The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 03, 1976, Page page 12, Image 12
frldcy, rrptcr 3, 1070 n 1 'T, I t 1 1 Daily At 1:45,3:40 5:35, 70 f 9:25 CsGs3Ta His e CB40Cf " V H 11:30,3:30 -VCT. . . . B nn.nnn nnw n ti k!cJ 0.- & O CTC CcniseJ frci p. 13 Tlrc arc certzirJy hervy blues influences, but don't get comfortable with that. Hell flrh clerical at you and corns back with a clean jazz riff on his way to a folk base. For these cf Arriiczn base, who need a pigeonholed riarffication cf Fahey's style, a3 you can come up with is that he plays one heU cf a mean guitar. . Veteran reviewer Paul Nelson tried to describe the Tilry Vision- tie this: "1) he plays a Jchn Ford guitar frfi JurHEan, hitt&s as many archetypes as he can; truly American flamenco nrnax, steel strings fastened to death and eternity; 3) his playing centres up net the rocks but the spaces between the rocks, ala Godard zrd other poets. Fzhey was instrumental in setts vp the up the fcijase- sota independent record company, Tckoma Records, fee dies recording Leo Kctike and Peter Lan2 at one time, it Tcsky st G:15, 0:CJ, 0:C3 Cct. end ct 1 :C3, 2:45, 4:33, 6:15, 0:G3,93 STARTS TODAY!! also was the finest and moat complete catalog of dulcimer and other folk made currently available. One of the finest comtempcrary guitar albums on the market is on Tckcma, and it features Kettle, Land and Fahey in an in credible variety of mood. Fahey differs from the two. Tilth the cbvfous limita tions of a twelve string guitar, Kottke tends to sound niuddJed in comparison with FaJwy. Lang tends to. be simpler and more direct. All three toother could part the Red Sea with their talent. Fahey could walk across it. The guitar is a much, misused instrument. It has been pounded on by more hacks than probably any other fcistrument-ia tune and out. There is a subtlety to a weU-phyed guitar that can comer you With an emotional intensity that can rock you from anger to self pity and sadness, and then st3 mellow you to a point cf comprehension. Fahey playing is a trip. He treats the guitar with res pect while totally mastering the ound and mood. The things they say about Fahey may be true; he may be hard to approach. He looks tough enough, but very few people can equal the depth cf his record and concert work. If Fahey won't talk, his music certainly speaks for him. I bet he's a pussycat. f I At 1:23-3:20 5:23-7:23-0:23 STARTS TODAY 1 -AyZAZZAl-J'AZQAS CCK3 FEATUHE J ?V3Xi. DMs Panca Kings y ""j ' its ascnxnsn cf ike puers ckssi 3 i n - - "'-'. P4: led i La 17 YCJCTZ'dlT.OlirTL'D CJi7- II. J Kami i J (T: . J y v end I - f ,- f At 1:33-3:23 6:33 - 7:33 - 9:33 r AUECORMAN ROGER CORMAN DAV1Q a OSTERHOUT and WILLIAM NORTON i i i wr m iiiMiimn ( I : CawrDiiin I DAVtOR OSTERHOUT . ml 1 CHARLES souem I j n x( 7 I ) 9:40 r m 477-1 2S4 12Sfi & P STO. Specinl Short Scbjsct - - , "," Cheech and Chong's : . . "BASICET BALL JOrEST 19S5: The Yenr Television MU Viips Yoa Osst 4iCrazy. . .a cross betveen Monty Python and NEC SATURDAY NIGHT- hJ f 5- . ft Shew s Daily At: 1:03 (a I 2:25 ' N J v 3:50 X cL- - ' H 5:15 - . n 6:40 v , i 1 0:05 SC.. -4 - I J 9:30 f" ; j J - . - . 7:co crco V IIIIMIIIIIIIII l rr u v towk trVCH QOO HU5T.C!W W1Sii sir 1 j est -.-A j IZZZ