The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1976, Page page 9, Image 9
fridsy, februsry 13, 1976 daily nebraskan V Girls like it. FIB . .ft 0SJ ? . ' v jS Send til . . r -v en M '7 0 1 V 4, eMX, w,0 a 111 ' " e ' ' Valentine Cards II Great Selection - Come See Them. j - , . - . ' t "rjs mn mm m m ea aa ks tsa m ran ""j J yr' Obu Jay Uay 113 !!. 14th I (tzizr r.:w tssipssA) Oat Aequaintbd 8 l Wh Off Evepytli Of 3 s id i WIMI .tmta w.rwu offer good thru Feb. 15 i ? i tin W 1 there a better reason to f send an r I u Loveounaie tf; and a red. red heart to your special Valentine todayJ Maybe because she'll like rf'VS J She'll get the message. Visit you better for it. So, don VJl 2 ;2ur shop and let US, ?W OU delay...send these 2?J' . 5$k ai! our beautiful Valentine beautiful blossoms with a kissing angel mi to A p J" Y HOUSE : . . Or flowers to send to all the women in your HfeJ LoveBundle usually available for less than Would she prefer the simplicity of delicate A Valentine flowers in a bud vase? Usually for less than 100 no 226 S. 11th East across from Brandeis Parking Let. mmn nrzs n rr k I - 11 Ml 1 f i I 1 Iff v- ' v? Agfr Q?? ' - 7-rr' rr!-Ni onn n ' 5. n " si ma n'vn i 0 I:!dpogi 17 7f5 re O'sfi 81 lail-Mil W9 r hay ., '4 p.o.: OdaH FrL'if 4 p.a 12:13 s.o, Sitsrdsy.4 p.a:' 1:C3 t.o. WILSS People keep coming Si Sot, -M7M2I3