The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1976, Page page 16, Image 16

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    monday, march 8, 1976
page 16
daily nebraskan
will not be in Lincoln, Nebraska, dur
ing the time the polls are open because
they are on an officially recognized
University trip may by stating the
official function on a form supplied by
the ASUN secretary and having their
signature notarized by 4:00 p.m. on
the Friday before the election will be
permitted to vote by absentee ballot.
Each student mutt present his own
I.D. card when he votes. The act of
giving the I.D. to the pool worker is
the attempt to vote.
No student shall vote or attempt to
vote more than once in any election,
nor shall any student aid such and
Upon conviction in the ASUN Student
Court, the penalty for the infraction
of any voting regulations will be:
a. The offenders will not be allow
ed to hold any position or elect
office of ASUN
b. A fine not to exceed $100.00 in
value may be imposed.
H ARCH 17i 1fl7
Candidates for: A.S.U.N. Executives,
A.S.U.N. Senate, Advisory boards, (All
Candidates: please refer any correct
ions to the Electorial Commission
immediately. List of candidates is
tentative. Some names , may be re
moved because of inelgibility.)
H -
Vote for only one (1) in each group.
Mark Blongewicz
Scott Cook (USA)
Paul Morrison (ACS)
Bill Mueller
Judith-Anne Sadler
Ron Sindelar (NSC)
Mark Young (SAP)
- Paula Haeder
- Britt C. Miller (NSC)
- Susie Reitz (USA)
- Polish Waskowiak (SAP)
- Rachel Young (ACS)
Scott Eugene Buckley (ACS)
Dennis Martin (NSC)
Jeff Taebel (SAP)
John Welch (USA)
Agriculture College Advisory Board
Vote for only one (1) in the division
of your major
1. Agricultural Economics
Larry Biermann
Mick Sibbel
2. Ag Education, Mech Ag.
Ag Journalism
ii..i... r aj--.
Mark Kubik
Al Unger
Kevin Wetovlck
3. Ag Honors, General Ag. Unde
clared Bryan (Butch) Ernest
Ron Heerten
Brian Schellpeper
4. Animal Science
Chuck Clanton
Steven Garey (WestskJe)
Eric Peterson
5. Pre-Veterinery Science
6. General Agronomy, Soil Sci
ence, Plant Pathology '
John Lamb
7. Food Sci, Ho.ticulture, Entom
ology, Poultry Sci.
Dorothy Garrett
8. Natural Resources
Students may vote at any of the
Andrews 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Nebraska Hall 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Hamilton Hall 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
East Union 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
City Union 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Westbrook 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Agriculture Senators
Vote for only three (3)
- Dennis Burson (NSC)
- Roger Davis (USA)
- Dave Dearmont (SAP)
- Nathan (Nate) Eckloff (USA)
- Jerry 0. Peterson (NSC)
- Steve Upton (USA)
- Doug Walker (ACS)
- Douglas Winz (NSC)
Arts and Sciences Advisory Board
Vote for only one (1) in each area
1. Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Ann Slothan
2. Languages: Classical & Modern
3. English
4. Fine Arts
5. Journalism
Sue Ihne
Guylyn Remmenga
6. Social "Sciences and Philosophy
Scott Ballentine
- Gary L. Hoffman
Robin Buchman
Arts and Sciences Senators
Vote for only nine (9)
- Mark Allen (USA)
- On Ballot (SAP)
' -I 1 a .
- miuiaci A. ueiu '
- Mary Jane Bruce (USA)
Ken Christoffersen (USA)
Mike Cigelman (SAP)
- Raoul Duke(SAP)
Joe Eisenberg (ACS)
Debra Emery (ACS)
Charles Fellingham (ACS)
Jeff Gottula (ACS)
Joe Grant (ACS)
. Kim Hachiya (USA)
Jim Harris (NSC)
Gregory L. Heineman (SAP)
Jolene Hoge (USA)
Lorraine Hughes (ACS)
Greg Johnson (USA)
Phil Johnson t
Carl Lafong (SAP) .'
, Marian Lucas (NSC)
The Moldy Moldy Man (SAP)
Ndrman Mushari (SAP)
Jeff Searcy (USA)
Trudy Skiles
- Libby Swanson (ACS)
- Mark Thurber (USA) "
- Larry Virn (ACS)
- Don Wesely (NSC)
- Jim Winkler (USA)
- Lori Wolpa (ACS)
Architecture Senators
Vote for only one (1)
- Larry Kritenbrink (USA)
- Rodrigo Lopez
- Matthew Metcalf
- Thomas M. Miller
Business College Senators
Vote for onoy four (4) .
- Larry L. Austin
-4 Curt Banister
- Barb Berry (USA)
- Jack Buller (NSC)
- Steve Coleman (ACS)
- Nancy Fahlberg (USA)
- Bill Jackson (NSC)
- Gina Lauber (ACS)
- Kenneth H. Marienau (NSC)
- Ted McConnell (ACS)
- Rick Owen (NSC)
- Dave Pillard (USA)
- Kent Thompson (USA)
- Laurel Wright (ACS)
Engineering College Senators
Vote for only three (3)
- Phil Bohrer (NSC)
- Don Duhrkopf
- Jay D. Hodges (NSC)
- Kevin Hunsicker (NSC) ;
- Steve Krause (SAP)
- ' David Pape
- Joe Stavas (USA)
- Clifford Sterner
- Steven Wiley (ACS)
- Bob Wilson
Graduate College Senators
Vote for only six (6)
- Marie T. Engelke (USA)
- Robert Simonson (NSC)
- Roberto Sosa
- Ron Stephens
- Richard Tlllson (SAP)
Home Economics College Senators
Vote for only two (2)
- Julie Brodbeck (USA)
Andy Cox (USA)
Kathy Holloran
- Jane McGee
- Cyndee Swanson (ACS) ,
- I -
DISABLED BA L LOTS Disabled shall
mean unable to attend class due to
confinement to Student Health or a
hospital. Students so disabled shall call
the ASUN secretary before noon of
election day. A ballot will be brought
to the student for vojting before 9:00
p.m. on election day.
Home Economics College Ad. Board
Vote for only two (2) in areas of your
Human Development and
Kim Chace
Rose Hruska
Mary Ann O'Leary
Textiles, Clothing
Karen R. Grams
Linda R. Olson
Kathy Schark
Diana Wyatt '
and Design
Vote for only one (1) in area of your
3. Education and Family Resources
Sheri Blanc
Barbara Crisweil
Sherry Finch '
Gina Garrison
Sandra Grauerholz
Deb Lee
4. Food and Nutrition
Mary Lou Anderson
Lana Marolf
Teachers College Senators
Vote for only five (5)
- Eric Carstenson (NSC)
- Lisa Danberg (ACS)
- Brent Dickie (NSC)
- Karen Dress (USA)
' - Rusty Edwards (USA)
- Ann Elwell (USA)
- Arnold Grinvalds
- Mary Johnson (ACS)
- Joel Lebsack (ACS)
- Julie Metzger (ACS)
- J. Sue Robertson (NSC) '
- Lawrence Scharmann (SAP)
- Laura Schory (USA)
- Tony Williams (NSC)
Teachers College Advisory Board
Vote for only two (2) in each area
1. Elementary Education
- Mary Lee Glen
- Lisa Korshoj
2. Secondary Special Ed.
- Mary Jeanne Williams
Secondary: Bus. Ed.
Distributive Ed etc.
Sandra Irwin
Mark Bowen
Phys. Ed.,
Professional Colleges Senators
Vdte for only two (2)
Clarke J. Stevens (ACS)