The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 10, 1976, Page page 12, Image 12
friday, September 10, 1976 1 V 3 ' 4 want ads Li'xcui Ti:r.:rr srenz Lowest prices in town on ctof i ing, for students. Abo furni ture, televisions, appliances, bric-a-brac, and all household items. Support your Disabled American Veterans, 1745 O Street Lincoln, NE. Hours: fclonday through Saturday, 9 to 9. 1972 Safeway, 14 x 5. 2 large bedrooms, 2 baths skirted. $CCC3. 435-7873. 1QC3 Buick Special, 2 door, excellent running condition, steel betted tires, $253, call 4325544 days, 423r1SG2 evenings. 2 Hon Black desks with walnut tops, purchased 2 years ago for $72JCQ (on school discount). Value $03X20 new. Now $50.CQeach. See Jerri at 34 Nebr. Union. . One 42"' round r"-jnce .table with walnut Kr, aver base. Purchased 2 yrs. ago for $34iS3 (includes school dis count.) Looks brand new. $ZDJ33. to see ask for Jerri in 34 Nebr. Union. 13S4 Chevy for sale. Good engine, other parts. Best offer. Call 475-2751 evenings after 8 pjn. or weekends. 1573 Honda CL, 350, must sd!. make offer, 4324)783 after 5pjn OSds Ambassador trumpet. Eke new. $125X3. 472-0733. 1371 Pinto in excellent condition. Automatic trans mission and air conditioned. C&a 4S4-1751 after 4:33 pjn. Frigkiaire setf-defrosong refrigerator in excellent condi tion, 0. Sears, men's bicycle (no gears) like new, $35. Call 454-8723 after 6:CO pjn. Sherwood YV-72C3 receiver. Best offer. 4234409. Schwinn Paramount: less than 1G9 mites, silver $359; 4S4CS41 ext. 121. after 5. 4S4-7C53. 71 Carpri. 4-speed $15C9 or best offer. 477-1207 or 472-C535. JT' ti t y O IS O o ti O O II O ti O Ci ti O U O o t t n o ii O X- " ( i o i i i ( t 4 n n I 1 JUT' V -M Special of the Y.'etk: Phittpt GA-27 belt driven tutnutl list $125 now $05 Cert Buy in this price range, Call Tim, 4754SS3. Vten't, 10 apeed bike, must sett-can 432-7149 after 6 pjn. 75 Granada, 2 drJCh'o, silver, low mileage, S42C5 or best offer, 435373 weekdays. Heed a car? Discount prices on new Dodgss and a full tine of quality used cars, call 435 5375 for eppt. 74 QtaSenser, auto-air, burg, $3325 or best offer, low mileage, ca3 433-537S. Roberts Ltodd 77CX reel to reel tape recorder, 4 track, 4 speed, $175. 435-2271 after 6 pjn. 10-speed raliegft Gran Prix. Only 5 mos, old. Just like new. Bargain at $129. Call Randy at 474-2517. TH07SCAL FE3I Angels-fry to breeding pairs, dwarf ochlfcls, tiggroscars, 209 outlet pump, more. Sunday, Sept. 12. 2-6 pjn, 4744 W. Two-year old sony K7-313 compact stereo system, great for apartment or dorm. Includes 13 watt receiver, record changer, 8-track .. recorder-player, two 2-way speakers. Melody 475 3CC3 after 6. KZED Turncri ks::sy: Marantz receiver and speakers, Garrard turntable, Shure cartridge, Koss headphone; all 2 months ofcf or less must sell before October 1. 1974 Honda 750, excellent condition. Call after 5:39 pjn. 7C3-3S25. Waterbed, heater and liner, excellent condition, $35, 435 . 0437. 1970 Kawasaki 599-good condition, $375 or best offer, 4S4-3Q19. Harman-ICardon 639 receive. Excellent condition, 432-2541 or 4754313. BACK TO SCHOOL NEW SALESMAN'S SAMPLES: T-shirts; Jackets; Sweatshirts; Sweaters; Nebraska T-shirts; Gym Bags; Gym Shorts; Games. Sat. Sun. 2S09 South 35th. Need quick cash? Vie buy , recoras, tapes & comics. Trade-A-Tape & Records The Comic Center. 1127 "P" St. 474S75. 1973 Suzuki. 259 GT. $439 or best offer, call 454-1225. 