The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 01, 1976, Page page 20, Image 20

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    v.cdnczdzy, icptcvclzr 1, 1073
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Ccrsdl fscn p. 9
If a project ii rteonsrcdrd by CTC to ths chancellor,
a written protia ttrtfnmt is prrpred by ihs zczlcmic
urli with ths hi!? of ths dirrctor oflrilfjlbnd rerssch
sr:4 pksdng ssJ repxtssEtativrs from ths n:ysicsin:r.t.
Ftcrsm ttiienusis, containir written descriptions
and preliminary drawfci, are done so that project costs
rry be es&nated zzipZiTzd, Ccffcy raid. Ihis prosram
ttatttnant mist be done before a nrjcr buiHirg project
ca be isdeded in the tint two yean of the six-year plan.
The program statement can cost between $10CO to
J25.CC0, dapeniin on the consultants needed and the
nuniber of hours spent preparing the statement, Coffey
said. -
: "' Ex-ycnrplaa is tertrre
The six-year plan is only a tentative list without set
dollar figures or target completion dates because as the
tentative date for the start of a project approaches, that
reject faces several budget hurdles, he added.
Coffey said the overall plan, a kind of educated guess
of what the university eventually might look like, has not
been realized and may never be because as needs change,
they are refected in the plan.
The plan is basea on needs, not dollars," Coffey said.
As nzziz change or projects are not financed by their
tentative starting date, the plan is updated and revised.
The project first is included in the UNL capital con
struction budget for the fiscal year in which it is
scheduled to start.
The first real hurdle is the review of UNL, the Univer
sity of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Nebraska
Medical Center budgets by the President's Council (which
includes the three chancellors) and the university's chief
business officers. It is at these meetings, Coffey said, that
want ads
2 bedroom apartment avail
able Sept. 1; dishwasher, dis
posable, washing facilities, air
conditioning; near campus;
1 bedroom furnished, up
stairs; $145 plus; approximately
0th . tk A; respectable people
Own bedroom, $&j per
month utilities paid, house at
745 Charleston. Ask for Greg
1SS3 Dodge Van. Sant-6
Krctar Wheels, newt paint, newt
transmiskjn, bed included.
Frontier Trailer House 12
x 5. 3 bedroom, bath and a
hc!f. central air. newt carpeting
Buffet-Crampon Master
ISods! wcodsn B-flct clarinet.
i'jst rttssrflissrtsi. or best
dim. 4754S32 after 6:C3 pjn.
ReSrfesratsr. Sears CeJ5t.
5.4 cu. ft., like ns. $.S3 or
fcsst effcr. after
rfondr 123 C3. 74. 2233
IRS3S. 1
Jt csssKrf, terja
rack. $415. 4S3-1S37.
Drafting table. 30 x 40 inch,
tilt top, adjustable height, good
condition, $55, call Fred 477
3324. Stereo Specials, Best Prices
on all Top Brand Hi-Fi.,
Components. 4-7 day delivery.
CaB Tim. 475-8053.
Puppies, part shepherd. 8
weeks, shots, call Art. 4S7
3400. For sale; Nikon F Camera,
black body, and 28mm f3.5
Nikkor lens. Used. Harmon's
Camera Center, 1320 P. 474
2402 5 week old Siamese kitten,
$20. 432-2337 after 5.
Stereo components at whole
sale prices. Over, 150
brands. 1 week only. Technics
FA 5360, 38 watts per channel.
Retail $23355 only $200.00.
Call Dan. 475-7539 or 432
4461. Bell & Howell 35 mm;
Frame; Self winding, with
flash. After 5 call 464-61 64.
Lowest prices in town on
clothing, for students. Also
furniture. televisions,
appliances, bric-a-brac, and all
household items. Support your
Disabled American. Veterans.
17450 Street
Lincoln. NE
Hours: Monday through
Saturday. 9 to 9.
Empire turntable, wempire
cart., new condition. Marantz
preamp. Phase Linear 403 amp.
E3 Camera SS. 350. auto
matic, power steering, power
brakes, air. tilt wheel, heavy
duty suspension. 350 S. 34th.
1373. 350 Honda, blue.
$SC3.CQ. call after 5 pjnrv
Marantz 2220 receiver, dual
1223 turntable, large advent
speakers; call events.
Royal Typewriter, 223mm
camera lens. Conn Trombone.
Cs3 4324533.
Wooden table & four chairs
$5; Dinette set $3; four place
sstting stoneware $12; twcJve
place setting melmac $12;
portable typewriter, like neve
t'JS: 23 ransa $43. 4C3-C247. '
73 V.U Camper, rsJs,
fcsve tsrtkm receipts, cood
csn&tbn; csU 433-CC21 after
Compact rtfri3raor; lm
brand; 3 2 to 4J3 cu. ft. unodiX
Ce3 Ed Pal. 477-1834 cftsr
6 p jn.
budget priorities from each branch of the university are
confined into one tentative budget to submit to the
NU Board of Regents.
