The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1976, Page page 5, Image 5

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    tfcurrfsy, tcplzxbcr 23, 1070
I VI elites
ft -I, M dim, R , ,
Political eroj?s war.!-:? bocA H ih ir.
wn he panted a 9tezy Iktnzs to entitle intend cf
cfEee t'-rcurh their rcs?ectivs ccZtu ASUN senators
are elected ty ccZefje, and to disuse this wcu!d pro-
T5 j9 JSSSLf fp 13 the student hilly leqafee sa amendment to the ASUTJ costofca,
ife deeded fcednesiay!i-,;t. 12uderisid-
Accor&ss to the ASUTJ coss&Btfco, a student croup
st be officially reccsmzed by ASUTJ before it can ccer-
at unu ASUN Freshed C3 t!seEer said the license
pmrxiese b an extension cf cast policy and wri
groups supporting a candidate to operate wi&cut hsvih
to wait for formal approval.
The resolution ws3 aHoar poops to operate for 50
days for daring the periods cf the primary and general
Another resolution paasd by the Senate wO subtract
a four per cent surtax from whatever money student re
ceive from seEing bocks thrsri the ASUN bock ex
change. Acccrdlns to the rcacZjiloa the money wO be
used to offset loazes from lest or stolen locks.
The resolution also provides for a standing committee
to check into ways cf preventing bock theft, and w21
require stndents who own books currently eehg stored
by ASUN to pick them cp before summer or they wrO
become ASUN property.
During open fonmi,ie Senate xsfss asked by the Vice'
President of the International Student Union to rn!ude
a foreign student as a votinj member cf ASUTI.
Mohammed Abdul, a UNL student uom Iberia, said
about 600 forign students from 75 countries attend
UNL but are not adequately represented in student
government. He called for more senaltmty to the pro
blems of foreign students, which he sail include culture
shock and "$54 a credifhour tuition which is hlgi even
by American standards."
Several alternatives to Abdul's requests were suggested
by senators, including having foreign students run for
The Senate also approved 23 committee anointments,
with ahout 30 committee vacancies yet to be filled.
Fond es"
n f it
,42ia I
The Ccmh'uaker lurching Eand will benefit from a
memorial fund established for a band member kiHad
Sunday n a car-motorcycle accident in Kearney. .
Contributions to the fund in memory cf H3
Vanderfbrd will be accepted by the NU Foundatbn,
3335 IlDlireje St accordins to Band Director Robert
Fought. . i-
Vanderford's riiarchmg place wIH be kept vacant in his
memory durmg Saturday's performance at hsTftmg cf the
foct5a3 game against Texas Chrrn Ifairorsity.
This would have been Vanderford's fourth year in the
band, Fought said. lie played trumpet for three years and
was to play msUbphcne this year.
Fought said he does cot know how the memorial
money will be spent. He sail he needs to do some careful
thinking about a worthwhile use for the money.
This is not money that sould be spent with a light
mind,'' he said.''' ..-
Vanderfbrd, a senior music major, lived at 5239
Heumann Drive. He was the son of Mr. and &!rs. VIZiam
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