1972 Plymouth Cricket, new radial tires plus 2 mounted snow tires, low mileage. 4110 North 44th. ' This cession csrth 15 on a new Sstift K222423 BSerassopa.- C3 22-1223 fsr Sktt3 Presssn Eshlss CestsEssy 2333 Kafth Sh ' Crown Palace has one vacancy. Room & board $115 month. 432-2523. n tf iyi Lt S Lp"C C?"""""'1- rV' Apartment -small, basement,, inexpensive, 13th A TI", avert ings at 423-0275. Two Bedroom apartment part Sally furnished, good loca tion, $135 plus utilities, 435717. Delivery personnel needed-part-time, must have own car, pcy up to S3 3 per hour; apply In person after 2 pjn. at 61 1 PL 27. Bus boys needed at sorority, meals provided, call 4354329. Openings for 4 part-time dishwashers, pizza makers, salad makers and other miscellaneous. Evening hours, apply to Valentines ' North, 3457 Hbfcfredje, ask for Lilian. Temporary Unskilled Labor work available. If you have half days or fun days free from classes, register at l&npower. Inc. for work. Must have a car and a phone. Apply between QXZySZO. 122 North 11th. Now taking applications for day bus boys, 11:39 til 2:09. ft&al plus salary. Apply in person between the hours of 3 pjn. to 5 pjn. at Brarmtgan's. tVe need some good people to fill positions at Kings. Earn extra money and a pleasant and rewarding job in our family restauraft. Hours flexible, various jobs available. Apply at your nearest Kings Food Host restaurant. 1249 t. TJ; 1849 -D SL; 1316 "TI" St," 1S59 Cbrnhusker; 4701 "O" St 945 South Su 7010 0" St. ' tie need cooks, waiters or waitresses, 11-2, londay thru Saturday. No experience necessary, will train. Kings Food Host. 1316 TJ". Waiters, bus boys and cock tail waitresses needed for new restaurant opening in Lincoln at 227 North Sth. Please apply in person any day between 9-5. Spanish speaking person needed to asset in tontessori classroom, call 4C3-S210 days or 475-91 53 eves. - cssenpsay hss 7 csnsss. j Csli FrkSsy orJy, 1-7 pji. 41-0111 ext. 4. 1 male with no PBJ lay-up to clerk and stock. 2-Cpjn.. RAonday thru Friday. Apply in person. Ruppert's Pharmacy. 13th a "W. Daily Nebraskan needs people to help distibute the "nag" to campus buildings. RAtst have car and UXi.Thf free from 93-10:C3. Average pay is $4JECday, $70mo. Several routes still available. See ""Jerri" for more information. 34 Ndxaska Union. Bus boy for Sorority lunch & dinner, every other week end free. 47535CS. 4743775. Bartenders & cocktail waitresses wanted call for appointment Lincoln Elks dub. 477-6341. We need help tool We have immediate openings for all positions, flexible scheduling. 14th & ""Q. 432-3444. C2 r t c o t c II i i - 1 o tl II CI (I o ( t f I f ( t f 1 o . o I) t Immedate Opening, part time work $150, for 39 hours. $75 tor 15 hours. Ltust be neat, 13 and over. Call 457 1571 Monday between 1-6p.m call 474-1244 Friday & Monday after 6, Part-time position is now available for a classified pro motion person 25 hours per week, hourly wage plus commission. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan, Rm. 34 Nebraska Union. Ifcrntrrg help wanted for Steametic Carpet Cleaning Service, (hours: tamA2 noon). No Experience Necessary I For interview Call; 4C3-2353 Guitarist seeking rock-band 3b. Csa 4C3-7133, ask for Joe. CCD FATHERS PIZZA Wat ir ess positions avaSsbfe. Apply in person, 12th & Q. See Terry, Rusty, or Dave. 435-33C0. GCOFATIISnS PIZZA -New Location Full-time day, full-time night, . lunch shift (10:33 ajn.