Wednesday, cpril 7, 1976 dcily ncbrzdkzn p3 5 A M - i k RiU R rroposeou nan 1 Ui 1 sub roitted by the ! i Gannon rcr niversllv Reform AniOm I. NASE The name of this organization shall be the Coalition for Univer sity Reform, hereinafter referred to as the Coalition. Article II. PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to promote student in volvement in all aspects of student concern. Article III. V.ZU'.ZZttW? AH regularly enrolled students in the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, shall be members of the Coalition and shall be entitled to take part in all activities of the Coalition as hereinafter out lined. Article IV. ORGANS The legislative, executive and judicial organs of the Coalition shall be as follows: Section 1. The student Assembly, hereinafter referred to as the Assembly. A. Composition. The Assembly shall consist of at least one student representative from each of the following six resi- '. dential districts: 1) cooperatives, 2) off -campus, 3) east campus (social) fraternal organizations 4) city campus (social) fraternal organizations 4) east campus residential halls, and 6) city campus residential halls, 7) no assembly member shall be eligible for executive or judicial posi tions. There shall also be two non-voting faculty repre sentatives. No assembly member if eligible for executive or judicial positions. 1. Boundaries relating to residential halls and (social) fraternal organizations. All residence halls and (social) fraternal organizations located east of twenty-seventh street of Lincoln, Nebraska, shall be in the east campus districts. All residence halls and (social) fraternal organizations located west of twenty-seventh street of Lincoln, Nebraska, shall be in the city campus districts. 1. Elected members. The elected members shall be chosen by direct apportionment of one representative per five hundred students residing in each district, - with each district required to have at least one repre- - - sentative, in accordance with Article VII (Elections) below. - - , 3. Replacement of Elected Officers. In case of a vacancy in elected representative, a replacement to fill out the unexpired term shall be elected by the Assembly from those who have submitted written applications for the position. In case of a resignation, the replacement shall be a member of the resignees political party. All re- placements shall meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in Article IV.B.!. 4. Faculty representatives. Two faculty members shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate upon recommenda tion of the Board of Directors. Ail replacements shall meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in Article IV...- - B. Eligibility 1. Elected members. To be eligible for election to the Assembly a candidate must: a. Be a resident of the residential district he proposes to represent and agree in writing to resign if he should terminate his residence in that district dur ing the term of office for which he seeks election. ' b. Be regularly enrolled as a student at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, either asan undergraduate or as a graduate student. . c. Meet University regulations for participation in extra-curricular activities. 2. Faculty representatives. To be eligible for appoint ment as faculty representative, a nominee must hold rank of instructor of higher. C Terms of Off ice. 1 . Elected members. Elected members shall assume office . one week after the Spring general election and shall serve for one year. 2. Faculty representatives. Faculty representatives shall have terms of two years. Terms shall be staggered. . D. The Speaker of the Assembly. 1. The Speaker of the Assembly shall be elected from - within the membership of the Assembly, and herein after referred to as the Speaker. E. Parliamentarian. 1. The Parliamentarian shall be chosen by the Speaker from within the Assembly membership and approved by a majority vote of the Assembly. F. The Assembly Rules Commcnee. 1. The Committee shall consist of the Secretary and the Vice-President of the Board, both in non-voting status, the Epesker of the Assembry. end four representatives elected from within the Assembly membership, with the Spesker being chairperson. Section 2. The Coition Executive A. The Board of Directors. 1. Composition. The Board shall consist of five selected members. From within the membership of the Coerd. they sh&3 !act: 1) President, who shall also serve as president of the student body. 2) Vke-Pmiisnt. 3) Sscretsry. O Trsssurw. mi t) Director of Preterm and Services, tia Board snsmbar may be member of the Assembly r the Student Court. 2. Section. The Coord shs3 be chosen from the party tssdsrs by direct epporttonment of the Assembly ssats taken in the fsnarsl elactian by each party. (A party is not gutrantsid a Coord sect J In esse of equal or un- ; dear ejpcrtnment. the remaining Cosrd members sha3 be sc&ctsd from the party (psrtks) tesdvts) of the party (parties) as dstarminsd by two-thirds vote of the Assembly. 3. OUity. To be eJigi-J for selection to the Cosrd of the Cotlitton. a party tesdar must: a. Meet all University regulations for participation in extra-curricular activities. b. Have completed twenty-seven University approved credit hours and the previous semester in residence. 4. Terms of Office. The term of office of the Board shall be the same as that of an elected member of the Assembly. 