The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1976, Page page 12, Image 12
daily ncbrcdten thurrdsy, September 23, 197j3 pe3 12 want ads I Hoyal Manual Typewriter, Excellent Condition. Best offer, 434-5335. Skis for sate. LANGE 1C0 S. New, never been used. $130 best offer. Call Yogi after 5:30 p.m. 435-5183. Nikon Lense with hard leather case, 2CQmm f4.0, $153; Nikon enlarging lenses with original plastic cases and boxes, 50mmf2J8. $45, and 80mm f5.6. $33. All in perfect condition. Evenings, 477-1333. 35mm Cannon Ftb with 50mm lens. 5 months old. $225. 403-6197. Pam. New Ovation 6 String guitar with hard cover case, $225. 475 2013. - FURNITURE SALE Super prices on used and damaged upholstered furniture. Many chairs and sofas. Hours 10-4 Saturday only. INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 1233 South St. 2 Student FB tickets together in East Stadium. Best offer. 472-3542 or 472-9205. Granite Stairway mountain eering parka. Nylon shell & lining, 12-oz. average down fid, . Delrin no. 5 zipper with snap over draft flap. Down insulated hand warmer pockets. 2 caraa pockets, plus 2 inside pockets. Draw cord at bottom. Complete with down insulated snap-off hood and stuff sack. SURPLUS CENTER 1303 West' Datsun "230Z" 76 sky blue. Vow mileage, can't afford, will trade. Call 425-5376 after 3:00. GARAGE SALE Damaged, discontinued, floor model items. Includes 10-speed bikes, portable General Electric Zenith TV's and stereos, small appliances, radios, and many other items. Special prices on tires and service. Open Sunday 12-5. GOODYEAR STORE 1313-0-St. Mcintosh 1700 Receiver. Pioneer PL-12 turntable & cartridge. 2-AR-2AX speakers (walnut). Call 472-2093 or 433 1134. ...... , Shirt and Jean sale. Rangier long-sleeve long tail cotton flannel shirts. Sizes S. M. L. XL. Regular $5X3. Special -$4jS3. Rangier button front flare leg jeans, regular or soft brush cotton finish. Regular S3JB3. Special SSJO. Rangier white painters jeans, 100 cotton pra-shrunk. Sale $7 S3. SURPLUS CENTER ISSdRacfD" Sony 633 Tapecorder (reel-to-resl, auto-reverse. 3 motors). Sany 250 Tapedack, Sony TC-3 Player record sr (3-track). Call 472-2333 or 433-1 1S4. 72 lG3-gt. 17, COO mles. excellent condition. 433-2733. 435-1340. Ltr.scui n:ra?T srens Lowest press in town on cloth-'. ing. for studsnts. Also furni ture. tsiavMons. appliances, bric-a-brac, and all household Cams. Support your Disabled American Veterans. 17 13 O Strsst Lfesssia.f4E. I burs: Ktonday through Surday.9to9. 1373 Fist Spydar. blue. EJtsiJ. 34.CC0 mUss. 24 mpg, rta.4w734. Sureo components lowest prices anywhere on over ISO top brands, all fully guaranteed. Call Dan at 435-3375 or 432 4431. Tired of looking for car? For the lowest prices on 73 and 77 Dodges and Pontlacs plus 10 different used cars, ca,"l 435-5373 for eppt. Used band equipment. Shunt PA. Wurlitzer Electric Piano. Acoustic 135 Guitar Amp. Univox Synthesizer. 434-5353 after 5 p m. Color TV, best buy in town, "19 Solid State, 10-year guarantee. $365. Credit avail able. Reliable Stereo, 230 N, 10th. Gerard turntable, demon strator, $75. Reliable Stereo, 230 N. 10th. 1970 Triumph Spitfire- AMFM radio, hardtop, good condition-best offer; evenings, 433-3370. 1974 RED FORD WINDOW VAN 34 ton-240 6 cylinder, power steering, FM cassette player. 