The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1976, Page page 11, Image 11
thursday, cpril 1, 1970 pc2 11 WMlfcteWfl want n S3 1 974 Subaru G L. 32.CCO mi. Cost $3359, sacrifice $2233. 797-3055 after 5 pjn. 1SC5 VW Bug, basically in good condition, $350. Call Steve 472-S525. 1973 Oldsmobile Omega Hatchback, loaded, excellent condition, must sell. 423-CCS3. 1970 Opel GT. Low mile age, excellent condition, 477 8619. Ask for Steve H. 1970 Oldsmobile Delta 83; air conditioning, power steering and power brakes. 4C3-9479. 1985 Ford, economical good transportation. Evenings, 4C3 9516. 1974 red Triumph TR5. AMFM. $4250. 475-8704. 1963 Lincoln Continental, full power, good rubber. $25. 475-2589. 1255 So. 25th. 1973 Honda CL Scrambler. Call 475-7502. 10-speed Raleigh Grand Prix. 7 mo. old. good condition. $130,472-0376. Stereo components. Lowest prices anywhere on over 90 top brands. Fully guaranteed. Pioneer SX63S, 25 watts per channel, list $34925, only $240. Call Dan 475-7539 or 432-4461. Great saving on receivers, turntables, separates, car stereo from Student Discount Corpora tion. For the lowest prices contact Tom at 483-0071 . Marantz amp. Sherwood receiver. Garrard turntable, two Utralinear speakers. real bargain. 475-341 2. Panasonic AMFM stereo with cassette. Jensen 612 speakers, make an offer. 423-7523. Sony TC355 reel to reel tape deck. 43S4S14. 1 yr. old Marantz 4070. Dual 1225. 12 Utah speakers. 475-1875. Must Se3 Now: Shure PA. 6 channel. 2 speaker columns, like new. Call 475432 or 464-5741. Stereo with speakers, good condition. $35. 4C3-7SS4. . Sttreo; AMFM phono, tape jack, bookshelf system. $120. 477-21 33 after 5 p jn. Sansui CHXTCGI 4-channel receiver. Technics RS27SUS cassette deck. 2 Kenwood KL 777A loudspeakers. Canon EF 35mm SLR with 55mm 1.2 tens. Canon 33mm f2JD tens. Canon FTb Cody. Panasonic end Toshiba portage csssstte ' recorders. Csil 472-6342 efter 2p.m. , Kasino 1C3 vctt R5S PJL; 2-Peavey columns2-1 5" horn. New $11 SO. sacrifice $725.432-S53. Kustom gu&ar amp no. ISO th foot switch, reverb, tremolo, v&rtto. Yklf Rm. 207, Box 5237. Burt Ha3. Nebr.Wiyn. 12 04 Pontiae Bonneville, good condition, automatic transmiuion $250 or best offer, 423-3X5. Harmony 12-string guitar with case. Cell 475-7257. With student or faculty ID at time of tale, 10 discount on ad tires. TV's, stereos and bicycles except promotional models. Goodyear Store, 19th & "O", 432521. Minolta SRT 102 wcase, 1.7 50mm and 23 135mm Rokkor lenses, 2X Teleconverter. $300 or best offer. 477-5077. Bogen 22A special enbrser wlens; enlarger filter set; easel; safelight; etc. Call Randy, 474-2517472-25S3. King size waterbed, VTVU. Size 10 ke skates, 475-4370. Drawing table, 2 mos. old. 31-X42" top. 40, AZGS1Z3. ' AKC Irish Setter puppies, shots and wormed, 7 wks. old, for field or show. Contact Tom Bitter. 6:30-11:30 pjn, 477- 3SC3. . OPEN SATURDAY 2-4pjn. charming 3-bdrm. mobile home, 2030 NW 7th, $7500. Call Diane McCallum, Hub Hall Real Estate 4COC517 or 477:2124. Nice 2-bdrm. bungalow close to NU & downtown. Lg. living rm. and kitchen, fun bath. utO. rm. ft back porch. All rooms have new carpet ft floor covering. $20,000. Call Don Sedersten, 4C3-6250; Scott Jones Real Estate, 123 So. 84th. 433-0321. iL::nrTsOf Lowest prices in town on clothing for the entire family, furniture, appliances. TV's, brick-a-brack and all household items. Support Your Disabled American Vets. 1743 O St. Open 9 to 9 Man thru Sat WOMEN'S SPRING & SUMMER SPORTSWEAR c wiJ Cit CLAYTON HOUSE EXECUTIVE SUITE 2 Thurs. 4 p.m. 9 pjn. Fri. 10 ajm. - 7 pjn. Sat. 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Charleston Court. 