The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 03, 1976, Page page 9, Image 9
Ifidzy, September 3, 1070 ilO n Fcr the Hr:t tl-re fa at least 16 years the UNL School cf JcunuTasi is fu5y gaffed, accords to Nea!e Copple, dir. ectorcf thsfdiocl, So-cs&d Bereuter fundi, provided for by the Nebrs&a Le3atiue ia a. budt amendment fpensored by Utica Sea. Doug las Eerrjfer, and fissn&j from the Area cf Excellence program bars cosr-Isiaid to proviie talbfes for three additional fssU time ttaff members, Ccpp!e tdd. . .T!cat cf the budt cuts this year are fa adsurair'3' areas," Ccpp!e add. "In es sence, vsut scaeemse .areas did net receive cuts. Vie received ...encash Bereuter funds fcr two and one-half teaching positions and becaise we are fa cur third year as aa Area cf, we received funds to pay the rest of the salary of the third per son." ..- . ..... Copple also said there has been a large increase ia the school's enrollment. TeVe had more than 150 kids signup for clascs just this week,' Copple said. "If it weren't for the Bereuter money we'd be in trouble. . "The object of the Bereuter money was to reduce class sizes, he said. "With the added staff members, nine to 11 sections of courses have been added to provide more professor contact with the students In effect, we have cut class sizes in two. "Also as a result of these funds," Copple continued, we've had to cut back on our part-time teachers. Fd like to praise them because they all did a wonderful job, but because they were only part time, they were not allowed to advise and counsel With the added full-time staff members, we now have more people available to counsel." In addition to the three staff perl 4ions some other changes were made, Cop ple said. , ILred fa the advertidsj sequence was Ecb J unas. Junas was formerly the head cf the advertrbs sequence at Manila Ccl lee fa Ilnti tea, V. Va. Ills sfsler, in:.:a Jcnas, has joined the photography department She fennerly was employed at the University cf Ark snsnsfalileRock. Ia the broadcasting sequence, Stephen Coca was hired. Coon comes to Nebraska from Tashingtoa, D.C., where he worked fcrTheVdce of America. . Hash Fepty, retired managing editor of the Omaha Vorli-IIearld, wl work fa the news-editorial department as aa editor-fa-residence. James Kirkrnan, retired pub lisher of the North Platte Telegraph, was hired to replace Albert Bock, who is ca a one-year leave fa Texas. : "With the hiring of Fogarty and Kirk man," said Copple, we hope to give the students an opportunity to learn about the facets of both large and small papers." Roberto Esquenazi4tlayo, director of the UNL Institute for International Stu dies, also has joined the staff. He is a former correspondent for Time Maga zine and wO work ia the Journalism School fa addition to directing the Inter national Institute. Ia the advertising sequence, Meg Mer chant is taking the place of Ed Bailey, who is ca a one-year leave of absence fa Italy. Also added to the staff is DonaM Glover, who came to UNL from the University of Kansas. 1. 'jWuUxJviS tlzLZ3 Uhxti Fijxl Ft2C7 riui Lc'z'sj They're simpler, sleeker and more feminine than coL'se rings have ever been before. Created especially for the woman who wants beautiful jewelry as well as a college tradition. . If you're not sure you want a college ring, be sure to come in and take a look at the ArtCarved Fashion Cclction. Because if you didn't want one before, you will now. ArtCarved is not for women only. They offer the finest selection of men's college rings, including exciting new gold signet rings for men. flflM mm u ' 3 vx e n j in toivn. Our stesd mslnfs: jS JIB itfh rfft FUnwrfUPJ: - T.V.0 cu?"oqt ycim cznriD cmocc vitltjis 1745 uOn t flea. - SaL 9-9 J Rf W AMI J 'w k,. Hi knrlmi HS3 C2SS3 SsSiiSa CJ. fTN A Thafs when the ArtCarved representative will iviiiiSjJ LLiAli 1,6 here to helpyou select your college jewelry. irs aiso me aay youxancnarge your Arwarved college jewelry on Master Charge or BankAmericard. L Cg'!?2 jewelry by L- ) . 1, j SAVE 55 when you pay in full. . X. World-famous for diamond and wedding rings p 1 Business?LabG Investors? Goveriuiicail? If we don't understand who makes our system work, and how. well never be able to improve it. That s why we've pre pared this special booklet. It's free. Every American ought to know what it says. For a copy, write: txonorrics. Pueblo, w ! ini..... K1 VS " " Krvc?Arca ad uat r:o. I ! 0 I fee I tk'uc r I .ft f , II i - If I i if I ?' I ! i- J 5: