Wednesday, march 10, 1070 p;;3 10 daily ncbrs:!ccn os'5"' sold vo i 1 J.'! t "I 4 r y . v.. 1 i -- 's i ' ; f . ) i V ".V S j CI .r. r UGoITQYOOIil OV f Bv Shindy Poltr YouVrobably won't we any Bicentennial events ipon sored by Blacks, because most are ignoring Amenca s Bicentennial celebration, according to some UNL black students. I don't even know there's a Bicentennial cojaing up," said Chariest er Williams, a senior philosophy and pre-law major from Levitow, Fenn,'and president of Ksppa Alpha Psi, the black fraternity. Persons who wonder why Blacks ignore the Bicenten nial should ask themselves if Blacks have been ignored during the 200 years of the Bicentennial, Williams said. One black student said he is going to try to start an awareness campaign to protest the Bicentennial celebration. The Bicentennial is celebrating the past, said Clyde A AH Stearns, a sophomore special education major from umana.- However, Stearns sail, Blacks can't celebrate their people's progress until all Blacks have it as good as white people. Teople will say the Bicentennial is for the black people because they have progressed a lot," he said. But these people forget their heritage. Ashamed of heritage Stearns, who said he grew up in the Omaha ghetto, said that after Blacks have succeeded outside their community, they should return to help it. But some Blacks are ashamed 6f their heritage, he said, because they wact ac ceptance by white society. "Try to act White, and you're considered a hell of a guy," Steams said. "For the first 100 years of the 200 years that we're supposed to be celebrating, the black man was still in slavery," he said. Steams is vice-chancellor of the Elites, a NU social organization, which he said is designed to join community and campus environments. "SOfsfctfcs" While America is celebrating 200 years of freedom, -Blacks are "still fighting for freedom and constitutional rights," siad. UNL Minority Affairs Director Jimmie Smith. Instead of ignoring the celebration, Blacks should be "bringing up examples of what needs to be done," Smith said. Smith said Blacks could participate by honoring Blacks who have "overcome the plights" in America. Continued from p. 1 Dennis Snyder, a senior English major from Lincoln and SAP candidate in the Arts and Sciences College, said his party also demands that the parking lots north of the Union be taken out and replaced with a "people's park" with grass and trees. As for the issue of alcohol and visitation in residence halls, Snyder said "You're stupid if you think you don't already have them. You have to question the validity of a law not obeyed by 99 per cent of the people including people in the (Memorial Stadium) press box and the state's own governor." "You're stupid if you think you can get it by playing Mr. Nice Guy," Young added. "We want to see students wake up and see that the government they have now is a Stearns said he could not start a movement protesting the Bicentennial out of the UNL Minority Affairs Office because it's "White-oriented." Funds to that office prob ably would be discontinued if such a pretest originated there, he said. The Elites abo wl not initiate a protest for the same financial reasons, Stearns said. It's hard to unite Lincoln's Blacks, Stearns said, "because they're all in their own cliques." Hcever, he said, major issues like last fall's Sierdell Lewis shooting by a Lancaster county sheriff united them. "VYe don't have time to pull apart " he added. farce. The best ASUN can do now is be better administra tors; all they do now is push papers" Even so, Snyder promised that if SAP is elected, it wl "make the campus as interesting for the administration and regents as they've made it for us." SAP Senate candidates are: . College of Agriculture-Dave Deqpnont of BurweH. College of Arts and Sciences-On Bal'ot (who is Dave Hardy of Lincoln), Mike CJgoIman of Omaha, Raoul Duke (who officially is Kent Wolgamott of Curtis), Gregory L. Heineman of Omaha, Carl LaFong (who is Dave Uhl of Omaha), The Moldy Moldy Man (who is Rich Nelson of Lincoln) and Norman Mushari (who is Dennis Snyder of Lincoln). . , College of Engineering and Technology-Steve K reuse of Millard. Teachers College Lawrence Scharmann of Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. THE Once again the Daily Nebraskan is running a ride match-up. for your convenience in arranging transportation for Spring Break. If you need a ride or passengers, let people know about it by placing your ad in the Match-Up feature in the Daily Nebraskan Classified ?ni::3 rsde ltatcii-u? Clip out and bring or mall to the Daily Nebraskan Office, Room 34, Nebraska Union. y u i-j . V nt j n t- n.lll- Ci:2 y::r Zlz:i uith rs Wo'ro hero if you nocd us. Rm. 223 Health Center (O 472-220a or 3 8 cents a word-no minhnum. Q'ilsx ssod til TO jJVJ Fir.0 ltc"an Fcc'J LlVJ coaciar:o. rn jj L-3 rnust recsl ty 13 psn. tha day prior ta p:cst!cn dit3. cnpsnisd by csh. chsck. cr ;v. .1:3110 ... . : ..; Jy "v J il 0 . 'Frl":j 4 p.c 12:13 in. C:trr;:i 2.0. p. 1 'sa &ikl i