The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1976, Page page 10, Image 10
thursday, September 23, 1970 - spores y Despite probloruii DyMHie McCarthy The athletes running up and down Memorial Stadium's steps are not Husker football players. They are members cf Nebraska's rowing crew. UNL coach Mark Stormberg has 24 men and 14 wo conditioning on land and water before the team travels to the Head of the Regatta meet in Boston Oct. 17, which Stormberg called "the largest single-day sport izh event in the world." Stormberg said he is encouraged by both the men's cirGwccdch M H hopes IriGgrt . (7 ( 0' y J; v ir J Daily tiehnskan Photo UTL crew members pack cp fcCa-aizg a race at Capital Beach last spring. The crews use cf the lake ths fall is in doubt. and women's teams, and thinks both will do well this year. UNL has won the Dig 8 Conference crown the past two seasons and has placed consistently hfch against top class teams across the nation. Despite Sternberg's optimism, the crew has run into what could a mjaor problem. Last year the crew rowed at Capitol Beach. This fall, however, problems have arisen . about a verbal agreement between the crew and the Capi tol Beach management concerning the crew's use of the lake. Stormberg said the problem concerns crew equipment , stored on the marina property at the lake. He said there was a misunderstanding between the man who operates the marina and the crew. - Stormberg said he would know early next week if the crew would be able to use Capitol Beach this fall. In the meantime, the crew has been rowing at Branched Oak Lake. Stormberg, a UNL architecture graduate last spring was named interim coach this fall. He replaced Bob Spousta. Pete Zandhergen, UNL graduate and. former crew coach several years ago, said, "Bob felt there was no future for crew because the university was unwilling to support the program. Bob accomplished a lot before he left...." ' Zandbergen, currently the crew's adviser and publicity manager, said UNL's decision not to support the crew came to a head this summer after five years of conflict. Zandbergen 'said he and two other crew supporters first went to Athletic Director Bob Devney in the sum mer of 1975 to request money. "Devaney referred us to (NU) President D. B. Vamer," Zandbergen said. "The president told us to talk to (UNL) Chancellor Roy Young. The chancellor handed down the decision that the administration will not support the crew Despite lacking UNL's "extra support," Zandbergen said the crew "is not too bad off financially. "If the administration could have given crew $15,000, crew could have raised another $15,000," Stormberg said. "Last year crew spent $30,000 on equipment, coaching salaries and traveling expenses. "AH they gave us was a pat on the back and hope for the future." From the university, crew receives a portion of student fees and free rental of the crew building north of Nebras ka Hall. Friends of Nebraska Rowing, the crew's booster club, also supplies donations. "People forget that crew is a varsity sport, not intra murals," Zandbergen said. "The fact is not that crew is important, but that crew brings credibility to UNL and it serves the students." : Zandbergen and Stormberg agreed that the money they requested is essential to pay a full-time coach and two assistants. - "Crew has grown to the point that it's a three-man job," Zandbergen said. Stormberg said that when he first became involved with UNL's crew program, it consisted of a 1928 eight- Winter athletes straining iat weights two months before By Jen Haat - Participants in winter sports at UNL are busy preparing for the upcoming season, although it's still more than two months away for some sports. Members of the gymnastics team have been practicing since the beginning of the school year, coach Francis Men said. The team practices Sunday through Friday. There are 13 gymnasts out for the squad. The Huskers are the defending Big 8 Conference gym nastic champions. They won the title last March in Bould er, Colo., by defeating Iowa State University (ISU), which had been champion the last seven years. . - GymiESt'sopessg " The Husker gymnastic team will open its season Oct. 23 with a dual meet against ISU. Husker basketball players are participating in a running and weightlifting program designed by Husker strength coach Boyd Epley. The Huskers run four days a week and lift weights three days, according to head coach Joe Cip riano. Cipriano said the Universities of Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri have running programs similar to UNL's. The idea behind the running program is to have the players in ti- h possible shape by the start of formal practice," Ciprano said. "We want them in shape to prac tice a full two hours the first day." v Cipriano said the Huskers have been involved in a run ning program for the last nine or ten years, but have not been involved in weight work until the last four or five seasons. " ... - The