The regents must pass the budget before it goes to the
Nebraska Legislature.
Lcgilzjure is last fccr&fi
The final hurdle is the legislature. If an item is not
financed or is vetoed by the governor, Coffey said, it is in
cluded in the next year's capital construction budget arid
must run the gamut again.
The Bessey Hall renovation included in this year's
capital construction budget request and the life Sciences
Eldg. are examples of projects which experienced delays.
The Bessey renovation was supposed to be underway
this fiscal year and completed during the next year,
Coffey said. The project wasn't financed so it is included
in this year's request.
The life Sciences project was planned in the 1960's,
Coffey said, but was deferred when federal matching
money became available for construction of the Engineer
ing Center.
The more than $4 million appropriation requested for
the life Sciences Kdg. was cut to $2 million by Gov. J.
James Exon after a dispute over whether the building cost
could be reduced by continuing to use some existing
The Life Sciences BIdg. was included again in the 1973
budget request, Coffey said, and this time it received a
$6.8 million appropriation. The funds were combined
with the unspent appropriation from the previous year.
Coffey said major six-year plan projects now under
some phase of construction include the Animal Health
Research Eldg. and the Plant Science Kdg. both on East
Campus, and the life Science Eldg. on Gty Campus.
Plant Sale (large house
plants) Sunday, Sept. 5, 12-5
pjn.1631 "F"St.
Large wooden executive
desk black inlay; $100; have
truck. 456-6621. .
1970 Triumph Spitfire
AMFM radio, hardtop, good
condition; evenings - 483-3370.
Honda CB 125. 1975. Only
200 miles. Brand New. First
$500.00 takes it. Call: 472
3920a.m.. 475-9362 pjn.
$11,000 A YEAR.
Bus boys wanted for noon
hours; call 432-0583.
Delivery person wanted,
mornings & Saturday, apply in
person, Dittmer's Flower Shop.
Delivery personnel needed-part-time,
must have own car.
pay up to $3X0 per hour;
apply in person after 2 pjn. at
611 N. 27.
Wanted: Packet-sellers for
Foreign Films. Sell 23 tickets
and get yours free. Contact
Program Office. 115 Union,
td students over 19. Earn
$53 weekly working part-time
evenings in public relations,
advertising and sales, car
required. 42S-C342.
Daily Nebraskan needs
people to help distribute the
"Rag" to campus buildings.
Must have car and M.W.Th.F
free from 9:00-1 0:C0. Average
pay is $4J5C?3y, $73mo.
Several routes still available. See
"Jerri" for more information.
34 Nebraska Unbn. .
Ideal for ms,'e studant. V.t
provide large certify furnished
3rd floor of housa. close fa
csphot plus food in exchange
for light housekeeping, dog sit
ting, and assistance in msnsing
4 apt. units white I am amy.
SKr bvM tsttar cf apikstton
to Keith R. Csstron. C23 S.
15th. Lincoln. C3C3. Drcp ins
or ttlaphone inquiries vrlU not
AVON - rrJI driver to
csmpus for a fret brochure
c3 477-52S3 efter 5 pjn.
Wanted full time day and
pert- time lunch hel for the
new Godfather's opening soon;
cly ct Codfstherii. ask for Ter
cr Ructy.
- Wanted Light , Custodial
work in school. 10 hoursAwk.
Call 432-3337, evenings 477-
Wanted Day time
bartender. Monday .-Wednesday
and Fridays. 10:30 to 6:00
shift. Apply at Godfather's.
12th & Q; ask for Terry or
Wanted Part-time night
kitchen help, apply in person
at Godfather's, 12th 8k Q. Ask
for Terry or Rusty.
Help Wanted: Mikes "O"
St. Drive Inn, 22nd & "O".
477-8392, nights, male or
female, apply in person. ,
50 discount to students,
faculty. & staff (full or part
time). ct. $75. JS ct. $250.
ct. $495, 1 ct. $G35. Vast
array of ring settings in gold or
platinum. SAVE by buying
direct from leading diamond
importer. Purchase by mail,
phone or from showroom. For
color catalog send $1 to SMA
Diamond Importers, Inc., Box
42. Fanwood. NJ. 07023
(indicate name of school) or call
(201) S64-7975. (212) 632
3330. (215) 103-1843 or (603)
779-1Q50 for location of show
room nearest you.
$250. . . .Stuffing 1000
Envelopes: HOMEWORK:
NEED YOU. Details: $1. Self
addressed, star ped envelope:
Johnson-82407, 253 Atwood.
Pittsburgh. PA. 1521 3.
Bus boys needed at sorority,
meals provided, call 435-4320.
