The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 03, 1976, Page page 7, Image 7

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    daily nchresfcsn
i?j concerned! wiffEii
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ASUN 3d:
friday, September 3, 1978
"It's fun to be in a position where you can do thirds
for people" is how ASUN President BUI Mueller describes
his job,
HV interests to see new issues come up from tune
to time alcohol the past few years and the parking meters
this yesr? he said.
II scid ASUN seems to be more concerned with bri!
fcpps than it has in the past.
Tcre trying to get the students to not Cht with each
ether so much," he said. 1 think ASUN is trying to get
out of the role of agitator between groups and attain more
credibility by working on more positive things " he said.
Esf, parity fcsc-s 1 T
Mueller sees the NU budget and parity as major issues.
Tfeah, the budget-that's a pretty pat statement for an
issue. But it is really the ultimate concern to us here."
Mueller said UNL students need to be interested acd
keep informed about parity between the University of
Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and UNL.
Te (UNL) tend to lose in the parity game," he said.
"ASUN and I, personally as a member of the (NU) Board
of Regents, need to make sure that UNL doesn't lose out
to UNO," he said.
Mueller said he is upset and sad about the relationship
between the Coalition for University Reform (CUR) and
ASUN. The coalition was formed as a political party prior
to last spring's ASUN election. Following the landslide
victory of a Greek slate, the coalition submitted a con
stitution to the outgoing senate,and became an official
UNL student organization. .' .
The coalition next tried to take over the rights, powers
and duties of ASUN, but was blocked by the Student
Court. CUH is asking for a rehearing of this case.
1 really thought CUR was trying to accomplish some
thing and represent students," Mueller said.
Cccperatian asked
Mueller said CUR would be more effective if it worked
with ASUN instead of bickering.
lt saddens me to see on the first day I'm back at
school that ASUN and CUR are back in Student Court,"
he said. It's a situation where nobody wins and the stu
dents lose. You don't turn over the government at the
beginning of the year-for one thing, there's the cost
factor, the money it would cost to have another election."
Mueller said the dispute is causing a loss of the cred
ibility of ASUN and CUR among students and
Te also lose credibility with people like the regents.
They look at us and see dissension in our own ranks. The
students lose there, too. Their largest voice is being
stifled," he said.
As part of his plan to bring ASUN more in touch with
studstits, MucSer said he plans to set up times when he
will be available in a room in the Nebraska Union for
students to come in and talk.
"It w3 be a place where we 'can meet on neutral
ground," he said. T want to publicize what we're doing
and get some input." He said he also plans to write a
report for the ASUN senators following each NU Board of
Regents meeting. -
Mueller also plans to meet regularly with his cabinet,
established last spring of representatives from the Inter
fraternity Council, PanheEensc . Association, Residence
IlaH Association, off-campus students, East Campus stu
dents, Union Board, Fees Allocation Board, Council on
Student life and Intercooperative Council.
? hope this way we can keep informed on what these
groups are doing and avoid duplication of efforts between
ASUN and these groups," he said. '
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