The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 30, 1976, Page page 20, Image 20
V i i : ' f mcndey, cuJrt 3D, 1973 daily ncbr: I A 1 ' f vant ads We buy high quality used records by popular artists Trade-A-Tape & Records and The Comic Center. 1227 P" Street. 474-5375. 1566 Dodge Van, Sant-6 Kreggar Wheels, new paint, new transmission, bed included, $1,650. 432-2108. 5 week old Siamese kitten, $20, 432-2337 after 5. Puppies, part shepherd, 8 weeks, shots, call Art 467-3400. AVON-Will deliver to campus - for free brochure call 477-5359 after 5p.m For sale: Nikon F Camera, black body, and 28mm f3.5 Nikkor lens. Used. Harmon's Camera Center. 1320 P. 474 2402. Studio couch, swivel chairs, modern sofa, platform with footstool. 488-4713 Stereo Specials, Best Prices on ait Top Brand -Hi-Fi Components. 4-7 day delivery. Call Tim 475-9953. Drafting table. 30 - X 40 inch, tilt top, adjustable height, good condition, $55, call Fred 477-3324 Honda 125 CB. "74. 2200 miles, adult owned, luggage rack. $415. 483-1857. 12 OFF! Check out the coupon in today's issue. Lutfiyya's 1028 OSt. Refrigerator. Sears Co td spot. 5.4 cu. ft., like new. $150 or best offer. 475-9232 after 6:C0 pjn. Buffet-Crampon Master Model wooden B-flat clarinet. ' just reconditioned. $250 or best offer. 475-9982 after 63pjn. Frontier Trailer House 12 X 65. 3 bedroom, bath and a half, central air, new carpeting 457-3447. Efficiency basement apt. $1 OSmo.; $100 deposit, partly furnished, utilities 434-2367 John. .U.lll.!..,JJ,l.llL -- , i Part time vork, flexible hours. ; Call 1 to 6 p.m. only; Monday, August 30. 484-9111 ext. 304, 1 . A dal for mala student will provkJt br9 pertk!fy furnished 3rd floor of house. Do to cepitol plus food in txchangt for ISgJit housekeeping, dog sittiux end tstanc in manag ing 4 apt. units wtii," I am away. Send brief tetter of application to Keith R. Bastron 623 S. 15th Lincoln, CCCC3. Drop in's or telephone inquiries wi.'l not be midered. ,. 45 if t- f U i I ' : Mil? imv it vni ii i U 8 LIKE m ARMY K mOJC 472-2468 L-3 E3 QE2E3 E3 ZZ3 iJ EC0? A COLLEGE CAMPUS DEALER S!l Grande Name Stereo Components at lowest prices. Hi3h profits; NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED. For details, contact: FAD Componenets, Inc. 20 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, New Jersey 07GQ3 llene Orlomky 201-277-CC34 Daily Nebraskan needs people to help distribute the "Rag" to campus buildings. Must have car and M,W,Tb,F free from 9:00-1 0:C0. Average pay is $40day, $707mo. Several routes still available. See "Jerri" for more information, 34 Nebraska Union. FREE MEALS AND PAY Wanted dishwasher for a small fraternity. Call 474-SC55 and ask for Rick or Larry. Male students over 19, Earn $3) weekly working part time evenings in public relations, advertising and sales, car required. 4S3-CS42. FulMime, lunch, MAfM, you name it we need you. Please appry in person, Tannenberg & Sandervitz, Original Delicatessen Uncle Sam's now hiring floormen, bartenders, waitresses. Applications MW F, 12:03-4:00. Uncle Sam's Equal Opportunity Employer. Delivery personnel needed-part-time, must have own car, pay up to $3.00 per hour; apply in person after 2 pjn. at 61 IN. 27. Delivery person wanted, mornings X Saturday, apply in person, Dittmer's Flower Shop. 475-2633. Wanted: Packet-sellers for Foreign Films. Sell 20 tickets and get yours free. Contact program Office, IIS Union, 472-2454. Wanted; Part-time dishwasher for small fraternity. $75mo. plus meals. 474-355. Stereo salesperson needed-part-time, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Inquire at Custom Electronics, 330 N. 13th, 11:00 to 5:00. ' JLLJ . 1 1 i i i 1 1 ;i z'i ' 1 t i :'" ; GAY CHRISTIANS Nebraska Evangelicals group forming for fellowship, discussion, counseling. Confidentiality Assured Interested? (402) 475-5710 TuesThurs. 6-8 pjm. EVANGELICALS CONCERN ED, P.O. 81645, Lincoln 68501 GUITAR INSTRUCTIONS Now adding limited number of students to fall schedule. Also special rate on new and used instruments. 7xs$t Guitar Studio. 433-1 621. Short introductory tours of Love Library will be given at 10:00 & 3. CO on August 31, September 1, 7, 8. Tours will start at circulation desk, 1st floor. Love South. Are You a Christian? Don't let your Spiritual life tube out. Get in a student-led Bible Study. Call 435-3484. Sponsored by B.S.U. Christian Fellowship. '" " "i . v.rr.r r in ,- .y r-i- in . - t , Wanted housemate, own bedroom, close to campus, 435 4335. - mem n n m j ET3 Tho Novus 842 Calculator for only $15.25 9.7.95 Bright. 8-digit LED display Full floating decimal Four-key full accumulating memory "Live" percent key for add on's, discounts, commissions and much more Automatic constant for doing repetitive calcula tions e Performs square root Automatic roundoff Thccs prices will bo good ons time only untill Sept 3rd. VVs feel tho Quality end Prices are combined to bring you tho Ceet Value in calculators on the market today. Wovtis ccn fill cny calculators need. Stop in and compare end take advantage of this one-time introductory offer and save a bundle on your calculator needs for this school year. n n r f Novus 035 Programmable Atter you know what it does. you won't believe what it costs. All the functions of the power ful Novus 6030 plus the benefits of simplified leam-mode programming. O A team-mode capacity totalling 100 separate steps. Several different programs can be contained at the same time. O Delete feature lets you correct programs while you are writing them. O Skip key permits skipping over entire programs to access additional programs within 100-s.p capacity. O You have complete freedom to select keyboard entries as variables or constants O Automatic warning signal in display lets you know when ' v programming capacity is - exceeded. The Novus Programmable Statistician is rechargeable and comes complete with nickel cadmium batteries, charger and vinyl carrying case. r v. M rf 1 ' w sui 'u -a' LLaai Wl,,,, lJ 'ltd m wu mm ) 1 f . IS ' u