The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 02, 1976, Page page 13, Image 12
thursday, September 2, 1976 dally ndbrz&zn pc3 13 K A K ) u ODD Contiaued from p. 12 Perhaps 'just as important as the words are Welch's classy, soulful guitar licks, brilliantly intertwined around his mesmeric singing. Completing the team effort is the rest of the band's eerie backup vocals. Suddenly ths cu:r becomes mc!bv end cc!Mng. Then, juct -cs qu!e!dy cs wo era eclmeri, T.cVb enters wiJi her d"reee!ng eel lino. The other hhli?it on this album is the closing three tracks on sHe two. The Hfcp Feel, For Your Love and Why form an unstructured trfegy dealing with the theme of love in its different forms. Whether the songs were intended as a trilogy is left to personal conjecture. This disjointed trilogy begins with The Way 1 Fed written by Christine RJcVie. The song is dominated by McVie's keyboards and Welch's accoustic guitar. The lyrics present the innocent, euphoric and observing aura of early love. Aessive vocals The second element in the trilogy is For Your Love. It is the only song on the record not written by a member of the group, and it was a big hit in the 1960s. Bob Welch takes command with aggressive vocals and guitar. Fleet wood adds additional aggression with his clumsy and un restrained drumming. The song might even qualify for a label of "hard rock" although it is restrained with a touch of the Hoes. This time the message is one of desperate love. Lastly we arrive at the side of love that hurts. Y"jy9 another McVie song, presents this paia with frightening realism. The song opens. with a very bluesy, lai3-badc guitar solo. Fleetwood's bass dram punctuates the mood. Suddenly the guitar becomes mellow and calming. Then, just as quickly as we are calmed, UcVie enters with her distressing fyricd line. ; - Changing styles withia Why progress chronologically along the history of Fleetwood Mac The opening is quite obviously inspired by Engji&i blues. In the second stage, the guitar softens the blues, somewhat in parallel with this stage of Fleetwood Mac's history. Vky concludes with a vocal that would fit very well in the character of the most recent release by the band. Although Fleetwood Mac is still together and plans to release a new album in mil October, Mystery To Me is most likely to be Fleetwood Mac's very bets. i SSJJi S!!i;3 Hit Zlzr, ilUI Ths cJ TLt:x3 cf OjB5'SScfcfOi'lCllJ,Bi V fit IU f Tuesday thru Ssturday August 31 thru Sept 4 Screenings et 7 & 9 pm eh eve. Friday & Saturday Matinees et 3 pm ) i W i Old fHlk7ciuI:co Pallet . ' (fill Czqs Sc!d cr Cc!d) t?; F f f f U?J f ( 'O.V LuJ L.. j l.1 . 1 J L.J LJ I,- l.. J C j5 litee .... r I? ' ' , wuga-ut i c : n OACttSTAGE LTD. presents fall rnc::rn c? fall facsi:c::3 c:!GisaA??AnsL ty kirizstiOii only 7h Eritchtry C:33 - C:C0 pxi. Fashions by: Th Fit tt Cm Simon's E&kstz-tLtsL Drawings for Door Prizes and Two Free Weektnds t th fHitous GrsnKia RoysJ. Omaha's most beautiful mctd. 2Frw0rink 23 cent Drinks Show Tim 8."C3 PM. Attendance limited so pick up your invitation tt OAOCSTAGE r:s"i - (!::? Day)-Cp n v X. " a ? I V- 6 wmi u u c- )l If if 4' " HUtti'- y '"ft J C3b3Ptbrlt$ rf If! i -! !fi'1'"1 W 1111 W " f i PLUS 2CT X RATED FEATURE 'Cf&DERBALLER' ccrjnrjous fro:.i iia.ii f OST CH 13 1.D. REQ-i720-r s. 422-3 In I EOLEnVCOD Cs VINE .... j -,"f s! ! r( T.QO V5 J- .. . " bay:, - - ) 7109 d-.icus rrJr.J cl 2 l LJ n solo? 7l t f C ij V v V-i L-J L..rU Ml j