The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1976, Page page 3, Image 3

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    -JJ 1S SATO
daily nebraskan
Teaching johsdown under' available
If you are looking for a place where "living condition
are cheaper and pay is higher and you are a senior in
Teachers Co2ege, Australia is the place for you, according
to Ron Joekel, associate dean of the college.
Not only that, but "it's a good experience," he said.
Interviews for Australian teaching positions are being
conducted today and tomorrow, according to Lee
DeJonge, director of teacher placement. The Victoria
Teacher Selection program of Hayward, Calif.,' will
conduct the interview f r elementary and secondary
positions, he said.
The school systems in Australia are very similiar to
those in the United States, De Jonge said, and "the adjust
ment to Australian life does not seem difficult for
The Lutheran Student
Center will sponsor a work
shop this weekend entitled
"The Kingdom of God is
Like a Woman'. The work
shop, which will be tonight
from 7 to 9 and Saturday
from 9 ajn. to 4 pjn will
feature women seminarians
Andrea DeGroot from
Grand Forks, ND. and
Linda Block from Dubuque,'
Iowa, as guest speakers.
Ken Knowlton, of the
Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM), will
speak on "Interactive Raster
Scan Color Graphics'
Monday at 2:30 pjnu in
Ferguson Hall 217.
The Gay Action Group
is sponsoring its weekly
dance Sunday from 9 pjm.
to midnight at UMHE
Commonplace 333 N. 14th
- '
There still are spaces
available on NU's spring
charter flight to London,
May 16 to June 4. There
also are 40 seats left on a
Kansas City to Paris to
Editor-in-chief r Vine Boucher.
dailu neb
Managing Editor; Randy Gordon, Associate Newt Editors:
Gina Hillt and Rex Seitne, Layout Editor: Michele Schmal,
Night News Editor: Randy Blauvelt, Ant and Entertainment
EdHor: Diane Wane, Sports Editor: Dennis Onnen and Pete
Wegman. Third Dimension Editor: Theresa Foreman, Photo
Chief : Td Kirk. "
Copy Editors: Pet Mason, Stephanie Noonan. Mary Kay
Roth, Nancy Stohs and Matt True!!. Newt Assistant: Jim Kay.
Editorial Assistant: Sua Katinc.
Business Manager: Jerri Hausslar, Advertising Manager:
Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager :.KItty Policky.
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Net). 685S3.
Address: The Daily Nebraskaa. Nebraska Union 34, 14th
and R Streets, Lincoln. Neb 6SSS3. Phone: (402) 472-2633.
Copyright 1976, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be re
printed without permission If attributed to the Dally
.Nebraskan, exctplmcterhs! covered by anothej copyright.
Deadline Is
Feb. 16
London flight June 16 to
August 4. For registration
or more information, tee
Flights and Study Tours,
Nebraska Union 204.
Applications for
Innocents Society, senior
honorary, are available in
Union 200 and 332 and the
main office of the East
Campus Activities BMg.
Any junior may apply.
Malone Community
Center, 2030 T St., in
celebrating Black History
Week, will present a Black
History Film Orgy tonight
at 7 at the center. Various
activities also are planned
for Sunday, including an art
exhibit and a soul food
. Today is the last day to
buy a singing valentine
from the Alpha Phi sorority.
Students can buy a singing
valentine at the Union north
lobby ticket booth for 50
cents. AH proceeds go to the
heart fund.
Irving S. Bengelsdorf,
News Editor: Lorl Demo.
Stedni noffilaatfcss
Awards 'are' now bdr talcca,
Teachers retdvfau this award
a medallion, U000,
tor excellence ln.,teachh& ,
All foil toe faculty members are
dlMt to receive -the award.
btudents.wisnL to
can send their nominations to t
why he should be considered'
"Eleven teachers actually went to Australia last year,
but usually there are double that many offers,' he said.
One-way air fare is paid for the teacher signing a one
year contract, he said, and air fare is paid for the teacher
and spouse and dependents upon the signature of a two
year contract. All fares are charter rates, he said.
. An orientation film which shows housing conditions,
students and educational conditions in Australia, must
be viewed before interviews.