-29 pjn J. Apply in person at 12th & Q. See Terry, Rusty, or Dave-425-3C0. Looking for carpool to and from Omaha, Rdbnday thru Friday; to be at East Campus from 8 ajn. to 5 pjn. Call Sue Oliver, evenings 477-2323 or Ag. Engineering 472-2324 ext. 52. Copyricit: tlmsi York Times -ii rajr aJ S- A wcsicSsfful . . . 15 Indiana city 17 Cvious 13 Teach end 19 CnsssscctaJ vessel 22 nkhfoiric ' 23 Representative: AL&r. 23 Islsdl grocp of - 23 VsfdbsctSSxislty . 23 Fljm 9 UJSL isosGst 21 ToctSi!sss 23 G3c!scr 3 R:ssiaafcgtr? 27 S&sggeffreJ CS CiiTa f Sits 7Ts3C2 3 Pro -S3 SIlTtrStrtr ' 8 9 13 11 12 13 14 21 27 23 23 23 23 23 27 S3 VesJsissEtSs 3 Vrcrdxrl;h trsse C3 Lu'allrnv C3 CetScafiirSc C2 RgtalsraTgaah C3 Dccsccrta'n I Ess 7 Tasfrcsi : 'v -v .... - 1 I Now adding limited number of students to fall schedule. Also special rate on new and used instruments. Zager Guitar Studio, 433-1 S21, Decorate your rooms with Natural Sheep Skin Rugs, student price $25 each. Call for your order; 423-1SS3. Word Services Copy editing,, proof reading, .indexing. Professional experi ence in science and the human ities. Doci productioni and jpuWishing guidance. Call 799-3495 afier 2 p.BL PATERS Thousands on file. Send $1J09 for your ISg-page, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 2CCH, Los Angeles, Calif. 3S025, (213! 477-6474. ' Housecfeaning. $2SJ per hour. 4 hours per week, 433 5107. Female to housefceep and share house in Kavelock own room; inexpensive, 437 107S. Own bedroom, $33 per month utilities paid, havse at 745 Charleston. Ask for Greg orEi3. lUTale Christian roommate wanted to share expenses. Call 475-2214 ( A 12 LZZ3 tO 5 p.D. Are you currently dissatisfied with your major or what you are jloing? Feel like searching for some new directions or in terests in your life? The life Planning Workshop is designed to help students estab- Vorkshop is designed to help students estab- Y X lish meaningful personal and career goals. CfOSSVOfd pUZZl: Appssis . stKL!any Narth A3rica.- Iae ' Sea god Cfeacf F.l3sess Esrcelssa native 52iwy flower posy Diss " TTitchcf 23 Ilarmonizers" favorite 23 Leisurely esctzrsums 3 So-laKg 41 Evclutionary 42 Component 43 Brings u? to date rstSalTs Js&nnycsd faunily Irish Ka iafeurcf IrssLsndns Cernsra? Eaertvltha rasa 123 P p 1 13 1 3 tit (12 It3 il4 - ! j IS 't yf ; f I ' I i p;a it 'a ; n 5 r " ii rhr' "3 11 ' "TI" .ri " ; " i i j li U ' f t 41 42 " n 1 1 n r 1 H 11 Is2"! I I Ft iT t j Angel Flight is an organisa tion of University students who enjoy HELPING PEOPLE I The lira AGEL FLICtfT helps many: the elderly; the university; the community; the country; Muscular Dystrophy; the handicapped just to name a few, . ; ANGELS act as hostesses in UNL . Press Box and volunteer to hefp at the Red Cross Cloodmobife and morel II ANGEL FLIGHT can broaden your interests in campus and community life with) the unique opportunities it offers its members. It also gives a better understanding of the military and military life as ANGEL FLIGHT is sponsor ed by the cadet honorary of the Air Force ROTC RI7?An2! For information leading to apprehension of person driving vehicle which damagsd my 1373 green VV7 in the lot east of Andrews Kail Wednesday evening, Sept. 1 between-7 & 8:30 pjn. Call Larry at 472-3191 ext. 225 or 4339233 evenings. Get to know yourself . Call Susan, 475-5454. Professional Astrological Counseling at reasonable rates. Jl ' 1M ie mmmvs?-mm--m at Ai Metric units n Roam, in duiz f3 Unit of loudness E4 SneaSfey- 3 KniM's spouse 7 Sesame T3 Ethiopian title