The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1976, Page page 11, Image 11
monday, cpril 23, 1976 daily ncbrckcn n 1971 VoJkuwsgsn 52.CCO ml'es. Pslnt and body in txczi'.ant condition. ONLY $1203. CM 472-&177 after 3:33 (ask for Terry). 10-spd. Sdwinn Varsity, ww condition. 53. Dav 7TA. 24C2,eve.4C-C310. Sports Tourer, 25" frame, extras, great shape, $103. Rsbco ST-4 tarsssnt arm turntable. Shore V15-II. $160, Steve, 453 7S33. Exercise bicycle for sale. Ward's, brand new, white, 'speedometer, variable resistance. Ca.'l4C5-1747. ' Etectrophonic 4-channel stereo, four speakers, Garrard changer, built-in 8-track. Best offer, 471-11 S3 after 4 pjn. Concord K'K IX cassette deck wfth doSby. one yr. old, $203. Call 457-3314.- Gibson L6-S elec. guitar & Fender Super-Reverb amp. Brand new 7S models, super condition. Must sell-getting hitched. $333 or best offer. 423-1927. BANJO Alex 5-string in excellent condition with case, S35.472-S3S3. BANJO KITS. Write for free catalog. Stewart-MacDonald Mfg.. Box 900AK Athens. Ohio 45701. Pen tax Spot F with 55 1JB and 13333 lenses. 474 2CSS or 472-3055. Are you -interested in silent movies? If so why not make a few of your own or just film your buddies doing their thing. If you're interested, here's my offer. If you agree to buy 70 rolls of G.A.F. film. I will give you FREE of charge a G.A.F. Super 8 movie camera and a G.A.F. Super 8 movie projector plus 70 extra rolls of film for only $297.50. If you're interest ed call either Bob Winter at 432-7361 or Vic Burgess at 4758357. v Scuba gear: Oacor tank; pack & regulator. Excellent condition. Call Mark. 432-7893. Foosball table like new. 350 lbs., bar model, brown. 4S4-7531. KOOSJTILL9 : . Garas Sales Emporium herns galore at 2215 "C from noon until 9 daily. 1970 BMV!f 2002 well main tained, recent rebuild; $2435. 472-3370 or 475-3433. - f7 Ford window van. AM -FM, mags. auto, rebuilt engine. 475-5SS3. . . - 1370 SAA3 S3. V4. ac. 4-spd. front wheel drive, good gas mileage. Call 47K2CS3. Lancia Beta sport coupe. 1975. 750 miles. 5-spd. stick, front wheel drive. Call 439 4239 evenings ft weekends. Two 14X7 12 Cregar wheels, excellent condition. Call 6:30p.m.. 477 7979. Schwinn Sports Tourer $125. ContinentsJs $75. Atsla gto ditattia. $125. 454-G312 evenings, 6301 Benton. J 321 Ho. 13th: turn. 3 rooms &d bath. utH. pd. except else 423X333. Catnmar Cbs3I $15Wk sinsfe. $1Cwk doubla. V.'sshina ft kitchen facilities, parking. Theta Chi fraternity. 623 No. ISth. 432-7333. r 31st ft Holdrese-1&2 bdrm. furn; apt, avail. 1st part of May. Also a 5-bdrm. house wfth tove ft refrlg avail for summer term, reasonable. 432-3CC3. Taking summer ft fall rwervations East Campus epts. 1403 No. 33rd. Furnished, carpeted, cable TV. off-street parking, laundry facilities, air conditioned, 1-bdrm. .Call 403-7723. cxz'za muzz::o. on campus air-conditioned housing at Zeta Tau Ak)ha sorority,. Kitchen facilities. Call 477 37S3 and ask for Joan Boucher or 4324235 and ask for Sandy Mohr. 2331 "A": 1-bdrm. unfurn ished, stove, refrlg. dishwasher, cable TV, air-conditioned, off street parking, laundry facilities, $155 etactricity, deposit. Call 475X343 or 734X545. - , Working together to live in expensively Cornhusker Co-Op. A coed cooperative, dose to campus has vacancies for the fall semester. $112.50month room and board, 705 No. 23rd. 475X796. Ask for an officer. Summer Housing. Coed, dose to campus, air-conditioned, color TV and kitchen facilities. $14wk double and $22Avk single. Cornhusker Co Op. 705 No. 23rd. 475X733. Ask for house officer. Now renting for summer ft fall, Ig. deluxe 1-bdrm., ac, dishwasher, carpeting, no pets, from $140 e?ectric. 477-3413. "439-7003 THE GLEPJAIS1E 1943-50 "Q" St. 1 14 efficiency units with appliances, carpet, drapes, air conditioning, and double bed. No pets. Garage for each unit. All for $153 - electricity. Close to campus and downtown. Resident manager. Apt. 8. 475-71S5 or 46S-1933. 