monday, march 8, 1976 daily nebraskan page 7 pit By Jim Williams It is Energy Rallye time again, tra-la, tra-la. That charming Engineering-Week event that got me and many others started is rallying in scheduled for April 2, with a mandatory "rally school" March 11 at 7:30 pjn. in the Engineering Center, v Here, prepared without the assistance, consent, or even knowledge of the organizers, is a brief guide to rallies in . general and the Energy Rallye in particular. A rally, simply, is a test of your ability to follow a set of complicated speed and route directions in driving a car. Two can play, the driver and the navigator. Rallying probably is lots of fun-for the driver. He' swings along picturesque back roads, enjoying the scenery, watch 5ng for landmarks and occasionally adjusting his speed. Great hobby I can't say for sure, because IVe never driven in a rally. IVe just navigated. And when the navigator can briefly emerge from his welter of route instructions, time tables, pencils, calculators, carsickness and double vision to sit back, take a deep breath and gaze at the surrounding countryside-it's probably because he's just gotten the team lost. It's a great hobby for people who like to work crossword puzzles in ink and feel sorry for themselves. In an ordinary time-speed-distance rally, the navigator And then there's g bathroom problem Club picks officers Food, songs and costumes from around the worid entertained a crowd of about 400 persons Sunday night at the UNL International Club's annual banquet in the Nebraska Union. The banquet honored Rowena Boykin, retiring foreign student adviser. . New International Club officers, elected two weeks ago, are Barb Kim (Korea-United States), president; Mohammed Abdul (Nigeria), vice president; Glory Liem (Indonesia), secretary and Hassan Rafi (Iran), treasurer. is given a list of directions just before the start. They specify, in language open to a multitude of conflicting in terpretations, the route to take and how fast to go. It works like this: the navigator has just finished In- struction 27, "Turn right at white barn, change average speed to 25.43 mph." He consults a huge chart and finds this is one mile in 2.359 minutes, so he resets his stop watch to time it. If the odometer shows one mile in 2 359 minutes, he will be 6n time and his life joyous. Meanwhile he is looking for Instruction 28, "Acute left after sign reading "REPENT FOR DOOM IS NEAR." Hours pass. Then the navigator realizes that what he thought was a white barn was really a beige chicken coop and he's hopelessly lost. Rallies are scored by how close the team comes to the correct elapsed time for the route, but the E-Week Energy Rallye adds a conscience-soothing fillip-additional points according to fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Since nothing exceptional is demanded of car or driver, . leave the Maserati at home and drive your Civic. Dirty pool Or you can cheat. Adding gas from a hidden can to "re duce" fuel consumption is obvious and gauche. Adding alcohol bought at bars along the way is classy. So is putting a Morris Minor engine in your T-bird. So is concealing one of your dual exhaust pipes, to "cut emis- Prof ballots available Kevin Cunningham, chairman of Builders' Student Faculty Relations Committee, which is responsible for the outstanding teacher elections, said nomination blanks for outstanding teacher have been posted around campus. Students wishing to nominate a teacher in their college must write the professor's name and college on the ballot. Cunningham, a sophomore pre-veterinary major from Laurel, said that the ballots will be picked up Wednesday ' and tabulated. The three professors in each college with their name appearing most frequently will be placed on the final ballot. Students will vote during the March 17 ASUN elections for the professor in their respective colleges. n nrxf? rvtiOrt m n Froo with a fill or sorvico min. $5. at Compos -Standard 474-9512 S S 17th & O JlftJt8 8 .3 fl imttnuimmmnimintt.. Q Winterise your car now! Front end alignment Suspension work Tune-up Brake work Lincoln Safety Service 2010 0 St. 432-4565 (Mime up W with BEAR Import Automotive It's a small shop, but, big on customer satisfaction. We work on all import cars: Fiat, MG, Triumph, Volkswagon, and Datsun. For appointmcn t call 475-2084 Located in the ally at 2227 Q St I ill mil flfmmji t g ravra mmf 8 u a a a a a b g g a b o btto "PERFORMANCE AUTO PARTS" WE HAVE THE NEW EXCITING and EASY to USE way to make your tMH On IIVC LltVC UL.MOOI THE TREATMENT' A $5.00 Value, but if you say you saw this ad., you'll buy it for only $4.00 r IvrAU'ofyoui OtifQltlOwO.GSOQS sions in half." So is welding the exhaust valves closed. So is filling your gas tank with Puffed Rice before the fuel check. But none of this is really worthwhile. There are two changes I'd like to see made, and I address them to thr organizers because someday somebody's going to put a Halda Speedpilot rally computer in his CVCC Civic and walk away with their rallye. First, the emissionsmileage phase should be separate from the rally phase, with separate awards; Second.the rallye should be run S.OP. (Standard Oper ating Procedure or Seat of Pants.) In this type of rally, the guy with four Heuer stopwatches has no advantage be cause only one timepiece is allowed; the team with the electric odometers has no advantage because the odometer is taped over; the people with the SR-50's have no advan tage because the only permissible calculating device is pencil and paper. I'd like to see these changes-but 111 probably run even if they aren't made, barring something like an attack of good sense. - tennifnl Automat lira! V m m w m w m mm m m m w m m w , says get fined! with, us tuno ops Exhaust sorvico Drako sorvico auto-oloctrk Air Cond. sorvico sorvico Wo havo sorvico. at tho best POICE L 212 So. 19th " tbbf- - &w . 1 & in- jar V ..v 4 I- t I 'THE TREATMENT" 1 1 A $5.00 Valus, but if you say you saw I r I this cd., you'il buy it for only $4.00 I !r ! mmBWrn-.: ..II tm) Wk. WWi B mfmv wmi9 w m a jaaagfaj jam x& - . H m - t 1 1 n mi irm ? 1 i Srt' nr. n h 1 in viii nun r 1 n x. v 1 475-4261 J I II OOOOOB00000008COOOOQ68OC0800OOOOOOOOOC WELDING PIPE BENDING - FLAME CUTS -RACE CAR - GARAGE FAMILY CAR .p 1 E uuu vU U.v5?vi 1 1 Vpn WW. V 'I! ft1 I U W 7:33 5:30 Wtekdys 7:30-5:00 Saturday 1621 M Street 13 1 Mo 0 LL&im