Huskers, 19-8 last season for the third largest win total in UNL's history, will open their season Nov. 27 their sports begin ": against the , University of Iowa in the new UNL Sports Complex. UNL's wrestling team under coach Orval Borgialli has not started formal practice yet, but has been in weight training. The wrestlers have been involved in circuit training (a type of weight lifting) three days a week, Borgialli said. Complex 'excitfeg "The team's morale seems to be very high," Borgialli said. "I think the new Sports Complex is exciting them." Borgialli said he expects 50 wrestlers to turn out when the team opens formal practice on Oct. 11. "I found out we have more success by starting organiz ed practice later," he said. "When we started practice earlier, our wrestlers were burned out by the B 8 meet" The wrestlers open their season Nov. 12 with the Great Plains Tournament in Lincoln. Swim coach John Reta has his 24 swimmers "easing into practice," he said. 0 The swimmers are working on stroke technique, heart and lung techniques, flexibility end strength work, Reta said. The swimmers also will be on a weight lifting program three days a week through the season, Reta said. How ever, the weight program will be cut back a few weeks be fore the Big 8 meet, March 3 through 5 in Lincoln, he said. . "The idea is to start in gradually and build endurance . from there," Reta said. "By November and December our distance men will be swimming 18,000 yards a day." The swim team is still practicing in the Coliseum pool, but Reta said he hopes the team will be swimrrung in the new Sports Complex by next week. man shell, 16 members and no coach. The Kimball native, who said he is leaving UNL at the end of second semester, has no .coaching assistants. "Coaching the women, freshmen, junior varsity and varsity is physically unfeasible for one man," he said, "Mark has a real challenge, but he can do the job," Zandbergen said. Both men said a new coach will be found by next spring. Zandbergen said Nebraska's crew has such a reputable name that they're not going to recommend just anyone for the job as coach. Most professional crew coaches al ready are hired this fall, he said. Stormberg, a rower himself, said the main reason he returned to UNL was to coach the women's crew team, but that changed after Spousta left. Stormberg spent the summer in Philadelphia receiving rowing instructions from nationally-known coaches. "Mark rows with some of the best scullers in the world and should find out in the next two years if he can com pete on an international level," Zandbergen said. "He certainly has the desir? it potential." sports shorts All students interested in participating in UNL's crew program are asked to attend a meeting at 8 pjn. today in the crew boathouse, 1000 N. 16th St, just north of Nebraska Hall. An organizational meeting for UNL's Ice Hockey Gub will be at 7:30 pjn. Sept. 28 in the Nebraska Union. For additional information, contact Mark White at 435-5349. Applications for the student migration lottery to the Husker football game against the University of Colorado on Oct. 9 in Boulder will be taken from 9 a jn. to noon and 1 to 4 pjn. Sept. 27 through 29. The applications for the 667 tickets can be made in the Athletic Dept. ticket office in the South Stadium Office EId2 w - ... sports quiz UNL vs. CI3 8 Conference football foes 1. Name the Big 8 team that has scored only nine points against Nebraska in the last five years. " 2. Which Big 8 team has not beaten the Huskers in 15 years? 3. Name the Big 8 team that has lost eight straight and 13 of the' last 14 games against Nebraska. 4. Which Big 8 team has never beaten Nebraska since the arrival of Bob Devaney in 1962? 5. Name the Big 8 team that has beaten UNL. only once in the last 16 years. 6. Name the only two Big 8 schools that have beaten Nebraska in conference play in the last seven years (1969-1975). 7. What is Nebraska's winning percentage vs. the seven other Big 8 teams in games since 1969? a. .735 b.. 766 c. .835 8. What former Nebraska running back holds the single-game rushing record against another Eig8team? . 9. How many Eg 8 titles has Nebraska won or shared since the arrival of Bob Devaney at NU in 1962? a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 -10. Only three Nebraskans have been conference scoring leaders in the past 12 years of Big 8 play. Kent McCloughan in 1963 was one and Joe Orduna in 1970 was another. Who was the third? Answers 'ZL6 T sjurod jo I 'sisSpoi Auuqof rjl aujoqso mol uptoa jUDSsrd japan suo pui Asuzasq ispun 1113 q g "U6I uituioqrprQ -SAspitA u Csuur jpf -g 9C8 JO--0D ssurri mqj tuioqrRo ssuraj sarqj pnossrff -9 896l OZl 3pJq3f )sq ams sssu c, 1961 ass? 3jsrq3N si) iLMl .1 Pssui stq ajtjs Kuoq?pjQ 96T cist srjsnH sqi jsurs2a Xiopu jsij opzrojoo 1961 Knsspops ow sqi UMMiaq sautf ci rcpucpN IsurrSi CH tZ-iZ Xrao psSsusui sxq 35 tkoi , '7 sreoiC 3atj jsti sqj ui cpsjq3N Cj 91-0 PC 9S-0 0l-6 '9S0 SS0 Eoi sts i