The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1976, Page page 12, Image 12
P333 12 daily nebrciken frlday, epril 2, 1070 bsrnstein it M sure sun approves getting when it's time for a drink By Theodore M. Bernstein Time for a drink. That's just about what time it is for us tiler s long search caused by a note from Gertrsde A Donnelly of Wilmington, Del. What she wanted to know was the, origin of the expression "Don't take a drink until thsrjn crosses the yardaixn" " Unbelievable as it may seem, the expression does not appear in any popular b.ook of quotations or dictionary. The nearest approach to it is in Eric Partridge's Dictionary of Sang and Unconventional English, where the follow ing entry appears: 'Get the sun over the foreyard'. To drink before noon: Nautical Bowen defines 'sun over the foreyard as the time by which a drink is pem fble" A foreyard is the lowest crossbar on a foremast; that would suggest that the time at which the sun is over it is mighty early in the day and that it is mighty early when a drink is permissible. The only thing we can add to this bit of misty informa tion is that probably the expression is of Birtish nautical origin. ' t'iz. What does that little word sic mean?, asks William Perch of Philadelphia. It is a Latin word meaning thus or just so. It is normally enclosed in brackets and inserted into quoted matter to indicate that the preceding word or words, mistaken though they may be, were just that way (I o . . . . i - . The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Division presents A MAJOR HUMAN POTENTIAL CONFERENCE an EXPLORATION into the FORCES, LIFE April 9-11, 1976 Rdhson Cbnihusker Hotel lincolh, Nebraska . festering HOLLO MAY LENORE SCHWARTZ JOAN GROF RICHARD FARSON JACQUELINE DOYLE SAM KEEN topics include Mrpphg Year Life, Ch2dhccd in our Cdtaie, Red life Problems 2nd Predicaments, Tte Future cf Mirrire, How to Survive a Ctis, Iibcriiicn Iics for Men end Women Dssgt Wiihoat Psia cr Fesr, cad essay snore.- For Complete Isfcrnnllcn, Gc3 cr Wriie: NdmsSta Center for ConltsEisg Education 33CD Hcldrere Street Lhcc!a,Kcbisa Td:(402) 472-2S44 in the original. Thus the word sic gets the quoter off the hook and leaves the quotee on it. Curdled cliches. As readers with incred&ly long memories may recall, this rectangle has on previous occadens printed what we have labeled -curdled cliches. Those are trite expressions that some people have heard but, because of a bad ear or a bad memory, cannot repro duce quite correctly. They are likely to say such things as .thatf a fragment of your imagination. Now Anthony liazzone of Urbasa, EL, sends in a few, to wit: He lives near a virgin forest, where the hand of man has never set foot. TTiere was something on cry mind, and I just had to get it off my chest." "last week the FtdSies had three games back to back. Word oddities. That phrase to wit in the foregoing item means namely or that is to say. The word wit in the phrase is archaic except in that to wit combination. It comes from the Old English wit an meaning to know. Vord oddities. One of the most overworked words of our time is viable, and it is not certain that its users always are sure of , its meaning. It comes from the Latin vita, life, and -able, and as that derivation suggests, it means able to live. What many of its users intend it to mean, however, is able to live prosperously, feasible, practicable or able to work. I C) 1 976 Thsodora M. Brnnmhn , Special FntyrM Richard E. Bradley, dean of the College of Dentistry UNL, was sheeted president-elect of the American Associ ation of Dental Schools at the organization! national convention in Miami Beach, Fla. Bradley will become president of the national organi zation of dental schools at its 1977 convention in Las Vegas. ' A UNL dental student has won a $500 prize for a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Internation al Association for Dmtal Research in Miami Beach, Valde ' mar DeRfk received the association's Edward II. Hatton Award made to "young investigators judged best in pre senting meritorious papers on original research last week. DeRrjks paper concerned his laser experiments at UNL to find the best material possible for use as dental fillings, DeRipc, a Dutch-born student, earned an undergrad uate degree in physics at the University of Amsterdam and a Ph.D. from NU in physics; Terry Tafion, UNL payroll manager, is the 1976 re cipient of the Carl A. Donaldson Award for excellence in management at NU. Tallon, a UNL business administration graduate, joined the university in 1965 as assistant bursar. He was named assistant payroll manager and later was promoted to manager. , (Corzifioipti: m inn I III 11 - IdJb tastes delicious right out of thB bottle! thst'swhyit mskes Mixed Drinks taste so much better with: Cola Bitter Lemon Tonic orange juice Squirt... even milk You know it's got to be good. . . when it's made with. SOUTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION. 100 PROOF lIQUEUR. ST. LOUIS. MO. 63132 T7IJ oo C'yy cm JLwJ CijlwjIi3D(3gC3 BHD C?G2lI I434VS!SET . '"" "1"!. A. - ym. :::v: -r-wk j ::::-: X a ft I I.- - "" """ 3r" Bl4s av d& m :::x':: $ I i1; .w.v; Original ' X XvJ X -v3 Xj ;X;;J r XvJ X-. X-vf :$: Jx DELI SANDWICHES SOUPS YUMMY DESSERTS LUNCH DINNER SNACKS AFTER THEATER "IN" SFOTTO GO 10AM-10PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ' NOON -8 PM SUNDAY 240 N. 12th St Glass Msnagsrta .