monday, cprU 5, 1970 t 4 1 -1 ! hoJ lib "J0 o O Concert will emit homemade sounds ThorJa, scrapes zsid clatters of homemade instruments, along with traditional drum sounds, will be. heard at the free concert of the UNL School of llvsdc Fercussoa Ensemble 8 pjn. Monday. ' - Albert Rometo, UNL astant professor of percussion, said ahnost every percusdoa instrument ia ths School of Music will be used. Cut since the muse required more, Rometo and his students produced: hahres of coconut shells, suspended ko!!ow-side down into buckets of water. The shells are tapped with a keyboard malkt to produce Mthonky, resonant'' sounds. -notched rasping sticks that are held to a wood r&onatisg box and scraped with a drum stick. egg cartons filled with navy beans that axe shaken to produce a "delicate clatter." This week's tsfevhbn end 'movlthfsfjRts; ' IZondaf Fhra Easy Flxat. (ASC, 7 pmj dear winner ixk Ukholxtn plays young man In March of nirrtscSf. GSrtr Cmmtfa Bxkbt USLA. 9 p.m.) Cevett's sticks Include Mae Wsst, Cn ICeSJy, John Wayne, and lltkAey Rooney. Tasasfay 77 AJjma Cfironkha. fiSTV, 7 pjnj As the CMI Vr rtes in America, arias Francis Adams, son of John Gufncy, is appointed minister to Crest Britain. Tfca K'ari f rar. (NETV, 8:30 PJD.J- in timing, Juna-August 1244. the focus is on trio Ailied Juna 4 imos&n of Europe. KfajfutsSay Vny Como'a Spring ht fiew Orisons. (K3C, 8 pjn. DSck Van Dyka and Lesa Mcprrajoin Perry Comofor an hour of sonss in tht Crescent City. Tha Way It IK (fiETV, 1 1 :33 pjnj The Detroit Uons and tfta Ctevdand Browma rational Football League championship game is recall ed by sportscasters Dick Enberg and Curt Gowdy. Thurtfjy Truman at Potz&m. (KSC, 7 pn J Drama about the famous meeting of Truman, Church;.'! and Safin. Incident at Vkhy. f.'TV, 8 pjn J Arthur U.'.l&'t tragic drama about Jews caught in fiazi roundup in Franca during World VVr II. Woman of tha Yaar Awards. ViZC. 8:30 pjmi Barbara Waters is host for a pro cram honoring outstanding women for their contnbut tions to America. Friday Comady In Amarkm. (fJCC, 9 pjn.) lUusScai-varkty show takes a humorous look at tha contemporary scene. Mssttsra Tournament. (CSS, 8 pjn.) Live coverasa of the semifinal round of play. UNL Intsroo'ScsIsta Rodoo. (PiETV, 8 pjnj Tha finals of the Ninth Annus! UNL rodao. , Cable vision will show Journey to Vta Unknown with Patty Duke and Vera RfiiSas, YaSowStyimth Gregory Peck, and 7 Graco. At Sheldon FBm Thestre April 6, 7 and 8 tha Films of Undsiy Anderson wil be featured. Bena Et Las Hommaa (Paris docs Stranga Things! is scheduled for AprS 9 and 10. - iAf j PITESErJTS J nnsr"" ;th3 .. ;' Firssst Country Around THURSDAY APillL 8 C:C3 P.M. EsstCcinpus Unfcn - C2X0 VVi Ji ID. m I ff4ere4k O!. 7s TSTFiLUCFTIEYEAn! RATED -TS5 i ' f, ' . 4 t C i H)Ot3 courts r:mUnerVcsmtxtbfW F2sassrier lisday Andcrssa wO "-r hli wssi ia the Sheilaa FH-3 Theatre UjEssigr c 7 pja. as psst cf CslSsa FT.sga Ehsceass. Four cf his Cms w2 i!:oTra Ike tl!s vrech ia &e Slsa -theatre. On Tuesday ml Vedsesday, 7jtsr $port&s Life wO be shsra at 3 pjn.; If. . . vrH be showa at 7 pia.; and (7 Lucky Man! wZl be shswa at 9 pxu O Dresmhstd ts3 be sassced at 1 szd 3 p ja. Ihczsday. ,j Esra ia Ean-are, Ssuth Isdla, and edncsted at Qxfcsd, Andesssa has beea iz-EngCnasfscc tie 195Ci . Brothers1 DOUBLE f1 & Tlorsefeatiiefs . ThcPrivate Afteroooas si na v - m 1 Feature "Tha FosfSiws" ( ( f J Comecfy C&l. Feasor ' m ' He's 13. She's 3. They met at a funeral ESI - iwsi ni CRUDEI Ends ?JlUtf3 Thois. TH3 Sl.".fl DM:C3 CQLGHDO Vm Cotarads BaSel Car ? otter a sib Mmwe adwanoad baBst program wSi an inaame ional (acuity. rm9ft Kx&l from Los Grand 8a8gt Canarfen. Peiar ftaHWfWfea from en NaBowal Acadamy of BaBst formwly wall The Royal Baa of England LAsi CCv& and Ffetoann Parker. oVaclms for ta Cotarado Concert BaSat ' QuaElying students (ttnugfi aud tfon) wil partcft pata in a professional danca testivit. Continuous study from June 21st to July2S9i Pteese wrri or cal for more Mbnnatian Summer Program - 3210 E. CoKax Ph. (303) 377-374 - Oanvar. Coia 802SS y.xn Z3 ) Gens Roddcnbcrry. crcstcr & producer of STAR TRSC ti3 origlrtsJ STAR THEX p;!ct, never sJrsra ca TV end a hiiZrisua t!sc?cr reel Wcinccdr. April 7, 0:K?pm General irrieelsri S23 Sfcidents .ith ID $1X3 Ecfctt avtaia: CffCtha: Homer's. UT3 Union. Lincoln; LLSar & Pskat, Cirt Qteejx Ks-ca rjootetora, and Union South Desk. CTL CcHeeura ro1 7 LZJ ( Lincoln Tun am pniTirie.a . SP.M, Jry ia, wiy r.iiiiii.e touee epLM. Bp. am. TiiMii.Marfc.a;T ep,i mmunity Qncerts Qip ANNOUNCES SERIES Membership Drive March 2S April 10 Attandance by membersfilp only All concerts at Pershing Auditorium Clip (Family) (2 adults & ail children through high school) Narn & aga of chUdntn S3 (Student) " ' $15 (Adult) ' i i Cndoaad ia chock for $ . O BankAmericard d Master Charge No. ExpL Oati Name Addrass Htrm Mambarah Telephone ' Detach and ma this form today to: Telephone 433-1515 . LINCOLN COMMUNITY CONCERTS 400 Sycamore Dr.. Lincoln. Nebraska 6851 0