The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 17, 1976, Page Page 11, Image 11
"5 c -2 C 3 -S c u O o Thursday, June 17 8 PJB. 77 Olympiad-hae Owens returns to Berlin. 9 pja. ABC News Closcup-Formes New York City Mayor John Lindsay hosts and narrates this news features presentation. 9 pjn. Tribes-JinrUktucl Vincent and Darren McGavin star in this early made-for-TV movie about a less than eaetr US. Marine Corps boot Cablevision, Ch. 9. 10,30 pjn. Nebraskaland Days Parade from North Platte Ch. 10. 11 pjn. Austin City Ltmits-Jownes Van Zandt and Clifton Chenier and his Red Hot Louisiana Band NETV Friday, Jasse 18 S pjn. CBS Movie- The Culpepper Cattle Company. 8 pjn. ABC Movie-Olympic Visions. CritkaOy acclaimed study of the games by five filmakers. S pjn. Decades of Decision-Conflict between Tories and Rebels in the American revolution, NETV. 9 pjn. A Conversation with Barney OtdIeld-KETV senior producer Joel Fowler talks with the Nebraska-bora colonel about his military, journalism and business careers. 9x33 pjn. Civilisation-Loid Kenneth Clark recreates the Catholic Restoration, NETV. 10x50 pjn. Zulu-movie, Ch. 6. Saturday, June 19 1 p.m. NBC Baseball- Cincinnati Reds vs. Philadelphia Phillies or Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Montreal Expos. - S p.m. Guinness Festival-The Lady Killers. Sir Afcc . Guinness and Peter Sellers as leaders of an odd band of bumbling brigands, NETV. 5 pjn. 16th Annual Coaches All-America Football Game ABC 10 pjn. Monty Python's Flying Circus-Highlights of the Olympic hide-and-seek finals; the advantages of radar in bullfighting, NETV. Midnight Creature Feature-Night of Terror, Beta Lugosi, Ch. 3. U30 jliii. Rock Concert-Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen.' Sunday, June 20 6 pjn. Lions of the Serengeti- Animal behaviorist Jane CoodaH and photographer Hugo Van La wick follow a pride of African lions, ACC 7 p.m. NOVA-Hx Genetic Gune focuses on hencpIiZj, NETV. 7 pan. EZery Queen-LZaj's coZegc diura is on trial for murder, NSC pjn. Masterpiece Theatre-Notorious Woman, After George Sand is jilted by Prosper Uerimee, she seeks solace with actress Marie Darval, NETV. 30 pin. UJS. Olympic Swimming Trials, ABC Monday, June 21 7,30 p.m. How We Cot Here: The Chinese-A history of Chinese immigration to the US. in the 19th century, NETV. 7i30 pan. ABC Monday Night Baseball- Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Cincinnati Reds or Boston Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles, 1030 pjn. CBSMovie-The Subject Was Roses. Based on the Pulitzer-prize-winning play about a World War II vet's homecoming. Tuesday, June 22 7 pjn. Tail Ships Are Cbmmg-Doeamcntasy of sailing vessels training for transatlantic race. The ships are scheduled to sail into New York harbor on July 4, NETV. 30 pjn. Search for the Nile-episode two. Sis Richard Burton, ill with fever, is left behind. Speke discovers Lake Victoria and returns to London claiming to have found the Nile's source, NETV. 9 pjn. NBC News Special-The Search for Something Else-A survey of self-awareness movements including Erhard Seminars Training, Transcendental Meditation and biofeedback. 9 pjn- CBS Reports-The Politics of Cancer-How the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration attempt to protect the population form carcinogens. 11 pjn. Sounds tage-Judy CoCins and Leonard Cohen, NETV. 10 pjn. Bookbeat-tlost Robert Cromie and James Baldwin discuss The Devil Finds Work, Baldwin's study of American films impact on black culture, NETV. 10t30 pjn. Movie-Fate is the Hunter, about an investigation into a commercial airliner crash, Ch. 6. t ; 1 1 rih) 1115 Most Americans (about 80 ) beheve that our economic system with is individual freedom is the best in the world, yet some changes are needed. To help give you a clearer picture of our system on which to base deacons, a special booklet has been prepared. For a free copy, write: "Economics? Poebfa. Colorado 8 1009. ISfifliiWii .litis Sffs&esa. f X A i . . i V Undo , Unc'o , . Ur.zlo . . . Unds . . Undo . . . Undo . . . Undo 2? . SSI jJ& . .. V7C c 3 o" 240 dresses 7nn np;ri ' . WW MM W 130 skirts 1100 summer tops 180 par colored donlm jSw CTtacsg VB ti?c:-N ff nn -ft For Guvs 1 200 pa:rs of shoes & sandais c 150 vested suits 1400 sleeve sport shirts 18r ww CllJld j shirts II .TVTV.l U U U ' - s jlue jeans ' y c o c 3 in It) Hi O t - l i i 1 1 , I t r I uo u K5UULUU ( -J FOR SALE Rent a TV, Air Conditioners Black and white or color TVs. furniture, and appli ances at ACE TV, 2423 0 Street. 432-8000. Must sell 75 VW Scirocco, silver, AM-FM stereo. Must see to appreciate. Asking $4400. 530 N. 54. 434-7302. - Mease Plast Sate Truckload direct from Florida. 35-50 varieties. Healthy plants of all sizes, inexpensively priced, Satur day and Sunday. June 19 & 2Cth. Noon to 7 p.m. 3021 Stratford Ave. Oak Creek Produce. . Frc2&T2ste Corner 27th and Vine 475-SC31. Wed-Sun. 11:23 aaa.-5:S3 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday evenings 'till 3 p.m. Nostalgia Early American carpets, a&tique textiles, and pre-1943s apparel. Air conditioned. HELP WANTED Need two student writers for biweekly magaadne. Dcsasshg hte August. Wm indude noa-Ectloa feature writ. For cere m&p mation, contact Theresa Forsman, 4722421 or 475-2731. Need several people to distribute ths Susnser Ksbraa Tbury mcrn tc5 ;vtrsl rx.its cca ZXX C12 Uit3 13 tla c- tx3. 47D-C1Z1, rscci 11D Avery Ultrtry. )1- 4 t 1