E no n n P N rt H fJ A series of convocations on the UNL campus, featuring about 235 students, are part of UNUs 1976 All-State UfeS School Fine Arts Course. . The students are enrolled in .music, art and dance programs during the two-week course. Classes are taught . by UNL faculty members. All-State ends June 24. Programs featuring the AD-Staters include: Joe 18, 73 p-n. Dance, art and music performances, . (location to be announced). Jcs 3, 7:C3 pja.-Swis2 Choir and laboratory band concert, Kfcr.ta3 Recital Hall. J a, 7:C3 pxi.-Ecud and chorus, Kimball Recital Hall. . Js 22, 7:C3 ps. Dance recital and orchestra. Kimball Recital Hall. Jest 24, S:3 aja. Dance program, Women's Physical Education Elig., Rm. ZZ. Jeae 24, 7:Zd poa. All-State final concert, Shekba Sculpture Garden. All-State is designed to give high school students an opportunity to study in a university setting, according to Gary Neuhaus, All-State director. Many All-Staters who eventually enroll it fine arts majors at UNL or other schools attribute their choice of study in part to experience gained in programs such as All-State, he said. . Introductory fine arts programs are offered at many schools, Neuhaus said, although the duration and courses of study vary. Kansas State University has a six-week program, and Wayne State College offers a one-week debate program, Neuhaus said. Almost all of this year's All-Staters are from Nebraska, and the enrollment is about the same as in 1975, Neuhaus said. . Each All-Stater enrolls in one area of study. Tryouts determine a student's placement in the orchestra and the band, in vocal groups and in dance formations. Students may also receive private lessons from UNL faculty. Neuhaus said although the All-State program is more than 40 years old, the present course in music, dance and art has been offered since 1S3. Journalism used to be offered, he said, but journalism, speech and theater courses were dropped last year because of declining enrollment. . )U announces . 3rd Week Summer School 35 DRINKS tV 8:30-10:30 Mon Tues Wed Tfaurs 22 23 24 v 9 Is ' 1 v. X ,. ' Jf A Pam Rosenau, left, auditions for placement in the All-State Swing Choir. Accompanying her are All-Staters Pat xvunau ana Micneae zieg. All tHree are trom York. Fhoto by USardl. Synowc Thursday, Friday & Saturday -June 17. 18 & 19; 7 & 9 p.m.-Summer Stars THEY LIVE BY MIGHT 1348 95 minutes RKO ) Directed by Nicholas Ray Starring Cathy ODonnell, rariey granger a nowara aa auva pius a snon Teaiuref CHtiA?.!OOfl by Barbra Linkevitch 15 minutes Admission $1.50 i vi I f I niittiiilWUV G7 Ssfcl t?tUtuta... tSU-UTE LEKSIS The amang new lenses that change from clear indoors to tinted outdoors. t:::::ute leases Exctus.we i.gnt weight, almost unbreakable plastic lenses tor aded safety st:::u x is:::i AS LOW AS .1 - -iff iffr-1 r PRICE INCLUDES SINGLE VISION CLEAR LENSES . CHOICE OF FRAMES FROM A SELECT GROUP 1101 'O STREET PUCLIC AID ACCEPTED ft ( 1 I 1 Ml - IT 2L - m ttiir ij-tfi firm inra fc-g .-.- ( v wi. w I S" - Www