The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1976, Page page 9, Image 9
fridsy, cpril 2, 1970 p3 9 Adn for Your Enjoyment Trmrz ' . J LjIll ' Happy. Morair IHlPJy Chouse Production of pwii uwrigssi nunnmg Musical In a Benefit for the U. of Nebraska Rowing Team. tZzJt,mjt April 3. 0 P.O. I Tickets: Hbspe's. Gateway '"7TWT Ml Adults 4.00 Brandeis, Downtown ( A'tri Students 200 Lincoln Playhouse ( 64 & Over 2.00 KimbaBBo Office f Student Union' General Admission V I I A I AOUtTSOWtT! 63- ' 1 Of .- BAR2ARA BOUS20N . DARBY LLOYD RAINS SEOSGINA SPELVItf JAMEY GILLIS "ThePrivate Afternoons of Pamela Mann55 1733 -0-&. 432-634? VP Q O O Q O O Q 0 7- i zrra 31 ip n nn mi - I! r I -0RGE BARRIE PRESEIITS A BRUI PRCDUCHOft Of A KCRttAII PANAJJA ALBERT E LDSIil FILM M.. p"JMrS i. fM GECrSbARSE KQriPATr JCtLtAALCnZO mt) . . I COLOR Bfitowtuiur naaiuiLU- ' 1 , ; if J . ' J 1 V V ll twnj f ,7 .M.MMW Cr Finest Country o e:::? THURSDAY APHIL8 C:C3 PJ17. Ur.Icr. $2j&r.7Jii.a" OK liit Ijt;': r J? Sheldon Art Gallery, 12th & RSts Th3 Fil.n$ of jea:j REr:om Renoir's (the rules of the ga:.:e) Frcncs -1923 110 minutes Friday t Srrfcy April 2 & 3 cr.!y! 3.7G9pjn. 7 n.m. to 6 p.m. Free Popcorn GeFge98 . ILommge 2555 Ccrn!ms?ier Pool ;TourttGinetit '" Saturday : Morning open 7 a.m. - 1 a.m. O p 0 U ui. Liiwu -U Erg toC:tt3C3l!:3CC-:rcf 22d c J 0 n At 4:45 7:15 0:0 r.!atinees Sat. & Sun. $Z3 Adult AdmosKMi A3 Shows Sat. ( JD0U3LE FEATURE f- v X ' 1 films tether a f' - ( r ' " : Hdrpo j VCN -Zep AjSW-ys "DUCK SOUP" f & "HORSEFEATHERS" ) 1 I t , - -I f penes cur.::3 1 Xf L" ' ' " 5 r " I-- t. n-i.. .- t , .ti-.-i L- .- - - smmm, x sweak preview ,. TOWIGHTr f3f Nebraska's own g silent film comedy n daredevil f IIanyLkI In I lis (iratfol Triumph it SFETYL4ST see it with either jj double feature! THSATRE(3)-73 ,7ATRCG)-10:C3 n - TRiS'LE FEATURE NIGHT rsir- ' A COWEDY THREE-FOR-ALLI tt 2 crszisst comedies of ths 73si I V.Cil MS FINEST AND U T: FUZXiESTFIUJ spiAy BIT 2v 1 1 2 MrnH i 17 Thry istst tt tha f unml cf a parks ttzzsgsT. end strarar. I ! 1 r 1 I i ! 1, r i it. I; i