M JNJ ID canC By Dick fiersol Thf Nebraska Legislature'! Appropriation! Committee Monday rescinded a decision made last week to raise the university! cash fund ceiling enough to accommodate an additional tuition increase of $2 per credit hour, . The higher education appropriations bill, LB590, already contains provision for a $2 a credit hour resident tuition increase and S5.75 a credit hour increase for non residents. Had the decision not been rescinded, resident tuition could have increased to $4 a credit hour. Utica Sen. Douglas Bereuter, who introduced the amendment allowing the additional $2 tuition increase at the NU Board of Regents discretion, withdrew his sup port for that amendment Monday and it was removed. DvGXjGouDoourjc o o O u D o n i ...it V n UU-r P .dally - n wedncafay, march 10, 1976 vol.' 93 no. 94 SAP zaps UWL; promises lundcy:-- Editor's note: This is the third article in a series on the 1976 ASUN election. Before the March 17 balloting, all Parties and executive candidates will be interviewed, y George Miller - ' "There is more to be said for stupidity than people imagine." - With this quotation by Oscar Wilde as their motto, the Stupid Americans Party (SAP) promises to represent "the stupid people" on the UNL campus. - , According to Dave Waskowiak, SAP's first -vice-presidential candidate; the central theme of SAP's cam paign is that "most people associated with UNL are stupid 'to be here." JHe said that since SAP candidates are "the most stupid people on campus" they can best represent the average UNL student. Waskowiak, a junior history major from Millard dis cussed his party with' his running mates in a midnight interview in the front lobby xjf. Pound HaH.., y Running with Waskowiak is presidential '"candidate Mark Young, a senior history major from Hat City, Iowa and second vice-presidential candidate Jeff Taebel, a sophomore botany-major from Atlanta, Ga. - Waskowiak said the NU Board of Regents gave proof that students are stupid at the last regents' meeting when they taore or less said students were stupid in trying to get alcohol on campus." He laid the university administration, at whose request the amendment was introduced, had backed away from its initial fupport. He also cited both parent and student" opposition and Gov. J. James Excn's failure to support a tuition increase as reasons for withdrawing the amend- ment. Bereuter sajd at the time he introduced the amend ment that he would ask the regents not to increase tuition beyond the original $2 provision. Bereuter said he had received no indications from the board that it would use the flexibility for a further tuition increase granted by the amendment for the coming fiscal year. , - 'There is no reason for the majority of the Appropria- inside Cole comments: The man who studied the possibility of a regional veterinary school talks to state and university officials about his plan p.l 1 Putting Lincoln on the map: This . week's Third Dimension ............. p.7 Ups snd Downs: The future pilot of one of the first space shuttles . explains how they will work p.2 tions Committee to be out on a limb," he id, when there is no support for it." NU President D.B. Vamer said the amendment! intro duction resulted from what he called a misunderstanding among himself, Bereuter and NU Corporation Secretary and legislative lobbyist William Swanson. Varner said the three had discussed the possibility of using a $2 a credit hour tuition increase for faculty members' salary increases. Both Swaron and Bereuter interpreted that to mean a tuition h&e in addition to that already included in the university's appropriation, he said Gut cf town Varner said he was out of town early last week, and when he returned, the discussions had evolved into an amendment intended to give the regents flexibility to raise tuition even higher if state tax fund additions to the uni versity budget are rejected by the Legislature or success fully vetoed by Exon. That was not what I had in mind " Varner said, "but I voiced no objections to giving the regents that flexi bility." Neither he nor the regents would want the $4 a credit hour tuition increase, Vamer said. Some students visited him, expressing concern that tuition increase and possible appropriations vetoes would leave students holding the bag," Varner said. He said he neither supported nor objected to removing the amendment, fr.Tr Crisiien by the cerates. 1 . '. i V ,;f.r : - , JS - - V'- 1 1 i - y i - i - ftapte fcy Caw Csnr Looking up from an imssmed pit somewhere on the UNL campus are, frcm L'tt to rgit, Ilave Wasowi, Fvizrx Youf. snd Jeff TzsbeL the Stupid Amerkzn Partv (SAP) executive candsistes in the cscocsmz ASUN efectesss. A'Ttar.' SAP's C2msai'ra cromisss is the installation of osv toilets a every Greek House and resilence ka!l cn f ' I f '"Tryr- 7-"""",rw"' "7 T "Every year we have ASUN elections and every year the same people get elected who are only looking, for a recommendation for law school," Young said. "We thiak it's pretty stupid 'to elect people who are mainly con cerned with not rocking the boat. "The fact that all these people take these thingsjelec tions) so seriously tends to make the whole thing a parody in itself," he said. 1 A new, different approach , - f - - Young said SAP offers the student "a new and differ ent approach to government dealing with the administra tion on their own level stupidity." He said with SAP in ASUN Senate, they can "intfcni date the regents because we have nothing to lose. We're not particularly interested in the prestige involved (with Among -; campus. . -. . f . '.. ' ASUN Senate) which is minimal at best." Young said there is a total lack of any coherent pro gram by anyone about anything" at UNL while Taebel compared the