The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 30, 1976, Page page 16, Image 16
mcnday, cJJ:t 20, 1970 pC-3 10 daily nebrcn ! ; t Foir op 0 a i ! i V , f i I , if ) I I I ) ( - i i i A EAST-EAST-EAST-EAST-EAST-EAST-EAST- to toE, oMatt&feo c- , 1 r" - "" " . i r - j UAlj,A .1 X Mt I - 1 i b hi U i ' A t 7 E B I J H i- ... S V EASTEASTEASTEASTEASTEAST- EAST St c:jDKy-it,Tit I EARTH is th registered trademark of Kals Systwrtet. Inc. I 1 Lvi .mam 1976, KarsSystcmt. Inc. j " Ml II " II II . II : ) IP II (Ml , on in! I) (I p n ;:A fcf "in i iirf '"irilnntniMliMMW TWlTiWiff ' a ,taB illf 'Hilifi t, " """ A5 . M Gn n o "v-... " fWII'V iwsii'1 mm, 1f"''t J II 1 j j - uixi&'ij j - u , r- A'JL) i it .! nn fin n 1 i n ''Mitt' Stfc.1Wi-ni tfHf''Wiiii fji1 Hijiniff- Vn T.y-.B QiMU htb - sa?'' Va.. " 1 UH III nijp an ' n n o o Lov;sr Level Gunny's ca cj: 1.1:2. OA! Phono 474-2515 U Li This year'f prcxiiitiJ candidates won't set t? booths at the Nebraska State Fairgrounds for personal crrp appearances. ' - The absence of Gerald Ford or Jcrmy Carter, however, won't keep attendance st the 1976 Nebrada State Fair from topping last year's record. Last year, 587,500 persons attended the l(Way erect. Helen Tadhams, state fair board adxisirative ariant, said she expects at least CQ3JZQ to attend this year. This figure is based on the number cf exhibit entries and advance ticket rales for the entertainment shows, which will be in the university's new sports center at the fairgrounds. Tfchetsi!asfc:tae Ticket sales for the 10 different shows have been "just fantastic," she said. The fair wSI run Sept. 3 through 12. Ticket gates open at 4 pjn. Sept. 2. Several specialty days mean certain groups can get into the fair admission free. On Sept. 4, Veteran's Day, armed forces veterans are admitted free. Senior Citizen's Day, Sept. 8, means per sons 62 years or older won't have to pay admission, and on Kid's Day, Sept. 11, persons high school ae and younger are admitted free. , - Sept. 12 is Pepsi Day. Holders of coupons distributed by the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co in local grocery stores are admitted at reduced admission price. Construction cassed charges Construction on the fairground s grandstand has caused some changes in the location of exhibits and scheduled events, Wadhams said. Horse and tractor pulling contests will take place, but there will be no car races Hcause of the construction work. Fine arts exhibits, which usuaSy are displayed in the grandstand, wSI be at the sports center. In addition, 193 booths and concession stands will be in the center. XW t x h create fjcx cr::n 77 1 Silver ' j 1 -0" -wis mr n - 1 1 A 1 t 3, E 4 I I f f VJ) x - C J 7 DAV3