112-761-2031. MUST SELL: Near new Thorens TD 160 Transcription turntable with Shu re cartridge. Call after 6 pjn 466-0372. Lloyds receiver - 4 speakers, BSR turntable, $200. Call during day, 4S4-4SS5. DIAMCND ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS: Up to 50 discount to students; faculty, ft steif (full- or part !. ct. $7T. ct. ' vi rt. $435, 1 ct. $635. Vast array of ring settings in gold or platinum. SAVE by buying direct from leading diamond importer. Purchase by mail, phone or from showroom. For color catalog send $1 to SMA Diamond Importers, Inc., Box 42, Fanwood, N J. 07023 (indicate name of school) or call (201) 9S4-7975, (212) 632 3390. (215) 103-1843 or (609) 770-1050 for location of show room nearest you. SEASON FOOTBALL TICKET-Unsigned, price negotiable. Call 432-1853. 5-9 pjn. ask for Douffy. 10-Speed Vista Esquire, make an offer. Call: Mike. 475-8339. 1939 Z-23 Fresh 302 Camaro, after 5:30 pn. Call 477-5883. For sate: Unsigned season football ticket, 477-3232. Will sell game at a time. Scott A433 Amp 42 watts. RMS Pioneer TX 6200 tuner. Wollensak 8055 8-track recorder. Pair of custom built 3-way loudspeakers Jensen At;. 475-3S35 before noon or after 9 p.m. 73 VW van. whiteorange, low mileage. $3295 or less? Call 435-5376. Ess-Hei! Pro Air Motion Transformers, MidRange Tweeter. 800Hz-22KHz. $35 each. Call Phil. 423-4342. 1971 Fiat Automatic. 4 door. 55,000 miles, call 439 9233 after 6:00. Yamaha RD350. 7000 miles, excellent condition. Call 475 2763 after 5:00. N 2 Sennhetser MD441 MICS. $180 each. $350 pair. Call Phil. 4234342. 450 Honda, must sell, even ings or week-ends. 477-7323. Infant backpack, seldom used. $15. call 477-8422 after 5:30. 10-speed girls' bike. Call 433-1014. ask for Teri. Schwinn Varsity, gen. light 20". great condition, new parts. $S5. 477-5343. Norton 750 Commando motorcycle. 1S73. low mSease. excellent condition. color orange metal flake. Contact 433-1003 anytime or 423-5533 after 6 pjnv MOnday thru - Friday. STUsirrrs - sse us fjrst Lars (flection, new and different inventory at Lincoln's unique Used Furniture Hasd quarters. Step in AC. comfort, weekdays 9 sjn. to 8 pjn., Saturday 9-6. . ur;iAUCTic:sc:rrrra 2431 tl. 434-3312 Efficiency, $05, separate kitchen, shower, laundry facilities, storage. 477-C343 evenings. CAJJDLETRIE APTS. South 40th & Hwy. 2. 30-day lease. One, two, and three bedroom epts. 423-8723, 2433 Vine. Students welcome. Two or three bed room, large, remodeled, clean, carpeted, no pets. Call 475 9473 after 5:30 pn. CONUT MAKERS ASSISTANT Young man for day hours, apply in person. MISTER DONUT, 5121 -0St. NEEDED: Lunch waitresses Monday-Friday, 11-2, Saturday 11-4:30. Apply in person. PRICE'S MR. STEAK, 5505 "OStl COLLEGE STUDENTS: Supplement your income. Burger Chef has immediate openings for part-time day posi tions. No experience necessary. We offer paid on-the-job train ing, excellent starting wages, free meals, pleasant working atmosphere, paid vacation many more fringe benefits. No week-ends. Apply in person, 4300 So. 27 & Hiway 2 (next to Treasure City) 8 ajm.-5 p.m. Part-time help, must be neat appearing. Reliable persons needed at once for various evenings positions. Apply in person. Walgreen's. Restaurant. Gateway. SALES LADY for late even ing hours on week-ends. MISTER DONUT. 5121 "O" St. Need part-time ' car wash attendant mornings. Apply in person to Vern. 3301 Cornhusker Hiway. Muffin and fritter boy position, part-time evening hours, ideal for extra income for student. Apply in person. PRICE'S MR. STEAK, 5505 "0"St. COCKTAIL WAITRESSES Girls needed part-time or full time. Apply in person. ESQUIRE CLU3 -, SCO West Cornhusker 474-1677 Part-time evening positions for restaurant waitresses and waiters, also part-time cocktail waitresses and cocktail hostess. Hours can be arranged to work around school schedules. Apply 5200 "O". 