monc'ay, September 20, 1D70 . n r WGCO VinlQ IT. li'O (TCGi 3vver oroaoveoini mociooeinnieirry C i 5 K ty Lerry Lu!z riln cste: Tt!j h tie 1st cf a three-part series ca fcxia tj to tefsent fa tehrnda. Recent weather conations are forchs farmers to cca ailer alternatives to their L-ifta phms, according to a univenf ty irrigation tpedaliL Ln EHIIJ, ar2ant to rke chancellor cf the' la- sttate cf Agdadterz anj Katsral nncurces end exten-t-ea cocr&atcr fcr irrT-iica, izil three cazszcztbz years cf dry weather ia KehraaSa hae caused fanners to tsercaee the Ttst cf we2i they have drZbd. This has ia creaeed the nnt cf water they ins fcr irrfjitlca. A hci cf rda docaa't neccrsrily rr.en a redoes dedie 'ia the csiergrcasd' water ci!y, EheflU sL ' Irri-ntlca neee-eent, erseeiflY Inirtiaa fa a msener that pats water tack fcto the foszJ caa mesa co re- Faced wiA there restrictions, fanners are tends to a Txmba cf alteraatiircs, csdli! thtra to continue their crop yulis, fcs isil. . The neat pcp-olar alternative has beea better manage meat cf existing irdstica systems to centre! the rate cf w Piwy -'? t ''it-if(i f Another teethed to deal with the water tjrchlea has fceea for fanners to plant crofts that Icat izcpks as much water as ethers. They are planted oa a rotational basis whether crops. to tlncct ary tjs cf Cdl. Center pi7ct ryitena cea te fa fu:lls of uneven tepcrephy aad rystems hxsfc Another near lystem, recently developed by a Nebras ka rninufaetarbg compeay, hes a bydrssiie rystem attached to the anas, allowing them to move iadependeat r. Inljitlca menufietxrea abo are ehhs ia ca the irri ptisa boom. SheflHd tM there are at leeet 25 cosspsa ies ia America rnenufeetunrs systeaa to be sent overeesi Ancng them are aproxhnstely lis to effit Ncbrs&a bssed Hnr-a, expertins to South Africa, UJS.SR-, Iiiya the . idea and icri , 33 csctoja ia the wster tspy, te siU. ALhoci vztzzzty studies enfy ahcat 13 fetches cf witer are needed to r ,,,-7' 7 W 'J d Li I f e n,7i irrfje meet fields drinj a Rinmer xeccca, ceny fanners -are cdrs 23 to 23 inches, te sell. Doins irritica, about 10 to 15 per cent cf the water used goes back into the grcsnd under proper maiizsesneat, he cii. The mcfa ccnSxt for water rights hes developed ever the queetica cf usfng water for irrijsicrs cr aHocstics it fcr dcnxsile uce. Ia sonie ceces, acccrdins to Steve ClSnens, mzsist cf the Lower EHhora Natnrd Resonrce District, irrtors are depleting ground water wells used for domestic purposes. This points cut the fact that Nebraska's groundwater is no longer fcexhaast-ble, he said. SheflHd cited legMa&ca which was written to deal with this problem. LD577, passed by the 1976 Uni cameral, provides for a water ccntrci board to ce estsb Led Oct. 5 at puhUs hearing ia Sccttshluff. The board ; csa declare a water control area for water allocation and, -as a last resort, can declare a one-year moratorium ca well drilling ia the area. Trrds fcr ccnientisl faculty infcimatica will Ehely be aa feme at the November meeting cf the Arner fcaa Association cf University Ptcfessors (AAU?). Mel Fcrde, UNL AAU? chapter president, said faculty members have expressed concern about the ccnilndentisl ity cf workload information and professional fees. The emergence cf a state computer network for employe pay roll informatioa has added to their concern, he said. The computer network, called the Nebraska Employe Information System, was planned to start ia January, but is behind schedule. The university and the State Depart ment of Administrative Services (DAS) have argued over UNL's rob ia the system. The argument remains unre solved. If the university becomes a part of the system, then professional fees may again become an issue. Last spring, the Nebraska Supremo Court ruled that the fees, for ser vices outside the university, were private information. Because cf this the state cannot demand the informa tion cr