The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 09, 1976, Page page 5, Image 5

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    thurrday, September 9, 1976
daily nebrciken
niversi'iy ofreins studlenis tow-cost prevent
Cy Den V.'cy
Last wcti'f epide of wstdi-u-rncan ended rh my
Frcndss to Hit aad explala this week whom yea can con
tact to anrsrer your questions and scire year prebfens
from kecpis fcea!:hy to kepis out cf court. RealMr
the suspense such a premie must bars created, I will kesi
tare no lesser.
Ikrl Ccle 472-1 33 S-T1uj is a new number
(NUTIEd feoclfct Cetffe ybwr fcterrA to
UncoU gives an incorrect number for the Dental CoSe).
The low cost and hi4-Jfi quality of then personneri work
qualifies the Dental College as a bargain you should not
overlook. You can call the Dental CoHee weekdays be
tween 8 ajn. and 5 pjn. (except during the noon hour) to
make an appointment with the Oral Diagnosis Center for a
free screening examination. The examination wi3 iJentify
what dental work you need to have done. If a dental stu
dent is available to do that type of dental work you are
then accepted as a patient. Thus, anyone can receive a free .
dental examination at the Dental CbEege but patients
then are carefully selected.
Appointments at the Dental College are made each day
for two weeks 'in advance. Only 26 appointments are
made each day so it is hhly recommended that you call
es ily (about 8 ajn.) to get an appointment. Accepted as a
patient at the clinic you can expect fees to be a little more
tnan half those of a private dentist, according to the dean
of the Dental College, Richard Bradley. I can personally
attest to the accuracy of that claim. I would also lie to
point out that the Dental College oilers low-cost dental
supplies. A 25 cent toothbrush, for example.
Stsdsat Ces!i Center 472-21 02-The University
Health Center can care for most of your health needs. The
health centrr offers a pharmacy, mental health program,
a 14-bed hospital, dietary facilities, a dental clinic, and the
medical clime itself. The Health Center is supported by
student fees and by fees charged for supportive services.
That is, if you are a full-time student you pay approxi
mately $25 of your student fees each semester in support
of the Health Center. That subsidy does not allow for
completely free health care at the Health Center. A fee is
charged for x-rays, lab work, and prescriptions. The stu
dent fee support of the health center allows students to
see medical personnel at no charge and receive x-rays, lab .
work, and medications at rates ranging as low as SO per
cent of the downtown price.
The health center is used by more than 300 students a
day and is open weekdays from 8 ajn. to 5 pm. and Sat
urday mornings from 8 am. until noon, la case of an.
emergency you can call anytime and be admitted by a $7
emergency fee is charged for after-hours service. That fee
may disturb you but at any other hospital an emergency
room visit could cost as mnch as $27.
nrJ Egrracd 45-2337-Hasned Parenthood is
a birth control clink offering comprehensive birth control,
services. From counseling to classes, Planned Parenthood
programs are conflirntid and have no age restrictions.
watch u mean
f --t
12 )
2 v
Planned Parenthood charges fees based on a sliding scale..
Most students are placed in the middle range of the scale.
For instance, a SIS birth control program offered by the
health center would cost most students about half that
nrich at Planned Parenthood. However, some students
would pay more or less, according to their income.
Planned Parenthood is open weekdays from 9 ajn. to 5
pjn. at 3330 Adams st.
Student Lcgsl Services Center 472-3353-The Student
Legal Services Center (SLSC) can be thought of as a legal
diagnostic center. The SLSC wi3 either resolve or properly
refer any legal problems or any general legal questions you
may have. The SLSC is a free legal advising and counseling
service for students. The full-time staff attorney will
discuss any legal matter with students, but does not pro
vide court representation. The SLSC is especially helpful
for small legal matters, such as landlord-tenant disputes,
which students would normally hesitate to take to a
private attorney," according to ASUTFs handout "Student
Government and Its Services at UNL".
The SLSC handled 1,400 cases last year. That is an
astounding work load yet Dave Rasmussen, the SLSC
attorney, provides good, conscientious service. The SLSC
is open weekdays from 9 ajn. to 4 pjn. and is in Nebraska
Union 335. It is best to call for an appointment with the
attorney so you don't have to wait to see him.
University Ombsdsraa 472-3533 If you have a
complaint or a problem concerning the university,
whether it be problems with a teacher or with the bureau
cratic red tape, the ombudsman can help. The ombuds
man deals won your difficulties primarily after most other
channels have been exhausted and you don't know where
else to go. '
Our Ombudsman, Allen Dittmrr, identified two types
of problems he frequently deals with. The first type are
academic such as difficulties with a teacher cr diss. The
second type are bureaucratic getting front point A to
point B. For instance, you may have problems with your
class schedule, droppmg cr adding a class, or being
The ombudsman serves the entire unrvenity commun
ity. Administrators, staff, faculty and Avdzzis may call
on the ombudsman for he!? but it is sta&azts who most
use the office. The ombudsman receives about IS phone
calls a day and during the last school year over 00 people
visited his office. The office of the ombudsman is Burnett
IL3 110, tut he expects to move in early October to
room in Lyman Hall 116. The ombudsman's office is open
weekdays from 8 ajn. to 5 pjn. except during the noon
hour. - , , t,..
Four of the five offices I have discussed in today's
column provide students with excellent opportunities to
practice preventive medicine, dentistry and law at no cost
or for a minimal charge. I think it is unique that students
are able to see a dentist, doctor or lawyer free of charge.
The health center and the Student Legal Services
Center are particularly innovative programs. There is a
relatively new but rapMly growing movement in this
country to establish pre-paid, preventive programs similar
in scope to the health center and the SLSC
In health care this movement is evident in the establish
ment of Health Maintenance Organizations (IIT.IO) across
the country. For example, an IlilO is now being planned
for Lincoln. A recently completed feasibility study found
that it would be feasible to establish an ICIO in Lincoln.
Pre-paid health care is a new concept which "facilitates
early detection of illness and injury by reducmgelinunnt
early detection of iflness and injury by reducing eliminat
ing Zzzzkl barriers which may impede the student from
seeking prompt medical attention for an illness or injury",
according to Dr. Gary Martin of the health center. Infl
of just curing people when they are sick, we can try to
keep people healthy, he added.,, "...
As for preventive law programs, studies have predicted
that prepaid legal services will eventually involve 10 per
cent of the people and that at least half the practicing
lawyers in the country .
Many organizations especially labor ppjranfi, are now
beginning to provide prepaid group legal service programs
for their members. "
Persons in each of the offices I have ?fcamrd today
said they want students to use their offices. They want to
be of service. I believe in the concept of each of these
programs and I hope that students use the services and
benefits they oiler.
Wmm Prtaat (hkiI
vrfj'hbH INTERVIEWS for
t on Saturday, SsptGmbsr 11, 11 am - 3 pm
1 (Room to ko postsd)
j pfd; up cm opp!!cctlaa end e!gn up fn th3
I Un!on Program Omco, Nebraska Union 115
J u I -
KSiaf illjf TV "HTIT I " 111 I III I MM" ilT"T- --J fc--. - -nil ir-"
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