5. Replacement. a. In case the President of the Board shall become un abla to fulfill his duties by reason of disqualifica tion, disability, death, removal by the Assembly, or impeachment and conviction and hisher party shall seiect a new Board member and, the Board shall elect a new President. b. In case a Board member, other than the President (as outlined in the previous paragraph) shall be come unable to fulfill his duties by reasons of dis qualification, disability, death, removal by hisher party, the party shall select a new Board member. B. The Student Cabinet. 1. Composition. The Student Cabinet shall comprise an advisory body to the Board,' appointed by the Pre sident. All appointments shall require approval by a majority vote of the Board. This body shall consist of not less than five members. 2. Eligibility. To be eligfcle for appointment to the Stu dent Cabinet, a nominee must: a. be a regularly enrolled as a student at the Univer sity of Nebraska at Lincoln, either as an under graduate or as a graduate student, and b. meet the University requirements for participation in extra-curricular activities. 3. Term of Office. A member of the Student Cabinet shall serve as the Board directs. Section 3. The Student Court. A. Composition. The Student Court shall consist of one Chief Justice and six Associate Justices appointed by the Board of Directors. These appointments shall be approved by at least two-thirds (23) of the membership of the Assembly thirty (30) class days prior to the Spring general election. The Chief Justice shall at all times be a student in the College of Lar. No justice is eligible for membership on the Assembly or the Board of Directors. B. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to the Student Court a student nominee must: 1. Be a regularly enrolled student registered for six credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25. 2. If an undergraduate, have at least junior standing. 3. Meet all University regulations for participation in extra-curricular activities. C Term of Office. All Justices shall serve for one academic year commencing the first day of classes in the fall and terminating the last day of finals the following spring. D. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Student Court shall be filled within ten (10) days according to the procedures as out lined for selection of original members. Article V. POWERS The Coalition, acting through its appropriate organs, shall have the following powers, in so far as these powers do not conflict with general University regulations established by the Board of Regents. Section 1. Powers Relating to Organizations. A. To recognize ail proposed new student organizations and to approve their constitutions, andor amendments with out which recognition and approval an organization shall ' not be permitted to function. Political parties constitu tions shall be approved on form and constitutional clarity only. B. To establish, by majority vote of the Student Assembly new and uniform conditions for the continued approval of existing student organizations to demand compliance with said new condition within a reasonable and stated length of time, and to revoke, by conviction in Student Court, the constitutions and rights of organizations failing to comply. C To schedule andor conduct all studert elections of general University interest, not excluding those for con tests sponsored by subordinate organizations. Section 2. Powers Relating to Ad Hoc Assemblies. A. To organize andor control all student rallies or demon strations. B. To organize andfor control all student migrations. Section 3. Powers Relating to Removal or Disqualification. A. To suspend or dismiss from office by conviction in Stu dent Court, any student executive of the Coalition who shs3 refuse to carry its legisistion into effect. B. To disqualify, suspend or dismiss from Coa&ion office, for a stated length of time, by conviction of the Student Court, any student who shg.3 violate du?y-en&ctsd ordinances. reguistions or other Ics&jation of the GosS&ion. Section 4. Powers Rskting to Liaison. To serve as liatsm between students and faculty, betwssn students and the Cosed of fkpnts sndsr their reprts&sa tives, between students and the state tesiiasure. the Cry Council of Lincoln, the County Cosrd of Lancaster County, and between studsnts and the gsnersi pubc at such time as the ganersJ wcifare of the students andjar the Uaiver&y " sh3 require such ssrvka. Sections. Powers of Appointment. To efpoSnt student reprassrtotives to csropusw!a commit tecs end boards for which studsnt rtprcsentssson is provided, and to have the powers of rtc&a over three tppointments. Section 6. Powers Rekting to General Vts&re. To exsrdst any other, powers necessary for the general wel fare of the studants. - Section 7. Powsrsof Implementation. , To enact such legislation as may be necessary for the execu tion of the powers granted In this Art id. Article VL POWERS OF VARIOUS ORSAKS Section 1. The Student Assembly. The Assembly elected under this Constitution shall have the fc .'lowing powers: A. To determine its own rules of procedure, provided that such rules do not infringe upon powers granted by this Constitution to other organs of the Coalition. B. To elect its own officers, among them a Speaker of the Assembly, four Assembly flules Committee members, and a Parliamentarian, and to specify length of their terms. C To enact bills, ordinances, statements of policy, and other legislation of the. Coalition by simple majority, provided that at least two-thirds (23) majority of the eligfcle As sembly membership are present and voting. D. To enact Organic Acts of the Coalition, i-e., acts con cerned with functions of the Coalition as noted elsewhere in this Constitution, by a two-thirds (23) majority of the eligible Assembly membership are present and voting. E. To adopt, in the name of the Coalition, resolutions on public issues. F. To adopt bills concerning