63rd and Holdrege. Two bdrm. apartment for rent starting May 7. $205 mo. plus electricity. Clubhouse, indoor-outdoor pool, sauna, whirlpool, tennis court. Phone 465-7120 evenings. 1724 "L": modern 2-bdrm. apt. dose in. $215. Avail. May 1.475-8542. THEGLENAIHE 1943-50 Q" St.-14 efficiency units with appliances, carpet, air conditioning, drapes. and double bed. Garage with each unit at $150. Cose to campus and downtown. Call 463-1933. 6123 Hasebck: lg. furnish ed one bdrm. apartment, lots of closet space, newly decorat ed, air conditioning, no pets. 477-34134S3-7000. Available now: Modern one bdrm. dose to Cty Campus, carpeted, dshwesher. air condi tioning, no pets. $140 to $150. 477-34 134C3-7G00. 1C32 "C": Ave&fcle April 1st. Large one bdrnv. carpeted, uttl. paid except elec. No pets. 477-3X2477-341 34C3-7CC3. CI 0 ft ti CI c o CI CI it ' luntli tnd dinner ta 4 km (am m fx New 3 bJm. two both, central air, appliances, four blocks to Gty Campus, no pets, 432-4334. 3 bdrm. home for rent May- August, furnished with dish wsnher, air conditioning located In nke residential neighbor hood. CbJI 4S9-61E3. r Apertments for rent, 1 & 2 bdrm, dose to everything. One bdrm.-$135 all mil. paid, completely furn:ifted, air condi tioning inducted. Two bdrm. $210 comp. furnished, pay all util. except electricity. Call 437 1719. Garages available, $15 extra. '. Waitresses, waiters and an experienced cook for the Anderson's Schoofftouse Restaurant and Dinner Theatre. Good pay, excellent tps-we need hard working; fun people A.S-A.P. S.W. Iowa. Call Jan is, 712-374-3115. Someone to dean house twice a week South Lincoln, for 2 professional men Call after . 6 pjn.. 423-2C33. Excellent pay. Delivery person 9:30a.m. 11 :33a jn. Apply Jason's 1343 Drive attendant wanted part time evenings. Crest Oil Co. 2301 "O-St. Afternoon downtown news paper delivery. $33 a month for 30 min. a day. Scott, 473 7341. Opportunities for paid research part idpat ion in the Department of Psychology for the summer of 1976. Full time undergraduates of Jr. or Soph, rank should - , seek additional information at the . Dept. of Psychology. 203 Burnett Hall or call 472-3721. Closing date is April 16. 1976. m sua fJCTLJlG Part-time employment, not sales, perfect for summer school or full-time student. Hours to fit your schedule. Call for appointment. 477-391 1 . OVERSEAS JOBS summeryear-round. Europe. S. America. Australia. Asia, etc All fields. $500-$1 200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free info-Write: International Job Center. Dept. NA. Box 4430. Berkeley. CA 94704. Wanted 55 Chevy 2dr. in good condition. Call 477-7657. - Responsible law student couple wishes to house-sit during summer months. 475 2740. - fciznAEXAPnccKnvs : urxsrj Needed: convicts, ex-convicts and non-convicts to form Nebraska Prisoner's Union to work for fair prison conditions and treatment. Csll W. Smith. Omehe 457-5165 or 5S4-2S10. WANTED: one fame! studsnt 13 for 137S studsnt foctban ticket. Price nesatitlse C&14723. (I ti t ti i o tl o c i (I tJ t) t I) stxxtx Roommate needed for summer. Call 475-8335, ask for Jeff. WATCH REPAIR AO MdkeSiko to Times 12 C3t. So. of Ncbr. Cook (tore 333 No. 12th Ca3 435-3414 DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Team Electronics Service Center for all your audio re pairs, specializing in sti audio and stereo equipment twice. 