mcnday, cpril 23, 1970 beouc tion r; typical of director A movie by one of the roost controversial directors to day, Una Y7crtmu2ers The Seduction oflZml, is the last Foreign FHm offering tills season. It will be screened at Sheldon Film Theater at 7 and 9:15 pjn. Tuesday through Thursday. V7ertrauIIer has been compared by some critics to FcHiai, Bergman, and even Stendhal and Proust. Oa the other hand, she's been called a msogymst in feminist clothing, a hypocrite, an opportisnct. The Seduction of Mind is fairly typical Wertmuller: the themes axe politics and sexual hypocrisy. Mimi teSs the story of a worker caught between the i!afia and the Com munists. , .......;. .. Rlimi loses his job because he won't vote for the local Mafioso running in the elections. At the same time, he is too capitalistic to make a good Communist. WertmuSer pokes fun at Mimi, his arrogance and his childish sense of honor, and, on the surface, she seems to ridicule his "typically Sicilian" sexual double standard. But her own beliefs on this are more questionable. She sets i-Iimi up with an independent, liberated mis tress as an alternative to his foolish Sicilian wife. But when Mimi finds out his wife is having an affair, he goes crazy with revenge and plots to seduce his wife's lover's wife. ; la typical WertmoIIer style, the woman is ugly, middle aged and obese. The whole seduction scene is outrageous, as I'm sure Tertrnuller intended. Moreover, it is the sadis tic humiliation of a character and seemingly, women in general. VertrnuHer specializes in brutality to vulnerable people, making it seem women are her chief target. TertmuHer s farce is well done, except for her por trayal of women. Ilzr fUms have an absorbing energy, balance and humor. Her actors (Giancaxlo Gianruni, Elsna Fiore and Mariangelo Melato) are first-rate. Technically, her films cannot be faulted. If one can get past Tertrcul ler' s personal beliefs and duplicity, her films are very good and worth seeing. J9rr .J You AferrfterK Kfrfer 1 1 t ifcrwv kU ft te Vr"aJ jj J mmeoi ran urtssw jhuxbsk iMSffJ 1bi:uOLCHO! TbmTiCKEDUR VHYVOttrYOU? I -'S- " - ' I t" i r i " i'if irf-rfl i ii 0 n I . . . '. r&ct coartesy of r;i Carpi' An EsThs wesier .tssestrrnff eefsces tie wife-cf his ,' wife's Liver a The Sedixtbn of IZxd, tie lS a CIs -st"s:vr.?eri Fostfca FSSa caa at rr!..ra Fa Tlgsirr. Proper hair ccro I if ? I . DOiOra IT 5 TOO IOTO. II 0 0 I Mil .0 SIQM FflT(lEGl!00D Tc:i Epil 27 f!:23 0:!:a r 7, 1 rCo)fo7iij nl"f , , " 1 'O J C r"T.n te Sit WW FT? X IiWth i1 v - - SM 1 tSf ffft-fe ffiia y- bj?.uh i v 1 4rs r"i f ""v - C!i3 T-i? O o jj. j T3B jc 1:Q ,.Q -.u O. j.JL Q Q Q-J, ill t.. M i! 1 ni hi SEX... jSEX... , oX . . . SEX... (SEX... 'fr r n w I H It if cn.a roSIsrcocster 7 st ths Indy C3 , t tha symphony 1 t(H3 Ucnd Venning soon f ' ' " ' " t U iiLJ ( iy Mf Lji. l.JS 4 1 hU4M - V.WA V.'.VA VA 5 W.VA - V.WA vK w v vSS V.V.VW WAV WAV vx:j 1 1 WM B VJDl Km 91 "76 Since I'ra r&ot rpfns fe fes a csndliUs in 1S7S,. I'm net as scn ethos irit t3 ia ths ssnss cf tri3 p-rscnalty afr.bitfc, irrd, t&rsf I csa pcrps b fcra teu! b bBR3g- C.2 prty . t2Isr.-s!d Et. Fcri tat a cts23 Li 1373. Ctetyca; cssfclsa a teia 2 -fear tzzzs c$t ts vry fcs la C.3 Cssrts cf fears cf ycar pty ia 7j aia psEiibsitnl caruf isl A I canv envision such a sisi-!&i El I asst you that my ca personal fading is that f will net be a caadidita-and I tneaa that very strcny and very sfrxereiy. Q IViy xiU yca-nst a eaa- A Prirrjiry, ths reason why I w.:i net run in 7S b that I tlink I can da a better job for ths UZCHZZm 17, 1S573 ta - Arin!rali3a and tS-pzrty by mt ' fcacM?" csysf !a tite .pfirscts cf a (ssrsasu! casnpali - - fcr -3 iYgsl!aay. I CJrJ: bzZzz ' VScs PresEt . ' us r:avs a v;o?.ld nErcT , ... .. ca a pctrJ tssSiXsl ' A I wotdat like ta pick a A ni.t feadn era. There are nsn we a!! . - Q CS2 it tasas 127S, know - about Governor Nelson traced t!2 ta a villi Roc kef e Her cf fw York, g A l" I sppesa yea caa CL'.Tcmlj and formar Governor ' ina!t3 thit ps!r.L Cut ws hav Jcha GcnnaXy cf Texas. 1 th:nk cow arsd- lra sirs aa hass ta thesa are ths teaefng prsiacts 1 r Cod potential '76 soks canddatss' Q Are yea dafiat&ly ts csa to yea thres years flrcra R3V? 4 A I arn foreclosing thaL Q Dots .s meaa that if far any reason yes became Trssliiat fccfara 1375, yea-, vsdd sa adda ad net nn ta A Yes that b what I ara .saying. - 0 ".eni da yea sas ner as . , r PAID FOH CY frrac;tia1D73? o n w n n 2 -4 112 .W n YCUniFCrSAGA?l ! r