited up !vt didnt'
p!ry becsucs cf cn enkte ic;ury hs suffered r;M!i prec
tctrrj fcr to ctxj.
"It's stHI tsrs bat it feels a let better ton it did,"
h sild. "I thsuJ ts rcec?y for TCU. Chencss zxz pretty
Jc4nCn3 n:n ct tlne!eker is junior Jim IVinen, to
Huskers fcsna tecklsr this yesr. Junior Kent Cr.; re
plsccs leet vkt's A!l-Amertcsi Worcfer K.!onds st moner.
. Cenkar Dsis CuttirfkU znensrs to secondary tot in
dudes jurJcrs Ted Ilorvsy end Lsrry Ve!eeik. Leet yeer'
to Freds' peered for . 153 yards aeinst to Hickers.
Futtz and Ron Pruftt befstsr the
Huskers' defeneivs front vich give up only 16 ysrds
rushing to TCU last Yesr.
' Senior Rsy Thl'Ms and junior Tony Ssmud
flebrsska's ends and junior Jeff Patten is rnedd!.
"Ya were worried about to middle guard position
at to banning of to year, but Jeff has done a res! fine
pis." Opoms sefd.
TCU a!r attack
Like Pi"en. Osborne sskl he expects an air attack from
; They heva pod tocv.-ers end' rteejvcrs," ha sekf.
T;3II sea to tea In to air a let: V.'a better ba pra
pered to p.'ey C3 rr.rutss cf focto!!."
Offensive!-, to Hirkers feetira hfJytouted sensor
qerterteek: Vinca 'Ferrepmo. JurJcr fronts Antony,
coming off an C3-ysrd ruling dsy telnet lndiena,w;3 ba
, atl-Ceck. ' .-
Junior Dedlu Conncl, llztrz'J feeding rtKher
apinst lU wiA CI yards, is at f uniiek.
Seniors Ezlby Thexes and C;uek. CIito shers to
Junbr Ken Speeth sterts at tlitnd,wh;.'a former
querterbeck, junior Eerl Everett, tredes winJbeek duties
wi senior DsaSIien'in. 'J-i .,
Senior Cob Lirrr.fsltsr leeds to offensive line at left
teckfa and ssnrar Stave Hoins is at ri;f tsckla.
Sznioir Den Sehmlt and junior Creg Jorgeneon are
Nebraska's gjerds' and junior -To.tiYDevis is at center.
One bright spot aelnst Indiena wes sensor Al Evs-
1 1 - t r f i
i aria s kkkui. mi cveisna r.3 one Tieia gii
attsnpt tleekssJ, miixd another, and didn't get a chance
at to extra -point attempt when to snep was muffed.
straight extra point attempts and hit his lone fie'd god
attempt from 23 yards.
"For us to beat TCU, well have to get turnovers, the
- momentum, and play weft earfy in the game." Osborne
.. said. , . : . :T ' - .
4325 Ma 53; N-r . llmzhsdi Aue.
Fcafuring iho AAfdwcst's Finest Primo Rib
Charpool Stccte -.Sandwiches
end Your Fcvorito'Covcrcjgos
Et's tl:3 piece to lie fe? .
tcl, live, rcslfn rcll,
if V:- - .
;. . n .
X. -A 4.. ,,- wydJL- J V' lilt Sutt j ilDT tiMSrVl' '
-j" iiijyj 4i'i ii