21rt ft "O", 4354437. Learn Taj Chi for coordina tion, hesfth and sdf-defense. Call Pam at 475-5337. " EUHOTE & ISRAEL Very low cost for the academic community. One way transportation available. Call toH free 800-325-8334. AironTiorj v ir:Fon:ATio:j cureau, ir:c. CALL U3 FREE A L'OrWROFIT onsAKizATiorj POUTiCAL SCIENTISTS ' Hal n , li 1 L-7C:T3a2-C3 Poet: - T-te is a fool who thinks by force or skill To turn the current of a - woman's will. Curiosity overcomes me. Who ARE you?? ACROSS 1 Mideast gulf 5 Explorer Hedin 9 Snaky formations 14 Hill, in Scotland 15 Faint IS of (in control) 17 Yeast formation 13 Came down 19 Snide 23 Carpenter's choice 23 Sneaky 21 Monster 23 Person in want 23 Ocean: Akbr. S3 Grow together . SI Realized S3 Article S7 up ' ;Av"' ' (be raum) S3 Sched. notation S3 States 3 FsjislEg: Atbr. 41 Iscrtssss, , carpentry style 47 Sense . 43.Grindia5 " tenement 43 Tttlcts SI Hind cr tsa S I Advice to a kctsnia - carpsatcr 57 Fhysician 3 Eratrald Isle SI Seven cf C2 Consequence C3 ran C I Heaven C3 Judith ARiirson role 3 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pSL s Tt ols c ii . x a o 'J gr ,lElll ?U i(itTT a e7 s v.ilp?jps ' l Wkf JF 1 A Ti aia.afg i jit u n i oiois d i frf p iiiiEI IE i !L JL L iW aI il L I i i a r .A i Wsi 9 CtAF T S S i KjSla V &Lfr'TTTE I 1 i L7 Cather-Pound lots could hit the dust By D2113 Green Two UNL area 2 parking lots north and east of Cathcr Pound Hall Residence Complex may t; paved this summer as part of a long-range plan for university parking. John Duve said Tuesday. Duve. parking and traffic coordinator, said a chancel lor's committee comprised of UNL staff and students is considering proposals for improving parking lots on both UNL campuses. A Paving the two lots this summer could last a week to three weeks, Duve said, and cost more than $200,000. This includes lighting costs for the north lot and pos sibly a gate operation on one of the lots, he said. Other UNL lots are under consideration for paving, but some are on leased property, Duve said. "Some of the lots are owned by the Missouri Pacific Railroad, so they could cancel their lease to us after we pay for paving the lots," Duve said. He said the committee has considered buying the leased lots, but in some cases the owners will not sell. - Duve said the committee would like to pave the com muter student lot on 10th Street, but it is owned by the railroad. Another area of student parking on 17th and Q ' streets is owned by the LincolnFire Dept. Duve said UNL uses that lot for student parking and lets the Fire Dept. use a university-owned lot near 19th Street. According to Duve, paving lots is second in importance to retaining as many parking spacexas possible. "We also have to think about creating new spaces in pressure situations before we can pave old lots," he said. 3 DAYS THUR, FRI. SAT invi wunw mwetwii p mardtandise 2C off. Lutf iyya's 2tcre 1020 "O" St. 477-4C31 , T3 Virginia farri!y London park 12 Job or vacant 13 Mail-drop user 21 Lillian of films 22 Creep slowly 23 Coup 27 Antiknock gas 23 Delia 23AinAbbr. S3 City of India 31 Rascal 32 Seaweeds S3 Gives notice 34 Fritter away tisse SS Wrath S3 Eye trouble Eban and others Southern Type of bird Fictional captain Dress decoration Soldierly quality Opposite of hoi pcUai Eur. country Join Asian ass " your move' l h U 14 I a ii P H ( J M in hi M . J U i ; J i I t r I , ; " 2ji ' r I ! il LI Li" I 4 i I 3 I j j - ' . i I J j j 454 .... . I ! I - I I I 1 rfrh j I I READ THE RAG The days are hot. The nights are cool. Call me Friday After school. -573- Gtrthright offers free preg nancy tests, pre-natal care and financial planning. Confidential. 477-C321. Edited by WILL WENG 41 Braves home 42 Judge 43 Central Americans 44 Letter abbr. 43 Greek goddess 43 Mesta S3 Get out of 51 Golf score 52 Rectify 53 Deau 55 Corner Indian S3 Kind of mark 57 Sapphire, eg. 53 Mapabtr. 53 Played the first card 5 a - ,., . - ' i ti i