Showing for the film is today from noon to 1 :30
pjn. and Saturday, 9 to 10:30
Those wishing to view the film or sign up for inter
views may do so by contacting the Teacher Placement
Office, Teacher's College. 106, De Jonge said.
director of science
communication at the
California Institute ' of
Technology, will complete
his two-part lecture on the
"Adventures' of Janus in
Mass-Media Land today at
3:30 pjn. in Hamilton Hall
The Outreach training
program, which involves
creative listening and
problem solving, is accept
ing applications to the pro
gram until, Feb. 20 in
University Health Center
Applications are available
for the Medical College
Admissions Test (MCAT),
4 J a f tt
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lor . . ..- .
and regn
nominate a
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proiessor vr- i '
- A X"-"1' 'V.
which will be given April
24 and Oct. 2 at any of the
following places: Hamilton
Hall 728A, P.A. Landolt,
Okifather Hall 440, G.D.
Tharp, Oldfather 442, J.L.
Tribble, Lyman Hall 303,
or the Office of the School
of Life Sciences, Oldfather
Community Involvement
Services is searching foe an
amateur magician who can
perform in a local retire
ment home and volunteers
to instruct bowling for the
physically handicapped at
the YMCA. Contact
Community Involvement
Services at Union 200 or
phone 472-2484.
est .Ni 5 . ' 1
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reasons r -
Friday: Clear and tunny
with unseasonably warm
temperatures. Highs in the low
Saturday and Sunday: Clear
to partly cloudy with varying
temparatures. Highs in the 30s
to lower 50. Lows from the
teens to low 20s.
Friday :
. 8 a.m.-Quality Concrete
Confrence Nebraska Center for
Continuing Education (NCCE),
33rd and Holdregt streets.
8 a.m. Nebraska League of
Savings and Loan Associations
8 a.m. Japanese Agricul
tural Training Program NCCE.
8:30 a.m.- LifeWork
Planning Workhop NCCE.
8:30 a-m.-Nebreska Model
United Nations Headquarters
Nebraska Union 216.
9:30 ajn.-University Health
Center Development Psychology
Seminar-Union 203.
-12 p.m.-Tescher Placement
Australia Orientation-Union
12:15 p.m.-Delta Sigma Pi
Alumni Luncheon Union
Pewter Room.
12:30 p.m.-Student Y-Mens
Awareness Union 337.
1 :30 p.m. American
Pharmaceutical Association
Union Auditorium.
7:30 pjn.-lnter Varsity
Christian Fellowship-Union
North Conference Room.
V 2eV -?W
(Southeast Corner main floor)
now featuring
Make your meat or merely accompany it with
superb hups we make, and lavish sahds
you make yourself!
Well worth a Wintry walk to the Union
it will warm your soulf
)iour old favorites, plus some brand new ones
But the same sit-down ciHitvl
All at prices"
Students can afford
Open 11:30 am 1:15 pm Mon.Frt
Free Valentine
Cookies mth
ybiir Lunch''
Ail This
8 a.m. Japanese Agricul
tural Training Program NCCE.
8 ajn.-Quslity Concrete
Conference NCCE.
8:30 a.m.-LifeWork Plan
ning Workshop-NCCE.
8:40 s.m.-Stage Band
Festival; High Schools
Kimball Recital Hail, 11th and
, R streets. '
7:315 p.m.-Basketball; UNL
vs. Colorado-Coliseum.
8 p.m. Stage Band Festival;
UNL-Kimball Recital Hall.
8 p.m. Chamber Music
Concert: Tel Aviv Quartet and
Clarinetist Yona Ettlinger
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery
Auditorium, 12th and R streets.
8 a.m. Japanese Agricul
tural Training Program NCCE.
12 p.m.-Nebraska Inter
national Women's Coalition
Conference NCCE.
2 p.m.-Audio-tours of
exhibits-Nebraska State
Museum. 14th and U streets.
2 p.m.-Paintings by Bradley
Walker Tomlin (through March
14). paintings by Reuben Tarn
(through Feb. -29) -Sheldon
12th and R streets.
2:30 p.m.-Sky Show;
"Martian Visjtor-Mueller
Planetarium, 14th and U streets.
4 pjn.-F-cuity Recital;
George Ritchie, organ
First Plymouth Congregational
Church. 20th and D streets.
8:30 p.m.-Corrosion Pre
vention by Cathodic Prevention
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