fcrrday, September 2, 1970
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Today's student needs a lot mere than
a pencil bos end tablet. Portable
tape recorders and calculators are
essentials. With so many brands and
models on the market today, students
appreciate the czpert help that
TEAM'S people can give. And when
it comes to music (yes, it's an
essential, too) TEAM cxeelb in
expertise. So for this year's school
supplies, check TEAM first you get
wise counsel and smart prices!
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Plancer cf America TU3131
ALIFrJPhssoO-TrccIi v
For the music lover who wants it all!
Pioneer's 8-track AMFM stereo with
automaticzsanual changer and dust cover.
This complete system features multiplex
signal indicator, balance control, headphone
jack, 2-way acoustic suspension speakers
and much more. It's in a class all its own!
' ACBattsiy. IHni-necszdcr -
Uses standard size cassette n . yet it's one
cf the smallest pocket recorders available!
Features built-ra
-condenser micro
phone; ens-touch
recording button;
volume control; AC
adaptor chargsr.
Optional recharge
able battery pack
and car adaptor
Every student (and non-student alike)
can ALV7AYS uce a clock radio . . . and
TEAM'S featuring this Panasonic 24-hour
rnodd at ZUck io-chcl savings. You'll
appreciate th sis?? timer, music or '
buoi9Br tflarm and lighted clock face.- -
Ccrrcs tZi EJemszy Calculate?
A powerful little calculator for insuring
student discounts! 4-key memory; square
root; percent; 8-disit display. Unit is
battery operated (AC adaptor optional).
Compact siz33"z5H"xlK"is handy to
tote to class. .
Master Charge. BankAmencard. American Express. Diners Ctub and other credit plans available.
Southwest comsr
of 21st a "O" St
Team Sarvico
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Prices end c titles msy vary by bscstlta 1073 TCAU CcsSrs Izz "