2222-44 Vine CUT-Zn LEASING NOW! Comfortable modem 2-bdrm. apts. Two baths. All electric kitchens. Extra closets. Walk to campus. Base rate $200. Mgr. 435X3S3. 467-4531. 1724 "IT: furnished 2-bdrm. modern apt. for 3-4 people, 477-1378. 1736 "L": 1-bdrm. apt. $90mo., on mini-line. 477-1878. Sublease 3-bdrm. townhouse Charleston Court, avail. May 1. Call 454X265. HEADED EAST BEFORE SUMMER SCHOOL? NEED NEED RIDERS TO WASHINGTON. DC. OR N.Y. AREA AND BACK TO LINCOLN VIA PRIVATE PLANE. MAY 12-26. ROUND TRIP $109. CHIP. 432XX34. WANTED: Used PhD cap ft gown. Call 472-2310 days. 423 S3S2 evenings. Married couple looking for apartment to sublet for summer. Must be under $150. Call 464 1237. Art student needs female model to pose. $25 per session. Write Ernie Simmons. P.O. Box 83541 Lincoln. Ne. 63501. Need two tickets together for full NU home football season, male preferred. Call collect, 402-331-9041. ride to Wash DC vicinity. 57 Share expenes. Bob 477X334. University of Nebraska-Lnccla students csn qtuEfy for 50 tuition credit starting fsH terra 1976 tsd earn from $3.00 to $5X10 per koar for eveofeg sd weekend work. Call your U.S. Anuy Eessrve Repre sentative, Gordon Gbck for detdls. Rios 464- 6391. 7'T r'i rrm IT r.V3 TO tjfl atiefM.ft DAILY fJEERASKAfJ needs people to distribute the paper M,W,TH,F m semester 1373 77. Must have approximately 8:45a.m. to 9:45a.m. free. PakJ by peper size, but averase pay is $4AJay. To apply call Jerri at 472-2CC3 B:2ZxnAjn. Hon thru Thur. Ked cat. DAILY KEgRASKAfJ needs one person with van or pickup truck for work MWTHF fall esmemr 1973-77. Work involves heavy lifting and delivery of 18JX3 Daily' Ksbraskan's from Sun Printing to Nebraska Union . Must have Bajn.X:33ajn. free. To apply ceil Jerri at 472-2533 Mon thru Thur. Average pay is $7 day. Full and part-time food ' and beverage service personnel. Applications now being tsken. Prominent dub in Lincoln, 423X502. . Uncle Sam's is hiring summer help. Bartenders, floor men, and waitresses are need ed. Please apply in person on Monday. Wednesdays and Fridays between 3 and Epjn. at Unde Sam's. An Equal Opportunity Employer. YMCA Running Creek Day Camp is now accepting applica tions for camp counselors. Contact Jolleen Cfymer, at 433 CS31. C - 0 3sH(jsAi.aj(B.4Hjtjelftia ft.iiWwi-s, cnASUATi::s ELECTRICAL EKSIKEEHS Would you like to earn . about $43jC33 a year fresh 'out of college, complete with travel and advance ments opportunities? Call 423-7523 after 6:00 for appointment. Little Bo's needs five cock tail waitresses for evening work. " Apply in person 9-5 Little Bo West. Looking for a rewarding experience? Volunteer counselors needed for summer camp with handicapped persons. June 13-19. Call 333-78S5 or write 1933 No. SCth. Omaha. Looking for a new career? Interested in progress for your self? ServiceMaster is represent ed in local communities by 100's of independent business men. They are doing very well lor themselves. How about you? Businesses available throughout , Nebraska. Call or write Service Master of Lincoln. 133 No. 1Sth.435X55a:;.: r.-'-s.: - LA3ftSKY is looking for hardworking people to work full-time on a permanent basis manufacturing waterbeds. Apply at 5001 So. 16th. Addressers wanted IMMEDIATELY! Work at home no experience necessary excellent pay. Write American . Service. 1431 . Wilson Blvd.. Suite 101. Arlington. Va. 22233. 43 hours per week li-) brary-type stock work. U $2.33 per hour. Appltca- tj : lions now Detng accepteo. ii CC3 Gcnu:!:sr Itsy. ,mm.m mm Busboys needad at sorority to start next September, meals provided. Call 4354320. Live-in girl for summer to he!? with deaning, laundry, 'cooking ft babysitting. Room and board plus extras, 475 2237. . i Female roommste wanted for summer. CsSI 474-1437. Male or female roommste wanted. Own room in house. Full basement, washer-dryer, hvj back yard. Pets welcome, $123. Ct.l Gknta before 3pjn 475 CC35. LOST: Class ring in Field House. Contact Bob, 432-4332. LOST: 4 mo. old male Husky. REWARD. 475-1240. 