The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 07, 1976, Page Page 11, Image 11

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L0 w w
Theatre Inc., producers of the rammer
MeSerdraroraen, wJ open its 14th season
The first MeSerdrammer, No Sooner
Won Than Wed is a musical melodrama
about Melody Loresong, who has
unknowingly inherited a fortune from her
late father. Her era aunt,, Lucretia
Mcseygrabb, knows of the fortune and
has come to stay with Melody, not only
to gain control of her fortune but to
marry off her own daughter, Ganglia.
Lucretia blackmails Melody's
neighbor, Baron Wilhclm von Snipe, into
helping her. But the Baron plans to marry
Melody and take the fortune himself.
Meanwhile, the sheriff, who loves
Melody's ' governess, introduces his
nephew, Lambert Lamplight, to Melody,
and the two fall in love. But once
Lucretia and the Baron have started
u LjCjl
pJotting, everything seems hopeless. Only
after they fo3 each other's plans and
Lambert and the sheriff arrive to set
things right, does love triumph and eva
get its just rewards,
No' Sooner Won Than Wed" cast
includes Clair RickeL Jo Rogge, Brandy
Dworski, Julie BcaE, Joe Miller, Stephen
Kemble, Tina Scott and Karen Brammer.
Lee Schoonover is directing the play
and John Wenstrand is the assistant
director. Amy Thelander is the pianist for
the production and Don Pederson is the
Master of Ceremonies.
This season's melodramas will be at
Fanny's Pink Carter, in the lower level of
the Lincoln Hilton. The shows will begin
at 9 p.m. and will run on Wednesday
through Saturday nights. "No Sooner
Won Than Wed" w21 be presented
through June 26.
Education, law conference slated
Collegium III, a four-day conference
will combine the education and law
curriculums. The conference starts June
1 2 at the UNL Law College.
Dr. Raoul Kneucker, Secretary
General of the Austrian Conference of
Rectors, will deliver the opening address
and represent Europe in a discussion on
issues within the learning environment.
The Conference of Rectors is
composed of the heads of all Austrian
institutions of higher education.
The topic of Collegium HI, jointly
sponsored by UNL's Department of
Education and the Law College, is
"Education and the Law: Maintaining a
Learning Environment within a Changing
Legal Setting."
Also participating in the collegium are
representatives from educational and legal
professions. Roles and rights of teachers
in the classroom, student rights,
Nebraska's new student discipline statutes
(LB503) and selection of instructional
subjects are among the topics being
- The conference is part of UNL's
summer sessions program. Students can
enroll for credit, but the majority of the
audience is Nebraska's public school
administrators and staff, according to
Sally Mainquist, Collegium logistirian.
Approximately 24 to 85 persons
attended various sessions during
Collegium II last June.
12 x 50 Monarch Motile home;
Furnished, carpeted, 22,000
BTU air conditioner. Sears
Kenmore washing machines.
Fence included. 483-1974.
Religions book clearance, 50 to
95 off. New and used. Corner
Religious Bookstore; 1237 R.
liovss Plant $&s
Trsckload direct from Florida,
35-50 varieties. Healthy plants
of all sizes inexpensively priced.
Saturday and Sunday, June 19
& 20, noon to 7 p.m. 3021
Stratford Avenue. Oak Creek
aJCC Irish Setter puppies, shots,
reasonable. 799-3554. Lincoln
Air Park.
EARN $250-$500 IN YOUR
SPARE TIME! Details-send
stamped, self-addressed
envelope to: W. Carins, 1522
Alberta Street, Dayton, Ohio
Perhaps you're one of the tacky
few who has a job or at least a
good prospect for one which
uses your coEege education. If
not and yon don't mind hard
work with good pay, contact us
for information regards? work
si the underground mining
industry in New Mexico.
Income last year for good
contract miners in the area was
$30,000 to $40,000. Top
income reported by a contract
miner during 1975 was $52,000.
And they didn't need a college
education to earn this money.
They started as laborers in the
mining business and moved up
to the position of miner as they
learned their skills from on-site
mining experience. We can start
you as a laborer for $4.25 per
hour union scale for a 44-hour,
work-week. We won't kid
you-rt is hard manual work.
But if you have the desire and
ability to learn from experience,
yoo can become a miser, too,
who at present earns a minimum
of $5.20 per hour pSas union
benefits including Group Health
Insurance, phis bonus paid for
contract mining which allows
you to create your own income
above your hourly wage
minimum. Contact us for more
information if you are
P.O. Box 6217
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107
Attention: Paul Bar by
Male roommate wanted to share
house. Own room. $65 share
utilities. 475-2982.
Rent a TV or Air Conditioner.
Black and white or color TVs.
Furniture and appliances at Ace
TV. 2429 O SL 432-8000
(in cur 14th yssr of t.Zzllczdzzz:zzn)
. st csar new location -
fat;:jy's fiex garter
the lincoln kelt07j
&h&PSts. .
Curtain 9 PJX Wad-Sat.
Aim. $2jC3 7ad. & Thais. 23 Fn. ft Sat.
Untfar 16 feaSf price on XSmL and Ttwrs.
25 Discount for groups of 23 or more
June 9 thru 23 Ttiursu, Fri-, & Sat-)
Fine ImImsm Food
if -
35th .& Ecldregc '
Friday 4 pjn.-12:39 cn. Saturday 4 pjn.-l:C3 cxs.
7C"iIi' & Van Horn
PeopEs keep, comting bach.