8 ajn. to 4 p.m.. 434-9111 ext. 356. SALAD GIRL. Experienced.. 3 pjn.-closing. Call Chef Daker. 483-7111. Hillcrest Country Club. 8901 East "O" St. Happy Chef is taking applications for employment full- and part-time. Waitress Waiter, cooks and dishwashers. If interested apply at Happy Chef. 1-80 & Airport Inter change. Open 24 hours. Dumplings Restaurant will consider mature, responsible student for assistant manager. This is a full-time job, but hours are flexible. Excellent starting salary & bonus. Paid vacation, insurance, and other company benefits. By appointment only. 423-8302. Waitresses needed, part-time areTfuSt-tTme. Apply in person. Brodecky's Restaurant. 1333 South St. Grain Elevator Construction Company of Des Moines is opening a branch office in Lincoln. Looking for aggressive and hard-working persons to fill the following positions: i.UerD rafts Person. Responsibilities Include prepara tion of detailed drawings, engineering of concrete and steel. Engineering decree required; job experience not a prerequisite. Secretary. Normal tscretaria! skills required, plus ambition to learn aspects of the construction field. Send resume to Steve Palmer. 2310 W Miller. Des Moines. Iowa 50315. EMPLOYEES NEEDED, Fiesta Ccntina 17th ti Vcn Dcrn Ycirna irsstyrs cduto, frzicrzZty 19 cr older. Ccxpsny benefits end excellent pey. Cssi ep?J in censn. Waiters, bus boys and cock tail waitresses needed for new restaurant opening in Lincoln at 227 North 9th. Please apply in person any day between 9-5. Wanted full- or part-time oven men, pizza makers, busses, dish wa risers, other mis cellaneous. Evening hours. Also need two doughmakers. Tues, Thursday, and Saturday morn ing from 7:30 to 10:00 ajn. Apply in person at Valentinos Nc at 3457 Holdrege on Tuesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1:00-3:30 pjn. Ask for Lillian. Part-time help wanted. Neat appearing - reliable persons needed for various positions in our. operation. Predominantly noon and weekend hours avail- able. Some weeknrght hours open. APPLY IN PERSON only. McDonald's family restaurant, 835 No. 27. HEAD WAITRESSES, even ing hours. FRY COOKS, other positions available. Country Kettle, 4347 Holdrege. 433-1659. Lincoln Hilton Hotel, posi tions available; limousine driver 18 hours a week, restaurant cashier Friday & Saturday evenings, doorman for Fanny's evening work. Help wanted, any position, apply daily, any time. J.B.'s BIG GOY. 701 N. 27th. Porters, bus boys, wiaters. waitresses, cocktail waitresses. Full- and part-time. Apply in person. Holiday Inn. Airport. Cook needed. Breakfast and lunch preparation. Choice of short or regular shift, pleasant working conditions. Charlotte's Kitchen. 2219 "O". 477-6459. Cleaning help. Saturday mornings 8 ajn.-l p.m., own transportation. 423-2333. 1355 . South Pershing Rd. Bicycle mechanic hours flexible. Must be able to repair 3-speed and 10-speed bikes, build wheels quickly. Apply to Ken Stevens. Mr. Bike. 1847 "O". Intramural Trainers needed. The University Health Center is currently taking applications for part-time positions as intramural trainers for 1976-1977. Knowledge of first aid needed, prefer students in pre-mei. physical therapy. physical education or related field. For interview call 472-2102 ext. 272 weekdays. Driver, immediate opening, mornings 8 a jn .-12:30 pjm, delivery and general store work. Danialson's Floral Part-time attendants needed for mini service station. 6-9 ajrt. and 3 pjm.