Wednesday, September 1, 1970 (Lily ncbrecen pc3 15 OSCBS .1 -P- - .A 1 I '-www v eu U U vJ W t dIcyc os Kid n puaoo u n n . Find excisions cn the U'&cln-Lancaster County land rrSr-ffi tv f- use Ui23 wwc ui-ja i.y u.;iu t tcaa SCCT. 1U21 a. h- V ,, faint meeting of city and county offirfslt After rcvkLis ths prtlin-nary pin, which outlines land use thrc";;i ths year ths City-County Planning Cornracdcn, City Council, llayor Hdea Coosala and the county cofflsss-iosm, deciied to postpone action on the plan cntd they could ivru it Ths pin, presented to cfHcij by ths consulting firo of Darton-A , . s, Inc from Evauaicn, EL, contained Z$jzsz trues ths consultants rcccnrneniid the officios icpt. Earton-Ashna associates rers hired for S75.CC0 to design the plan. The issues is Izdzd city and county land use, trr water use, sewers, pases sad schools. The plan is to fee ccanpZatad by Jan. 1, 1977. Rod EnIen, chirf ccnu!:ar.t cn ths threyear project, said ths plan is already off schedule. Officials gave a variety cf reasons for ddying their decisions. Boosts sail she thought city and county heads should be consulted cn issues that affect their agencies. The vast amount cf information in the 42-pae pre Iiminary draft presented by the consultants Tuesday morning made it impossible to reach intelligent decisions immediately. Councilman Cob Jeambey and County Conunisssoncr Bruce Hamilton disagreed, saying they didn't think the consultants were asking the right people for advice. Why consult council? Jeambey said he thought the planning commission was the only body that could make decisions on the plan and questioned why the council was being consulted. "Ultimately, the planning commission has to decide," he said. "If we (the council) make a set of decisions that are different than the planning commission then get back together with the consultants one group is wasting its time." - : , Hamilton agreed, saying he was unsure which group's input the consultants were seeking. He said that although the three groups were meeting jointly, the planning com- ths cVchlons anyway. He added for anyone ebe to waste their time worrying icut it. Group chalnnan and Counciinan Dob S2ryta suested the entire croup meet with the agency heads and kal council to seek their advice. Then the planninj censnis fcoa can ceet r;-i the efneial to fet their tt-ut and cn Sept 10 ths group can meet ths constants to fcoa cut their d' :ces,haU Cocsalls said she T.eped trs aren't tt td in cur virsrs that we can't izzch seme cctrrcnux'' rrc7erdfcic3crj Ths censdnts preLnunary prepcas cn city land uas abo inches p!ra for a ccrthsast radU and drrcbp isent cf land adjacent to it AlLhcui ths phuu3 ccnrnlssioa pvs prslirinary approval to ths plan, ths council licniry nht rejected cn a 4-3 vets plans for portions cf ths radid. The consultants said they "could charge ths hzd-cs plan to Klsds ths radhl, mskhg scaas chants in &ta3, tat not many.' Another charge in ths prelaninary plan invclves a prepesed west Lincoln bypass. It would ts a ncrthhsouth highway cn Cie west ei!e cf Lincoln, aHowins cars to go sreund ths west siie without using city streets. Ths Stats IHway Dept. sail in a letter received Monday that mov ing roads for the proposed bypass would be "impracticaL" Pa&-s!f cccras prepceed TTse only other proposal that received any lengthy dis cussion at the meeting involved a proposed park with a golf course west of the Lincoln airport, east of W. 40th St and south of a small industrial park. Because airplanes now fry over the land, the consultants were unsure whe ther they should make any decisions about its use. " Other major proposals for the city include additional parks, libraries and roads west of the city to "enhance that area's appeal." The construction of four-lane roads north and south of the city limits to ease traffic, exten tion of city services north and west of the city and acquir ing land on 'the southeast, northeast and southwest corners of the city also were proposed. The land would serve as a "green belt", an undeveloped area to be used for city expansion in the future. I P v s 0 Del Q We. F1 2" I HELDOVER! DAILY I AT 1:33 -3:20-5:23 auu vizii I DISCOUNT COUPON i CCUCrJ AT THEATRE 'EOX OFFICE AP5Y FSStTAr3SVE $1X3. HIS. AOS! )$2J53,$1OKTrH -1 7 OOIIPOEL' - j 1 "SLI6iT ISSSE" cea.Yi 1 1 tVUUUUUAnMiiMMliftl jr 1 wi 1 m 111 1 mm, ....jj 1 hum ' aiHl"'lHBHMM.aJ.iiia1jrJi 1. , Ky. Tucci-y thru C:"vrir Auxt31 trruC:pt4 Screening et 7 & 9 pnt J s-- cua- -3 - trt 3 D am. - 5 pin. J; ct 3 (:? f3 LJ VP. r t4 I I 6 tm H 1 11 MfvV kMM PLU3 r.D X RATCD "Cl?n!DER2ALLER" co:m:;3U3 fhc:j 110 1 1 1 Frkfr ct 6:15, C:C5 0:55 Set end un. ct 1 :C3. 2:5, 4:23. G:15.C:C3.9:E5 -1 r v 01 r ISar EZ 1S3 SiTC RSI mESSI feiCSbr Al k -mud '0 nrri ' A ' m 1 1 r f n o 3 ' 9 :4'V - I 1 j!1 '' (Hi fS) s ' -