Concessions help needed,
evenings hours at Starvtew
Outdoor Theatre. Call 4S3-2471
after 7:30 pjn. for details.
Openings for 4 part-time
tils" ptzxa mskers, sslad
mskers end other miscellaneous.
Evening hours, apply to
Valentino North, 3457
rtodre!. csk for Lilian.
Temporary Unskilled Labor
work avcIs. If you have half
tisys cr f3 dsys free from
cfcssa. rts:star t t&npower.
Inc. for wcrk. l&sx have a car
rsj a phone. Appry between
8.53. 122 North 11th.
Und Ssm's now hiring
fkxxmen. bartendsrs. wstt
reess. Applications tV7F.
12:C34:C3. Uncle Sam's Equal
Opportunity Empbyw. We will
work around school schedule.
A. A.
This year, he said, priorities in the six-year pin and the
UNL capital construction budget are:
-Renovations to bring UNL into compliance with fire
and life safety codes.
-Removal of barriers for the handicapped.
-Modernization of utCitfes.
-Modernization and extension of the life of buildings,
which is mainly the Bessey .Hall renovation project.
Coffey said the final position of these projects in the
overall university capital construction budget and the
specific dollar amounts requested for each will not be
definitely set until the regents meeting Sept. 8.
The six-year plan calls for a city campus bounded on
the west by ICth St., on the east by a northeast radial at
about 20th St., on the south by Q St, and on the north
by Holdrege St. extended along the Burlington Northern
railroad tracks. '
Coffey said the university owns most of the land from
10th to 15th streets and from R St. to the Burlington
Northern tracks. No money has been appropriated for
UNL land acquisition since 1969.
The plan shows a city campus with no major arterials
running through it. The plan also does not show fratern
ities, sororities or other buildings not owned by the uni
versity, but Coffey said it was highly unlikely that any of
these buildings would be relocated in the near future.
'The East Campus map shows a planned campus
bordered by 33rd, Holdrege and 48th streets and Hunting
ton Ave. The university now owns that area except the
Leighton Ave. to Huntington Ave. tract.
Coffey said 21 buildings have been built or are in some
phase of construction following the overall plan, adopted
in 1967.
Graduate Assistant Position
with New Student Orientation
now available. Year round
position. Salary: $3750. Submit
resume and letter of application
to Coordinator . Program
PlanningOrientation by Sept.8,
1976, 200 Nebr. Union. Phone
472-2484 or contact Mary
Dean, 200 Nebr. Union for
more information.
V We pay highest prices
i for old comics and comic s
y related material. Trade u
i A Tape & Records and V
The Comic Center, 1127a
"P" St.. 474-9675. 1
Riders wanted towards New
York and Boston. Call Paul
Tobin. 472-3534.
Riders Wanted: To Austin.
Texas Sept. 3rd. share gas &
driving. Call: 4C3-6183.
Decorate, your rooms with
Natural Sheep Skin Rugs,
student price $25 each. Call for
your order: 423-1 S39.
Now adding limited number of
students to fall schedule. Also
special rate on new and used
instruments. Zssr Guitar
Studio. 433-1621.
I (FLYS) f;
Quality Group Caroe-Camping Trips For Fraternities.
Sororities. Clubs and Qsssss. Up to 3 persons with
professional esse. Free Trip Credit for ftomstnr-Cportsors
Post-Season & td-V.'eck Discounts Niobrara River Canoe
Trps u Rentals Raft Rentals.
PHONE: 4C3-6241
621 1 Sunrise Rd.
Monday - Friday 2215
Garage Sales Emporium -432-5332
Wanted housemate, own
bedroom, close to campus. 435
4385. Girl mid-twenties to share
2 bdrm. mobile home. Contact
Kitty 472-2588 or 4754301.
. Roommate Wanted: Own
room, furnished, fireplace, near
capitol building. 532.50mo.
Wanted: Male roommate for
fall semester, apartment close to
campus. 477-4025.
Are you twice-born? So are
a lot of UNL students. Let's
help each other. Get in a Bible
study group. Call 435-3454.
Sponsored by B.S.U. Christian
6:59 Rally
Every Thursday Night
Singing. . .Sharing. . .Teaching
At Wesley House 1 6th & T
Sponsored by B.S.U. Christian
Jesus Is Lord I What does
He want to do through you at
UNL? Find out. Get in a Bible
Study. Call 435-3434.
Sponsored by B.S.U. Christian
UNL Winter im program to
London and Zurich - Dec. 2S -Jan.
14. Rounder ip airfare -$33.
Register now at FST.
Room 845. Nebr. Union.
Your link to another world!
For information on travel,
study, homestays. voluntary
service and jobs abroad, visit
the OOC. 345 Ns5r. Union.
FST has information on:
non-university - low-cost
transportation to . Europe.
Africa. Asia and South America.
Also student flights within
Europe. FST is in Nbr. Union