monday , march 8, i 976 daily nebraskan page 3 Committee seeks education opinions The Nebraska Legislature's Study Committee for Post Secondary Education wants to hear from students, faculty members and taxpayers Tuesday at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union's small auditorium. Waverly Sen. Jerome Warner, committee chairman, said the committee is seeking input on how the existing system is Viewed and how it could be developed to meet future educational needs. xHe said the hearing, which originally was scheduled for Feb. 21, but canceled because of snow, is part of a plan to develop a coordinated outline for higher education to be presented both to the public its 1977 session. The School of Life Sciences is sponsoring a lecture by Steven D. Schwartzback from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn. at a special seminar today at 3:30 p.m. in the Bessey Hall Auditorium. There will be an informal coffee hour beginning at 3 pjn. in the auditorium. ' . . Irving Younger, a law professor at Cornell Univer sity, will speak in the Law College Bldg. Auditorium today at 10 ajn. Younger's topic will be "The Art of Cross-Examination. Refund checks for students whose tuition statements showed a credit balance are ready at the cashier's window in the Administration Bldg. Checks may, be obtained from 8:30 ajn, to Noon and from 1 to 4 pjn. The ASUN Government Liaison Committee will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The Human Develop ment Club will be meeting Tuesday at 7 pjn. in Home Economics Bldg. 104. The program : will be about adoption and foster homes in Nebraska and some of the. requirements, regulations and general information in this area. There will be an All University Fund meeting Tuesday at 4 p. in. in the Union. Room number will be posted. -4" ill i Editor-in-chief: Vine Boucher. News Editor: Lorl Demo, Managing Editor: Randy Gordon. Associate Newt Editori: Qina Hills and Rax Saline, Layout Editor: Michel Schmal, Night News Editor! Randy Bleuvelt, Art and Entertainmant Editori Diana Wanek, Sports Editors: Dannii Onncn and Ptta Wegman, Third Dimension Editor: Tharesa Foriman, Photo Chief J Ted Kirk. Copy Editors: Pete Mason, Stephanie Noonan, Mary Kay ftoth, Nancy Stohs and Matt Truell. News Assistant: Jim Kay. Editorial Assistant: Sua Kallna. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Pollcky. Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68583. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Streets, Lincoln, Nob., 68583. Phone: (402) 472-2588. Copyright 1970, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be re printed without permission if attributed to tha Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by.a,npthej copyright. Gain valuable txperlenct in a developing country 'evamai ti an axtensbn workar In the Pssca Corps. You will ba helping eommunhias lmp.&yt their living conditions In tha areas of nutrition ti Safeties and hygtona. Sign up now for Intarvlewi with a tPaaea Corps racruitar In tha Placement Off ica, Nebraska Union. .-. .."'' . and to the Legislature during . Early registration for the Fall 1976-77 semester begins March.lS. Packets of early registration material will be available beginning March 10 in the Administra tion Bldg. main level, window 5. - - The College of Business Administration (CBA) fcthmc Minority Committee will be meeting Tuesday at 3:30 pjn. in the CBA Bldg. 238. .-. Students wishing or re quiring youth hostel cards, international student ID's, ideas, discounts or informa tion on all parts of travel, work and study experiences abroad, should contact the ' Overseas Opportunities Center, Union 205. The JoyceJohnson Angel Flight, an organiza tion concerned , with helping people, is seeking new members. The organization is an auxiliary cf the Arnold .Air Society. Interested students should call 472 8608 for more information. ' Applications for Innocents Society, senior honorary, are available in Union 200 and 332 and the East Campus Activities Bldg. main office. Any junior may apply. Deadline is March 16. . The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program will be available to help students fill out their income tax forms every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening from 6 to 10 p.m. from now until April 15 in Union 225G. 40 Hl i I 'tTtnvt i i iiiiTrnrri READ THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS uuumuuuuuuLi m SPRING RIDE MATCH UP GOING SOMEWHERE FOR SPRING BREAK? Look for the Spring Ride Match-Up feature in Classified starting March 15 Just fill out tha coupon, in tha March 10th, 11th, & 12th issues of the RAG. Only 8 cents per word, No Minimum, for this special Spring Break service of tha Uaiiy Nebraskan. r- - w v ........... , . ( ' . ' , i i Psbsta Sinc '1844a.' . '.:',.TIie qyaiity has always .' " ' ' 'Gome throuGh mam & . bill dr Wl 1 I -i. ' ' PABST BREWING COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis., ' Peoria Heights, III., Newark, N.J., Los Angeles, Calif., Pabst, Georgia. ' : v : ' . v ft JS Put yourself j Seniors- tha photographer for yearbook pictures will be here again March 1st to the 12th. Sign up for your appointment this week by calling 472-3913 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in his place No sitting fee and no obligation. V