93 of CPC students pass their FAA written exam the first time they take it. Cessna's unique integrated learning program of ground and flight training in a logical sequence is available now at OWL AVIATION, 5431 No. 43th. Owl also offers lowest rental rates going. Look over our new building and new program. Owl Aviation The Cessna Guys" -4S7-3439"'...:.. ; WATCH REPAIR A I L?&es-Silto to T'mex 12 BSc. So. of iiebr. Bookstore 335 No. 12th Call 432-3414 DICK'S KATCH SERVICE Team ' Electronics Service Center for all your audio re pairs, specializing in auto audio and stereo equipment service.. 21st & -O". 435-4437. Custom-made dothes from your design or ours. Wedding dresses too. Clifford Dressmak ing Shop. 423-0123. Birthright offers free preg nancy tests, confidential under standing help. Call 477-8021. Mighty. Joe Young at The Zoo Thursday. Friday & Saturday. i EARLS&H THE KRITE-UP KKGH ' ' IS SPQ330RI?G THE FIRST AOSUAL "Kt?IGH FC3A DAY. WRITE-EM-UP CCTOY , . CGSITEST'" First prize for . the greatest accumulation of official write ups consists of a vacation in the beautiful Guyanian rainforests. ' Second prize, a 4-year scholar ship to : Oklahoma Univ. to. .study fake foreign accents. - ACCOSS 1 Name for - Dallas . 5 Street Singer's girt 19 Close 14 Spread 15 Miss Massey -IS All: Prefix 17 Swanky Berlin song 23 Draft org. 21 Loop, in anatomy 22 Girt of "West - Side Story" 23 Bargain-item tag 24 Ski lift 23 She's "the only, one" 23 Go before - -32 Thought: Prefix S3 Pspa Doc's land 34 Beiderbecke solo, with 23 down S3 Gene Kelly classic 43 the line 1 14 t? .1 .J 3 33 Li S3 ( --t 4 j Ui SI Arcnncr; CALL 03 a f:a::-rr.0riT cr.cArzATtnn We sell International ID's and Hostel cards for those important discounts abroad. Overseas Opportunities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. I Li LyiUL c Applications for oas sssssssisr sscslsr editorial pedtiens doe Tuesday by 4 p ja. Positions isdsds cews editor, sochts news editor, niht csvts editor. Third Dlmessicn editor 2nd photo chief. Appliortior for staff positions 2re dus Thursday. Positions iaclads sports znd cstertshsssesst editor, reporter, photo grapher, editorial and festcre cohs&n ists, copy editor sad news or editorial fiieiinTitj oaafieV- crossword 41 Gambling game' 43 Wavy, in heraldry -43 Duelists needs 43 Convent 47 Ripens 43 Slippery 43 S3 S3 S3 Kostelanetz Volcano Name for a G J. D. V. Clivers's jazz song N.L. pitcher . Randy. Andrea Monogram part: Atbr. Gem Gumness etaL Girt of piano song C3 1 C2 3 es C5 1 Jazz forms 3 ,4 ti 13 J 4 rotrTEWATER CAf:0E TftS3 on Buffalo River, Klrf 8-11. Completely outfitted trip les. For RESERVATIONS and ir:fCni!ATIO.J call Bob Kerfs, 423-6223 (eves). t3 rnrrccrs cf choice rircnTAfiT , to ycu? Freedom of choice. A func&sncntal principle of American democracy. A basic right which b now under attack by a small but well funded Group. If your right to choose Is knportant to you. you must defend it actively. Please join us in protecting our free dom. We are HartsStam for LepJ and Safe Abortion. Your support and partSdpetSon are needed. If you do not act today, ycu may find, one day soon, that you need the freedom to choose and that freedom wBI be gone. Nebraskam for Legal and Safe Abortion, P.O. Box C3451. Lincoln, Ne. CC501. " r" H - iff amon (s 4 H t eiaet TlZ2& tj VJELL V." 2 Son of Tros 3' Understands ' -4 Morse-code unit . 5 The lloocher 6 At for .words 7 Columnist ' Barrett 8 Explosive . S Word said for doctors 13 Qrjieryisg words about June 11 Arab rukr 12 Agslast " 13 Girlcf Gmhwin soag 13 13 23 21 IffiSSSESS" a city Gaunt, in France Excitsd Unorifinal 23 Alcott girl 23 See 34 Across 27 Farewell Miss Adoree What Sam mads too lottg "Seventh Ikaven theme KM Essold and 23 23 33 31 clisrs n S3 Rsd dser ,33 Chasical - 37 Girl ia "Cymbt&se" 23 but the brave... S3 Keclsr 41 Iitrsry cuLicls 43 Vergil hero 43 Sruich ca 43 Body cf nscrxls 43 Choir voice 3 Tifa SI ITcrrvrtica 2 Be, ia Paris , S3 Woma ia O'Czztj titl; Si TVCii2 P E3 This, ia 7 13 S7 Castor's girl S3 pros (Ical cove) S3 Writer Yutsrg -