c ; FF SAIB OPEN TIL 1:00 BEER LIQUOR WINE Closest to Campus Cunny's C.'c'j. IZih fi Q Crd I7ccfr Zvmzicr rf;ccJ fczn Tecs t7cd Yfours 1. ... . , II - , , l J ' """"""""""""B"1 xJJ Ljj' Vm' J "Lj J Xll.X ..-,3fflMg GIMNY'SJCOMPLEX - 245 North 13A Street I V , ,ysSv, 5 You Pur Riy id i&oo j. : .. I Get your good sport imas3 1 togsther in these surt-ccurt!ng . compatibles! Tanks, muscle- 1 sleeves, helters, tee's end shorts j that keep their summer cool in B 1 yellow, green, pink, red, white I j end blue stripes or solids. jj c Washable cotton blends. Sizes j j &M-L,5-13. Fit for your kind of action at MAURICES! J 1 ' """ "' '"" -v.-.-,.,, ..- ,) -a.JLi.'-' ., , . . . 1 1 1. 1. i ii. ii 1 1 ii ii i i ,,.,. ., , ' Changes One combines best, worst of Bowie Review by Deb Gray David Bovie, CLjes Gns; RCA Records Yeah, great hits collections are a ccp-oct. Sure, performers and record companies are hitting us up for something they went to comparatively little trouble to produce. But still, if you only buy one David Bowie recording, this is the one to have. Here we have a capsulized progression of Bowie's rock career, cps and downs included. When Bowie is good, he's exquisite and exciting. When . he's bad, he's pretentious, more obviously weird than anything else. "Diamond Dogs", the title cut from what is generally considered Bowk's worst album, begins with rock crowd bedlam and Bowie shouting, "This is rock 'n roll! This is genocide!" Indeed...what with its wolf-howl vocals and guitar instrumental which sounds as if it was played from inside an iron lung. "Rebel, Rebel" is based on a weak melodic theme, rivaling "Smoke on the Water" for a place in the Most Endlessly Repeated Guitar Riff Hall of Fame. "John, I'm Only Dancing" and its twanging guitar parts becomes mildly irritating. Other songs are interesting largely because of their uniqueness. "Space Oddity" delves into an astronaut's mind as he walks in space. "Ziggy Stardust", a reck star who "sucked up into his head like a leper messiah," is the story not only of Ziggy's success, but Bowie's also. "Fame" has interesting rhythmic interplay between instrument and vocal parts. If nothing else, Bowie usually leaves you crying for a lyric sheet. Even though much of what he says makes no reasonable sense, at least he creates intriguing images. Who else could rhyme laser with razors with waiters (like he does on "Jean Genie") and carry it off? The remaining cuts are some of Bowie's best songs, among them, his recent hits "Young Americans" and "Golden Years". "Changes" is as near to perfection as anything in rock. "Sullragstte City", which has the dubious honor of being massacred by thousands of young rock bands, is Bowie at his outrageous, speaker-peeling best. Bob Soger and The Sliver Bullet Bmd, 'live Edki; Cspitcl I The Michigan crowd on this c-te set is going I bananas. You'd think thst Bub Ceg., Is .st3 S struggling against obscurity, w a aim? Mlsk lgsr proportions. "I read sr' r!iv. that Detroit audiences are the greatest rock n roil 22E&& la the world," h says. (The crowd screams approval.) "But I've known that for 10 years." Seger wrote most cf ths sosgs ca this album. He also co-produeed it. But the first thing you notice is his amazing voeJs. He sounds like David Ckyton-Thomas at times, but his heart belongs to Chuck Berry and Mitch Rykr. Side oae is the mellowest cf the four sides. Ssgsr gives world-whiney vocals on "Travelin Man" and "Beautiful Loser", which has a lovely melody carried by the keyboard. Side two is funky. The star here is woodwind player Alto Reed's haunting soprano sax sdo cn Turn the Page" and his alto solo ca "Bo Diddlay." The Silver Bullet Band, as Seger kizaelf, are Michigan musidans. It's a tight band. Drew Abbot proves tha Eash with his touring gintar sclos. Keyboard player Rebyo Rutins b a rpsd as-pcrtive phyer, but net thst dynsslc a ss!d-t. Seger is at Ms best with unrdorccd reek "h rcX Ha gives burning rrfsreances on "lUtrsasdu" and Gt Out cf Denver." Sesse cf this dusk, wLHa it attests to Ssgtr's ability to rouse an audlcsca, dses not translate wc2 uito vbyl "Hsavy Music" and th Czsl cut. "Let It Rock s"r from the jamming, jiving-it-up-with-the-audience scene. But, all things censored. espedaSy the kih quality that carries through the two-reccrd set, this is an important success for Seger. IX anything deserves to make him famous, this is it.