morx!ey, rrpteml-er 13, 1073 HI If of mill 0 S mtar now w4J c nto by Ssstt Ssc&aiSi , Jeha Dasfdsa, icscd prcfrcesx cf tcSsry, -.'ecsSsssc to ptssse t!$ interests fcy teaching - tstzzy cerrse ia Girr:;.! EdscsSaa Iteca. DiTUsna rc-ed fcsa tls UXL fixity Irt Jess. EyE!ejyJoKtzI Take one retired botany professor, mix in an interest in pecpSe, add a zest for life and a pinch of adventure, and out conses tlie vskpc personality of Prof. John Dsndson. . Vxz &t a C0fc-2 manuscript written on how I got started ia CyizzJ DzvUson said, wcawng his Vc2as,ren ia and cut cf trs&ls en route to the LbccLi ilunidpal Alport. He was taking one of his students ia the CentennM Education Program to the airport to check requirements and credits for eaminj a pilot's license. T fcst sold my Cessna 150 (airplane) last sprins" he sail, speakis shout his 1 yenr flying career. Ryirs is just one of Davidson's interests. Eastings rscgsES. frcm growing bonsai plants to frying fish and chips ia a downtown restaurant 113 his tine. To busier now than before I retired," he said wh a Dzdsoa, 65, retired as UNL botany profesxr last June, but continues to teach a botany course through the Centcmiisl Ficgsa. 1 didn't like the idea of completely cutting off coil from teaching," he said. : I& tests, hxLais, ls Daridaoa has developed his own teaching technique, which fee csSs the Inductive llethod. " icuVe cerar seen anything like it before," he said, ex his courses. lie said students learn by doing, drawing conduabns based on their observations and experiments. "Students who are tired uf being spoon-fed and want to do some thinking on their own rave about it," he said. Drrilxja taught several summer school sessasns at the University of California at Berkeley, where he introduced his Inductive llethod. lm the first professor I know of to try this method with a class," he said. Tve found out quite a few places the Er-!ish Dept. at UNL eecially-Ime been using this method." Last spring, Davidson was named aa outstanding professor by the NU Foundation. Dmfaon combines his love for education with his hctties. IJe w2l teach the art of growing bonsai, miniature will Japanese trees, through the Communiver sity prcgram this faX neaTC and cLs Several unfits a week he can be found ia the kitchen of the Greenwich Cafe, 1917 O St mixing up his era special batter for fish and chips. The native of Scotland begaa cocking at the ' Greenwich when he wanted to show friends how "itsT fish and chips tasted. 1 was wondering if there wouti be a market for fish and chips ia Lincoln,' he sail. Sales have been building since Davidson began cooking at the cafe four years 2o. Heck yes, we sail a lot. Ve used to cook five pounds cf fLh. Ue're up to ICQ pounds a niht now," he said. At his "prcfessoriil home" in southwest Linccln, Daviiaon runmaes through a cluttered array of bocks, papers and the packaged beauty 'products his wife sells. Fulling a weH-wora bock off th shelf, he hands it to his flying student. "This bock wi3 convince- anyone to try flying," he said, tenders, that's, something else I haven't tried. I haren't flown a balloon cither." Cut if it's true that your're only as young as you feel, that balloon rile may be nest on Davidson's schedule. CmSZatZmm (Taxpayer Cla&te p m 730-9pjn. rt3t MarittfsKfRnoifc How cMJiw kom WTiiYi'i'niWi Complete Unisex Hair Care at ISACSTCCSTItm. TTJfi & R I Izzl r E!r, cul t!.a r."sy yssa Ilko It. - For Appointment Call 475.302 Free Parking "m i i iib mm m ii A V L. J Lji W. ... ; .s f-si lis j I I 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in nrrn L. 2U Lnst Day for Iavitstbss-IIiiiiy to Dsckstrs Ltd. f2?rr-s cr Doer ftizss ni IWo re Vra?t? tAe 'i3s Cterrdi ojc. OSa isst J ksI 25 IMtr tine 8X0 pel Doors cZzz.ct 7:30 pn. Ilk II',! I ' LINCOLN: (Spec) L'rJJ : Hmsd rusffi&cr cf qa-IIfel peo ple in ths Lincofn snxz. The of ir.tructicn h th3 rsist . cbx- ebb in tha United Stztcs. . Net cnV dsns this fmcus cccrs3 redoes ycr tixss in cksaroom ta just one cfes per vicck ' for 4 short vsecks hit it - slao ' indudss en cd.-crd speed nsdlng ccursa on csseetts tzps : so thst yen cen ccniinus to imp rein! for ths rcet of yosir life. In jsist 4 vi-eehs ths evers-s - student shsuEd bs rccdSIrg S-f times feeter. In a fcv ens, ssrna students ere rebdiri3 20-23 times fester' stteinirsg speeds thet spproeeh rards per msnuts. In rsrs irKtznces speeds cf cp to 13,GC3 wpm heve been, deea mented. . rei 7-10 times feeter upon osmplstssn'-. cf.tha cotsrss with merked irnprovsnent in ccn prchenen crx! ccneentrztkix . For thoes v.ha wrikl like sd dltfcnel irtisnnetien. a series of free, cna hcsir, crientetbn lec tures hstfs keen scheduled. "At theea free leetires t!is cct:re3 v!! b3 expleined in cosnpSsts deteli, inedin3 deeercein prr ccdurcs. instruetisn rr.cthcc! dees sehedub end a spedel 1 time cniy irttrbductsry ti!tlenthet is lees l then cna helf ti cost of s!nier courses. Yen mry attend sir of tli2 meetsi3 fer mw&e2en Lzcut the uneeli The2 crbn .rtlrrs m rr.t tn l.'ths jpiMz. cbovs r-p 14. (pereens urier ia s-isisj C3 ces by a pertnt if pceh!e). be a speed reeder. fert fcurd tea tirns ccnsimlng . . . row yea cen! Jsist by ettending 1 eining per vsees for 4 short weeks yea cen reed 7 to 10 tlrnes'fesST, coneentrets better snd cenprs hend men!. If yea ere a student who v-eu'd lks to rneke A's insteed of B's or Cs or if yea are a business person who wsnts to stay sbreest of to dey's evcrcherssrng - cecclereting ft m M -m ' . vjcrta men tnss course is an cbse!ute nceeeaty. These spccizl one-hour lectures vdll - be hc!d st the fcf Eowb ties end pleees: m : Tussudy, September 14 at 6:30 and atpen at 8:30 pjm. . V-ednesday, Septerrdjer 15 at 6:S) and apin et 8:23 psn. fhurschy. Septcrriber 16 at 6:30 p.m. and ageln at 8:30 pjn. Ltondey, September 20 at 6:) end aiin at 8:30 p m. , Tuesday Ssptentbcr-21 ctG:C3 pin. end agssct 3:30 pjm. V.sdrt8srisy, September 22 at 6:30 p jn. and ageln at 8:3 pjn. These free. lectures will bo hekJ in the conference room cf the Rediseen-Corrdiusker Hotel. 13 and t Streets. : If yea are a businessmen, sta . dent. hcueev.'!e or exceuthre this course. ?h!eh took 5 yeeis cf irt-tener.-e reeeerch to develep, is a must. Yea cen reed 7-10 times wij itito. wiw.r trE3 be4r. erd remeiTcr leiiir. Students are cf ered an adItbnd dieimt. , Tb!s ceuree ra be teL'Jit to irriimrv cr c?r.. cresms at MGrotp rates upon request. Ce sure to attend v;h:ehever free cnenieijcn ciei tits cert o your If yea heve a!i.eys vented to sehedub. i!