affairs which affect the Univer sity at large by simple majority, provided that at least two-thirds (23) of the members vote, and to present these bills to the University official concerned. G. To authorize expenditures by the Treasurer of the Coali tion according to the procedures of Article VIII below and by Government Bills and to initiate Coalition assess ments. H. To call itself into special session on twenty-four (24) hour's notice by a petition signed by at least one-third (13) of the voting membership of the Assembly and de posited with the Secretary and Speaker, or by vote to this effect by one-third (13) of the Assembly membership, or by receipt of a petition signed by five per cent of the voting members of the Coalition and deposited with the Secretary and Speaker. I. To initiate by a majority secret ballot of the Assembly action in the Student Court to remove any representative for good cause. J. To impeach, by a twcKhirds (23) majority of the entire voting membership, any member of the Board of Direc tors, or a Justice of the Student Court for malfeasance of office, and to appoint prosecutors. K. To remove, by a two-thirds majority of the entire voting membership, any member of the Board of Directors for malfeasance of office. The removed Board member shall still be a member of the Board, and the Board shall elect new officers from its membership. L To establish by Organic Act procedures for the recogni tion of new student organizations and the approval of their constitutions, with constitutions of political parties approved only on form and constitutional clarity. M. To enact, alter, or amend regulations pertaLning to all stu dent organizations in the interests of the University as a whole. N. To sponsor, authorize, or regulate rallies, assemblies, and convocations of students and student migrations, sub ject to the restrictions of the By-Laws of the Board of Regents. O. To establish such Assembly permanent or ad hoc commit tees as it sees fit. providing that permanent and Assembly committees be established by Organic Act. P. The Assembly has the power of appointments over campus-wide committees and boards to which student representation is provided. Q. The Assembly has the power of decision, filing, and follow through of recall over all Assembly appointments. R. To express student opinions and attitudes; through its separate members, on all isues and aspects of student life as those opinions and attitudes exist in the college community- f S. If after the Assembly Rules Committee holds a measure of legislation for more than twenty-one (21) days, the Assembly by a majority vote, may bring the legislation to the floor. T. To approve election regulations, procedures, and guide lines as submitted by the Electoral Commission. U. To enact such legislation as may be necessary for the exe cution of the powers granted in this article of for the general welfare of the students of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. V. To reverse acts by the President of the Board in any legis lation by two-thirds majority of all voting Assembly " members. -Section 2. The Coalition Executive. A. President. The president of the Board of Directors, chosen under this Constitution shall, acting personally or through a member of the Board or Student Cabinet empowered by him in writing, have the following powers: 1. To introduce in the Assembly measures designated as 'Government Bills, (ije. any measure submitted to the Assembly by the Coalition Executive) without approval of the Assembly Rules Committee. 2. To enact by decree any Government Bill approved at a referendum, or to declare null and void any bUI re jected at a referendum. 3. To call special sessions of the Assembly on twenty four hours notice by r.ieans of a request to that effect deposited with the Secretary and Speaker. 4. To prosecute student organizations or individual stu dents before the Student Court for violation of duly enacted legislation of the Coalition. 5. To be responsible for the executive of ail provisions of the Constitution and Organic Acts, to carry out duly enacted legislation of the Assembly, and to report all such executive action to the Assembly. 6. To approve, by affixing his signature within eight class days, all legislation enacted by the Assembly, or to veto it within eight class days, and to submit a state ment of his objections to the Assembly at their next regular meeting after the veto, at which time the veto may be subject to reversal by two-thirds majority of all voting Assembly members. 7. To present an annual written report summarizing the past year's activities of the Coalition at the first meet ing fo Sowing the Spring general election. 8. To represent the Co;tion in a ceremonel capacity - and to state student opinion before public and official assemblies, and in correspond snoe. 9. To remove any Student Csfssm members 2r the Bec- - torsi GBmmssssanor, ss&fsct to Bosid approve!, to specify their dtks as he may cSaam fit. fectfc be by written instrument, prav&ad such action does net convict w&h titter provisions of this Constitution. 19. ToprsaovnksponsydctheCs6utkn. : 11. Toprsssieovar nfesof theEasEdcf Directors. D. Vke-Prai&rit. The Vice Pssi2 of tha Csatdshsa have the feSowIsg powas: . 1 To exsreisa the powers ot the Pressfst In the s&ofce cf thsteffscar. " ' . 2. To csstma such d&iss as cSaaminsJ in the Assam btys RoSss of Procedure or Orpnk Act . 3. Totsumasuchdi&issstishintinwrit rsjfcy thePrriiiRtof tJsaCad. C Sscrstsy. Tha Seems? of tha Cosrd shc3 have the fol lowing powers: 1. Sh&a fea rttponc2i5 far tha mslntenanca of t3 dss , calsndsrs, minutes. Us feion. and dtcress. 2. Sh&a be required to submit for weekly pt&lkstion in