-6 p.m. -shift and weekend shifts available. Apply Manpower Petroleum Services. 122 North 11th. Russell Stover Candy. Inc. 5:33 to 13:30 pjm. fandy thru Friday Part-time temporary employ ment from present time to March 1977 decorating rsaietty candy items. Apply in person at the personnel office. 231 North 8th St, 8 ajn.-4 pjn.. Monday thru Friday. Equal Opportunity Employer M-F. Bus boy for sorority. Lunch and dinner, every other week end off, meals provided. 475- 3503. Fraternity needs part-time cook for weekends. Fr-Sun. immediately. Flexfcie hoursr Some experience helpful. 475-S323-ask for president or 477 6273 (ask for Kathy). 1 SATJ03GSTS EQUAL PAY. Army ROTC Uncle Sam's now hiring floormen, bartenders, waitresses. Applications MAVF, 12:004:00. Uncle Sam's - Equal Opportunity Employer. We will work around school schedule. Delivery personnel needed-part-time, must have own car, pay up to $3 .CO per hour; apply in person after 2 pjnrc. at 61TN.27. Need one ticket to TCU game. 464-544S after 4.-00 or 432-7001. Wanted I 2 general admission tickets to any conference game, 477-5077. Need three female tickets to TCU game. Need not be together. Call 435-3317 nights. ' Wanted, two general admission tickets to Kansas State game. Call 432-6740 even ings. - WANTED-Good Game horse (possibly pleasure). Call 432 1570. Ride needed desperately East Coast or anywhere close. Leaving 24th 25th. Anthony, 474-2516. PLEASE! Wanted: 2 Gen. Adm. tickets to TCU game. Call 475-0130. Ask for George. Get to know yourself. Call Susan, 475-5454. Professional Astrological Counseling at reasonable rates. E.S.P.. extra sensory percep tion? No! Expert School of Parachuting. . For information call Claude Wilson. 477-5577 ?fter5pjm. . . . O - - , o . . . . q t.z& ltd Cz2 4 po. o CjSlefc fttett..h-. jw. 4ti iffb. ,4M r tf wmb Fm"m' "tf "" ,- ..-.. ... THE IMAGE Decorate your rooms with Natural Sheep Skin Rus, student price $25 each. Call for your order: 423-1333. acadi.::c papers Thousands on file. Send $1jC0 for your 132-pe3, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., no. 2CCH, Los Angles, Calif. 30025,(213)477-3474. Tennis Lessons being offered at reasonable rates. Call 475; 8157 mornings. Housemate wanted, own bedroom, near campus cftsr 2 pn. 435-4335. Nutzkola: - I wish for you smiles and laughter, good times the year through, friendships that flourish, happiness in all you do. Happy B-day. Susie. Arts & Sciences Advisory Board is appointing new members. Applications can be made in Rm. 1223 Oktfather Hall, by Thurs. Sept. 23. - WE HAVE SOMETHING GREAT FOR YOU TO DO! Worthwhile work! Interesting! Full- or part-time. Excellent earnings! Interested? Write UNIVERSAL FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY, INC.. Penthouse 3, 3000 East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334. GAY CHRISTIANS Nebraska Evangelicals group forming for fellowship, dis cussion, counseling. Confidentiality Assured Interested? (402) 475-5710 TuesThurs 6-8 pjm. EVANGELICALS CONCERN ED. P.O. Box 81645. Lincoln 63501 "Hey Jammy!" "Yes Anita." "When you were talking about your, "Firecracker,' I didn't know it was something to drink at Sam's!" UNL College Republicans are sponsoring a watch the debates kegger at 7 pjn. Thur Sept. 23 at Chateau Lefleur Apts. Club House. Everyone is invited. Become a member, get active on campus and watch Jerry shell Jimmy. . & . LTw2js Crt. 27B u -itb ift.(SPBT.iWfc.fl9fc ent ttMk, 0ph, jpt, je mtm ltHn.i mn-m n. - Psi:l Wcd crests lts by 3n!?tunn3 ycur hsrto fit volt CUILDERS E