release it to the press. "Two people this week have expressed concern about the statewide computer concept. They said they are con cerned that all the information would be available to any one in the Department cf Adnrnistrative Services who waited to press the key, Fcrde said. Stanley Katzke, DAS director, said in a legislative Appropriations Committee meeting that it would be ille gal for a state employe to release any confidential inform ation in the system. The faculty members also were concerned about the security of confidential information stored in the UNL computer. Results of a faculty workload study are stored oa tape at the UNL Computer Center. . The study, made last year, shows the cumber of hours spent cm research and teachbg. Forde said Steven Sample, executive vice president for academic affairs, has said all possible steps were being taken to assure confidentiality, but that it would be possible for someone familiar with the computer to get the information. ft lB'riji m h Itt w ubttii il w Mste f f u u u y P&q you a billiEids buff? boiyling nut? fooste-l fenaHc? ' pinbdl vftZcid? Hsrs's your chnnca to hs!p p!n Union Rcerctlan prorms, adiiblHDns aid toumEmsnts! htcrvis'.vs far tli: UMON RECREATION COHTTEE y m 3-5 pin. )i 1 " 1 1 i U 'W " 1 LINCOLN: (Spec) United S&tes Reeding Ldb y&A offer a 4 week in speed reeding to a limited ntimber of qualified peo p!a in ths Lirteoln crea. Tha recently developed method of instruction is tfie -most inno vetws end effectivo progrcrn eveil h!2 in ths United Stetes. Uot only does this fcrocus ccurs3 reduco your .ttms in ths c&seroom to just cna class per wsek for 4 short weeks but it sleo includes sn cdvenced speed reeding course- on cessetts tepo so thet you cen continuo to improve for the rest of your life. In just 4 weeks ths averts student shouk! bs reeding '4-5 times fester. In a few months loms -students , ers reeding 2D-3D times faster etteining speeds that Epproech mosds per minute.. In rers instances speeds of up to 13,003 wpm hevs btn dscu-mented. bo a speed render, but found ths cost prchlbitrs cr ths courss too tines consuming ... now you cen! Just by sttending 1 evening per iveek for 4 short weeks you cen reed 7 to 10 times fester, concentrsts better end ccrnpre - hend mors. . Si i 5 i I i If you era a student who would iixo to mexs a s insieeo o? usoro who wents to stay sbreest of to- deyfs everchenging sccclerating world then this absolute necessity. course is sn P I ' i hATA Mnil nrA.kAiir lwffftBA will be held at the following i times end pieces: luets should ti ccurss with com- I Our rcre2 reed 7-10 tr ccmpleticn . cf mesrked -improvement prehension end cenesntrstbn. Fcr thoss who wou!d like ad ditions! infermetien, a' series of frcs, ens hour, orientetien lee- fc SwlSwi will bs cxpfelrted in ccmcl Tuesday, September 14 at 6:30 and acpin at 0:30 p.m. Vednesdey, September 15 at 6:30 and agsin at 8:30 p.m. Thursday. September 16 at 6:30 p.rru and agsin at 8:30 p.m. , P.tondey, September 20 at 6:30 and ageln at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 21 at 6:30 pjn. and crm at 8:30 pjn. 6:30 pjn. and agein at 8:30 pjn. 1 deteil, indnding dcerccm pro- seheduls and a speei-l 1 tims cnSy mtredetery tten thwt is (ess then ens hdf C.s csst cf simiJer ccurses. Ycu me attend any cf ths mestsns. for 4 ii - Thess free lectures will be he!d jj in ths conferencs room of ths Rad iseonCcrnhue!cer Hotel, 13th o and P.I Streets. tl t i dent, hcuseifs cr cxeeuthrs this y courss. whieh tosk 5 veers of in- ft I 3 under 13 shcukJ bs tensivs reexcrch to develcp, ban must. Ycu ecu reed 7-10 fees!! Wf f n.-l M.kA lflnMifc ) Students crs circ.-J an rf ;tiemJ j dctinl. This ecfts en fcsjj at "QroLp rttis upen res;-tcL j j 0s stitro to crd v. ic. .evr fres f W r OtltXl U4, kw Li bl ti 4. r"'- i Tf- i4f Cl U3 2wii-d U-f W4rfI W--t-4 13 dm Sent 2L If ycu hr.a chKsys wented to It i ' C J f i 1.