The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 10, 1976, Page page 5, Image 5
taty,t: cr 10, 1073 1 0 n '3 n n A4 d CGi OGV j oU - LI reiser .':. Sniffles and sneezing from the season's first ccld? Cct a headache? Is your stomach having a hard tins adjusting to residence hall food? If so, U7JL health aides, after attending an eiit-hcur first aid cra-h course this week, can help. Of about 150 health aides scattered throughout re: halls and Creek houses, 95 attended the Wednesday and Thursday night, four-hour sessions. The course is mandatory for all health aides who have not token Futli Health 170 or had first aid training and passed a first aid. pre-tcst, said Ksihy Gatzcmeyer, Ccnununity Health Nurse. Gatzemeyer and Sheryl Bellinger, UNL director of ' Community Health Services, are supervisors of the health . aide program and also teach Public Health 230, a require ment for practices health aides. r : barbsr chop ;Z: Liza's Haintylinj Superb Cz'l fcr gppointmcnt 477-C2E5 cr 477-5221 Lever bvel Dcl';!z5 III Thcctrc ttj. 2C3M.13lfi Fill rzzz! c? kil r;.z:n w i aJL by invitation only Tnr tfi hit tn-"HF Cmf . . ,.v- -Fashions by: '" wwiJ tawJ Two FtnWidcfnds at tha fs3ii"DJs Granada Rcysie, Omaha's most beautiful motcL 2 Fna Drinks ' extra drinks 25 cants . Show Tim 8:C3 pjn. Attendance limitsd so pkk up your isreitstkssi at CACKSTAGE KZ'SX fi A K Sheldon Art Gallery 1, yyy u, - vfjw -in In GniY GJIDi::3 1 M f.vo beings v o cr3; 1 1 tails is o very pr ssnd fratn m tCs ccd cn us. E.Ciuy I frl tmf ' I v.c3 cxbcrcissd. fcs Kid teu3 v;c3 in ma, rc.T.:n cn env rrjr.S:cr cfbvcls thsl I'm stl ftfD seen GY GAHDL' JudhCiui ? I - , , ,-, - ,J r.L'-y d r:-TJr; rr.::r.rci c) 3 p.m. Health aides shufiled hto the Evrn,c!utchi!3 blankets, ttxtpi cf doth, perx2s, rrazmes, sticks, and safety puis, tvhlch they were required to fcrmg and soon needed. After ivatCun short turn segments, demonstrates lost m, technfeses. health aides paired off and practiced allying tourmquets, zlyktz pressure to stop bleeding, and ncjth-to-mcutii resuscitation. Robert Guthmonn, medical and educational adminis trator at the Nebraska Center for Health Education, has taught the course (officially called Standard First AM Course lIuItRledia System) since it began here four years a0. He said health aides have rated the course higher than any other health program in terms of retaining Afterlight hours, health aides had watched 20 film segments, had 17 'practice sessions of about 10 minutes each and had 13 workbook lessons. A written test com- pleies the coone which health aides must pass.-. . tlost (health ak?es) gzi 1C0 per cent and no czs has ever failed,? Beffinser sold. . '. ' Jeri Vaura, a SeHeck Quadrone health aide, sold, u learned a lot cf thist-s I didn't knew." The junior soil shs already has had viaits from ?rls on her floor. The first night's session went wc2, said LuArm Tichy, one cf 13 coordinators who act as student supervisors for a group cf health aides. In order to become a health aide, a student must be an upperclaasman recommended by a current health aide, and be interviewed by Gatzcmeyer or Bellinger. Bellinger said they look for warmth, understanding, patience, leadership abilities and the applicants amount of free time.'"' - Health aides are paid $5 a week, and coordinators are paid $10, Bellinger said. 3 7 o o .1 a o l o o o o j o o o o o o o CI o. o o I) CI o o .1 O o 1 n m k, t. a, a a a .k ,e ne 4p ftm p. 49h m fc.---- O NEBRASKA BIG 8 Bow fia IOC JJ in PwlEN: SUNDAY, SEPT. 12lh SUMDAY, SEPT. ISlh COST-S8.C0 WOMEN: SUNDAY, SEPT. 1Sth COST-3.G0 Teem competition against other BIg-0 Schools, in the tfid-St3tes Posts! Conference, ACU-I Regional and National Tournaments plus travel to numerous individual and team tournaments. Please register at Nebraska Union Games Desk. More information at Games Desk or through Recreation rVSanager. o o o ti tt o o o t 0 0 O O O CI o o o o o o o . eontpcrcry lifts ..-;.':.'f.lE32ffiEL""'-".'HBWKESSY' -f.Hf.IE & MUSIS THEATRE featuring the music of Blagen &Sayer ( r 2 -- 1! NEBR. UNION RECREATION lyic ift L .y. iyy Ifjf? ayip y-gf' ffiy-'y j-jy 'mi' "iK ' tft' Coffeehouse: Tuesday, Sept. 14 "Classical Cartoon Music 7:30 pm Union Centennial Room 50 cents at the door Mime & Music Theatre Concert. Wednesday, Sept. 15 - 8 pm Union Ballroom tickets: UNL StudenisS 1 -50 1 General $2.50 available at the Union South Desk & Dirt Cheap v 4 MU.iPJW.BJMEijeiujJiiutLjiUi. .ijljj., ...i-.Mm. ,i anieJMMiiuJu il m JJL..UJJ Ljujjiiim Contact: RSUN Omce 334 Msbrcska Union RGo!Gifatlcn: SO, Cct ! Cl23 O30in - Oct 4 - if d Iw-vj Instructors and Koiv Ccltccg Wo Pau, CreoTc, No TuIUon ' nrr n n ill v ' i "i J V Lii y u u i ,1 J I n ?! 1 1