situation at UNL to "a man with a kite in one hand and a balloon in the other.' . . Young said the main problem on campus now is that students have allowed themselves "to be pimped around by the administration and their running-dog lackeys." If elected, the SAP executive candidates all said the first thing they would do is demand a recount. After that, Young said, they would apply for Law College. Young," who represented Mongolia in this year's Model United Nations, also pledged to establish diplomatic rela tions with that country to import some culture to UNL. Taking office as a student regent, Young said he may attempt to "punch out" the regents at the first meeting he attends. However this would depend on whether the regents are nice to him and whether he has a hangover when be comes to the meeting, he said. - Young said SAP would restructure ASUN Senate by holding its meetings on a round table instead of a square one. He stressed, however, that SAP would not take office if elected but would leave the office where it is. The candidates also pledged to abolish student fees and replace its financing power by increasing fines for parking violations and by installing pay toilets in every Greek house, residence hall and classroom building on campus. lUuBg auvucaicu auuiisiuug ituicui uiuvci&ujr icuuic policies. "We think professors should get wages and rights com parable to those given migrant farm workers in California in 1931 "he said. SAP also wul demand full financial disclosures from all NU administrators above the rank of dean, including Ath- leuc uirector coo uevaney, ana irom uie university ot Nebraska Foundation. They also demanded a study to see if university contracts are going to banks of construction companies to see if any companies getting university busi ness are owned by or employ regents. Young said SAP also favors renovating the Nebraska Union to include "a shopping mall, a Sambo's Restaurant and a day care center for (Union Director) A! Bennett." Continued cap.lO. Nine 'ASUN senatorial candidates ruled ineligible Nine candidates for the ASUN Senate have been ruled ineligible for the March 17 election, according to ASUN Electoral Commissioner Ray Walden. Walden said the ASUN Electoral Commission officially ruled the nine ineligible at a Sunday meeting. - Seven of the candidates were ineligible because the commission claims they are not full-time students, and two were disqualified because they wtre registered in one college while running for a Senate seat in another college. Three- of the candidates have filed a petition with the ASUN Student Court asking it to overturn the Efectorial Commission's and the court has scheduled a hear ing at 9 pan. Wednesday in the Nebraska Union. Chief Justice Doug VocIer, a senior Law College student from Schuyler, said the court wl try to reach a decision Wed- -nesday nfit. . The seven candidates ineligible because of enrolinest in an mrdOeisst number cf hours are: John Fleck, Ztv jii - Americans Faty (SAP) candidate for the College of Agri culture, who is tlibg 10 hours; Kevin Hyde, SAI candK. date for a Collie of Engineering seat, ttikg niss hours; ... Pad Efjot, SAP candidate for Arts and Sciences CcIIr-s senator, taking 10 hours; Cris Cansichad, New Student Coalition (NSC) candidate for Arts and Sciene-s CcH senator taking 11 hours; Kirk I!:-H3, NSC candidate. for Arts and Sciences College senator, taking eight hours; Ed Silver, SAP candidate for Arts and Sciences College senator, taking nine hours; Claudia Turner, NSC candi date for Arts and Sciences College senator, taking 10 hours. Wrong college scat - Disqualified for running for the wrong.co&ege seat are Richard TiBson, SAP candidate for Graduate College senator and currently registered in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Larry Austin, an independent candidate for Business College senator who is enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences. NSC candidates Carmichael, Turner and Hemphill filed the 21-ccunt petition with the Student Court, saying that all three have enrolled for at least 12 credit hours every samcater they have been at UNL and that all registered for more than 12 hours this semester. They contend they have paid for at least 12 credit hears this semester and have paid the $61.50 in student fees paid by fisH-tims students. ; v -' . - . The three al say that because they ha dropped a coma cr courses this semester the y bzhf tfca 12 hour uziu ilaT.-aTer, hours needed to c:,:'Sy far.fulti status Cars from one area cf tha uni rty to another, they said, and the university tu aatu?J dsEsiUsnof a fulRime student. " . . -Pay $6150 in fees The three also contend that since all the disqualified candidates are taking more than seven hours, and since the university requires all students taking seven hours or more to pay the full $6150 in student fees, they are full-time students. : . Since the ASUN Constitution does not clearly define what a full-time student is, the Electoral Commission has arbitrarily determmed that a student running for the ASUN Senate must take at least 12 hours they s&y, charg ing that the disqualification is a denial of the plantiffs' right of representation. Rich Moderow, a junior business adminiatratiori major from Oakland and a member of Student Court, said if the three win their case, the other four candidates diaqaliibd for taking insufficient hours alao wi3 be placed on the" ballot aain." Ybeglar said the two disqualified for running for the wrong college must fUe a separate petition wlh the Stu- dent Court to return to the ballot. No such petition has yet been fled. Ron Slnddar, NX presidential candidate, said the ' court petition was not a ptrty action but a prints ona by . the three persons xarolsej.- ' '