The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1976, Image 1

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    inside imm$ :
Capital Construction: NU President
D.B. Varner gives the Nebraska
Legislature's Appropriations
Committee his list of priorities . . .
Parking: Some people are trying ,
to increase the number of
empty spaces. In Third Dimension
Wednesday, february 18, 1976 vol. 99 no. 82 lincoln,-nebraska
. . p.5
Collective bargaining was defeated by a narrow margin
Monday by UNL and Dental College faculty members, but
was accepted by the Law College, according to the State
Court of Industrial Relations.
But the possibility of an appeal by either the NU Board
of Regents or the American Association of University Pro
fessors (AAUP) still clouds the outcome.
The regents may appeal the election because some 70
out-,state ballots from extension and research divisions were
thrown out or voided by the court because of improper
ballot markings, according to William Swan son, NU vice
president for governmental relations.
Collective bargaining results
UNL faculty
UNL Law College
UNL Dental College
Includes out-state research and extension divisions.
Varner: Vote is wise decision
See related story
on p. 2
"They don't believe they were handled in the way they
should have been," Swanson said.
The AAUP may file a complaint to the court disputing
i letter sent by NU President D. B. Varner last week, list
ing what he called severaj disadvantages of collective bar
gaining, according to an AAUP official.
The Colleges of Dentistry and Law asked the Court of
Industrial Relation in November for other bargaining
units than the AAUP. Being professional colleges, they
said they should be able to bargain separately from the
UNL faculty.
By Ron Ruggless
NU administration and, groups opposed to collective
- bargaining said they are pleased with the faculty members'
vote defeat Monday.
"I believe it is a wise decision, NU President D.B.
Varner said. "I believe it would have been a mistake to
have a separate unit at UNL,"
He said he still supports the NU Board of Regents' wish
for a single bargaining unit for the NU system.
"It is extremely hard for the regents to deal with
several bargaining units," Varner said.
Varner said he has a high regard for the people sup
porting collective bargaining, both as professors and as
"This procedure was a very good procedure, and it's a
good demonstration of faculty decision making," he said,
adding that the issues were spelled out clearly and faculty
members voted in large numbers. Varner said he is pleased
with both points.
"We hope to join with our colleagues, students and trie
regents to bring the university to a better level of perfor
mance," Varner added.
Everett Peterson, chairman of the Concerned Faculty
Committee which distributed a list of so-called negative
collective bargaining points to UNL faculty members, said
the Faculty Senate did not have a chance to show what it .
could do before UNL moved to consider, collective
"We tried to get the points across that the Faculty
Senate had the potential of being stronger," Peterson
Concerned Faculty had some influence in faculty
member's defeat of collective bargaining, he said, because
as it "brought out another side of the issue and provided
incentive for more people to turn out and vote." '
Franklin Eldridge, Faculty Senate president, said "It
appears a majority of the faculty not a very large
majoritywould rather continue with the consensus type
relationship with the Board of Regents."
That many faculty members voted in favor of collec
tive bargaining indicates a level of concern about the ef
fectiveness of the Faculty Senate, he added.
"The Faculty- Senate is going io have to work very
hard. . .to fulfill its responsibilities," Eldridge said.
Peterson said the collective bargaining issue can be
brought up again and that the new Faculty Senate and
newly appointed Chancellor Roy Young should be given
a chance to work out problems at the university.
"I think aH input-administrators, the Faculty Senate
and the students can make the university what we would
like to see it in terms of service," he said. ......
Parties form for ASUN elections; await filing dates
By George Miller
With filing deadline still at least two weeks away, four
candidates have announced definite intentions of running
for ASUN president.
Three of the candidates are running as party heads
while a fourth is running as an independent.
Candidates so far are Scott Cook, currently an ASUN
senator representing the College of Arts and Sciences.
Cook, a junior political science major from Sidney, is
running as head of the University Student Awareness
party (USA).
Paul Morrison, now ASUN second vice-president, is
running at the head of the Alliance of Concerned Students
(ACS). Morrison is a political science graduate student
from St. Paul, Neb.
Ron Sindelar, a junior undeclared major from Norfolk,
is running at the head of the New Student' Coalition
Bill Mueller, the independent candidate, is a junior in
Teachers College from Ogalaila.
The first date for ASUN senator or executive candi
dates to file was to have been Feb. IS with the deadline
Feb. 27. The election was to be March 17 with new sena
tors and executives taking office April 5.
Hqwever, at the Feb. 11 ASUN Senate meeting, the
election guidelines proposed by ASUN's Electoral Com
mission were rejected because they recommended that
party affiliations not be placed next to the candidates
names on the ballot.
According to Senate procedures, ASUN could not
vie tonight
Larry Cox nabs a re
bound during UNL's
3-61 win over the Uni
versity of Colorado last
Saturday at the Cell-seem.
Tonight, the ilus
ksrs wEl battle Kansas
Slate University, with
whom they we tied for
second plice in the
E! 8 Coa&rence, at
7:3s. See related story,,
on p. 19.
Photo bf Yd Kit
change only that portion of the guidelines but had to
approve or reject the entire set of proposals.
Therefore, the Senate will have to approve a new set of
guidelines which allow party affiliation to be printed next
to the candidates names. New filing deadlines will be de
termined when the commission of fers new election guide
lines and when the Senate approves them. ASUN Presi
dent Jim Say said the commission has not formed new
guidelines yet.
Apparently, a fourth party originating out of Centen
nial College will not materialize.
According to persons in ASUN Senate, a transfer stu
dent from Yale University named Rusty Lefebvre was
planning to form a party. However, Sen. Frank Thomp
son, a senator representing graduate school, said Lefebvre
has beep hospitalized with pneumonia, ending those plans.
All of the candidates said they think' this year's elec
tion will be more interesting and be much closer than last
year's when one party, the United Student Effort (USE),
won all executive seats and all senate scats except one.
Cook said he was approached to run by other senators
ho got together and decided to have someone in the
executive seat that was familiar with state government,
the (UNL) administration and who had been on the
The first term senator formed his party in January and
aims for "an integration of old and new ideas," he said.
Morrison, who started his party last semester, said he
will stress continuity in ASUN Senate's executive branch
in the coming campaign.
"Just like any political office, it takes time to learn it,"
he said. "Execs sometimes take half their time learning
how to do their job. I would have a jump on any new ad
ministration." Sindelar is the only candidate already confirming can
didates to run with him for the two vice-presidential
I lis first vice-presidential candidate is Britt Miller,
a junior anthropology major from Grand island, he said,
and his second vice-presidential candidate is Dennis
Martin, a Law School junior from Elgin.
Mueller, who said he decided to run for president
last week, said ASUN Senate should draw on the expertise
of peopla it appoints to other student organizations and
should concentrate its efforts working with the NU Board
of Regents. ,
"The nice thing about running as an independent is
that ycu can support Senate candidates on other parties,"
Mueller said,